One of my reviews up at HT:

One of my reviews up at HT:

A Review of Journeys 2017: An Anthology of International Haibun

Journeys 2017: An Anthology of International Haibun, Dr. Angelee Deodhar (Editor), Paperback: 390 pages, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 1st edition (February 24, 2017), ISBN-10: 1541387031, ISBN-13: 978-1541387034.

Journeys 2017: An Anthology of International Haibun, compiled and edited by Dr. Angelee Deodhar, is the third volume in her earnest and energetic exploration of the beginnings and the continuing development in English of the haibun form. Haibun is a Japanese hybrid mode of expression introduced by its creator Basho in the late 1600’s. In simple terms, haibun (“haiku writings”) are prose narratives, usually short, that are punctuated by haiku. Deodhar’s far-reaching survey attempts, as has no other, to represent the genre by furnishing examples of its sources, its contemporary theories, its established patterns as practiced by important writers of haibun, its current boundaries, as well as the ambitions for the form among its devotees. Examples of both historic and contemporary haibun suggest the genre’s mainstream possibilities.

Series editor Dr. Angelee Deodhar, an eye surgeon from Chandigarh, India, is known internationally as a haiku poet, translator, and artist. Her other books include English-to-Hindi translations of If Someone Asks: Masaoka Shiki's Life and Haiku (2005), Haiku: A Master's Selection, edited by Miura Yuzuru (2006), Ogura Hyakunin Isshu: 100 Poems by 100 Poets (2007), Children’s Haiku from Around the World–A Haiku Primer (2007), Indian Haiku (2008), and The Distant Mountain: The Life and Haiku of Kobayashi Issa (2009).

Anthologies of haibun have appeared infrequently in the past (Journey to the Interior: American Versions of Haibun (1998) edited by Bruce Ross; Wedge of Light (1999/currently out of print) edited by Michael Dylan Welch, Cor van den Heuvel, and Tom Lynch; and The Red Moon Press series of annual collections American Haibun and Haiga 1 & 2 & 3 which later became Contemporary Haibun (1999-2008), edited by Jim Kacian, Ken Jones and Bruce Ross); but today a search of Amazon book titles will produce 17 pages of search results related to the keyword “Haibun.” In accord with her stated purpose for this series, “to attract more interest in the genre,” Deodhar’s Journeys series presents foundational critical principles explained clearly by recognized experts to guide the reading of the selections. Deodhar devotes more space and focus to these discussions that prepare the reader for the experience of haibun than do many editors of similar anthologies. This focus differentiates her anthologies from others and makes of the Journeys series a useful handbook of understanding for readers and writers of haibun.

Journeys 2017 will likely have most appeal to writers and...

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