One of the most over-looked and underutilized method for certain job seekers is the old fashion "POUND the PAVEMENT" technique.
Michael Coritsidis
Self-Improvement/ Career Coach/Motivational Speaker/former Non-Profit Professional
One of the most over-looked and underutilized method for certain job seekers is the old fashion "POUND the PAVEMENT" technique.
Pounding the pavement: Simply means to walk or hit the streets within a geographical area to search for work.
Pounding the pavement method is seeking: “help wanted signs” and physically entering local business and asking if they or someone they know are hiring.
Follow these simple but tested "POUND THE PAVEMENT" suggestions to have a successful job outcome:
? Wear comfortable but appropriate shoes
? Wear comfortable but appropriate attire
? Have resumes
? Ask for the hiring Manager
? Be prepared to fill out an application if needed
? Be prepared for an on-the-spot interview
? Be ready to get HIRED!
Long Island Michael Coritsidis, Self-Improvement/Career and Public Speaking Coach. Limited Private/Group 2023/2024 Bookings By Appointment Only @[email protected]