One Month Off
Klark Brown
Founder & CEO, RESTORATION ADVISERS | Decades of Proven systems and solutions to help growing Restoreneurs?? scale and obtain freedom.
Have you ever considered actually taking a long overdue break from work?
I don't mean 1 week. Or even 2. I think that is pretty simple, but doesn't allow you to really achieve the reset you might need.
Long (ish) read, so enjoy or scroll on.
Life can be heavy. hell, one might even agree it can be hard. This can be for many reasons. I tend to think we make tough situations worse by adding anxiety and stress to them. Things we can't always control. I am one of those guys.
The last few years have been a haul for me, my family and those in my company.
Raising teenage kids (to graduate)
Growing a business that is a passion
A pandemic
Family issues
Health issues
I am sure I could make a longer list but you get it. Stuff.
I am an intense and immersive person. Meaning when I am doing something, I often have the toxic habit of focusing on just that.
My careers and companies have too often been put in the forefront.
Blame this on a mindset of a mans job being the provider and the the security of the family.
Like many, I have developed a belief that what I do is who I am. Great for mission and goals, but not healthy in a bigger picture.
I had a career that for a long time had me away as much as I was present. One that kept my bags backed and leaving in the middle of the night or a family dinner to some distant place.
When that chapter was complete, I decided to get into consulting and then eventually into coaching and education. Which I love.
But both of those carry a heavy price as well.
So over the last say 15-18 months, burnout began to creep in.
When I say creep, it does exactly that.
You know how there are 5 degrees of grief? I think there are a few degrees of burnout. Ignoring it leads to....yep. DEPRESSION.
When you dive into depression, you are no longer only hurting yourself but unavoidably others.
I heard a phrase in 2022 that rocked me.
Hurt people, hurt people. WOW. Isn't that true.
So in early 2024, the weight and pain were becoming more than I could ignore or hide and I began to consider what life looked like for me.
I was finding no passion or excitement for many things that I was doing.
I was not producing well.
I was not my best self.
I was not leading the way I promised I would.
I was actually probably self sabotaging.
I have an incredible team. My family is strong and my work team are professional and highly attuned to the needs of others.
So we agreed that after our amazing Montana Business Retreat in late June, that I would take a short sabbatical. A month off with almost no contact or work related inputs.
So how does one do that?
First off, you have to have systems dialed in.
Roles, responsibilities, processes on how things are done and what if's.
You have to have great engaged people with extreme ownership. They hold themselves accountable.
Those we have.
I think it is accurate that almost anyone could take a month away, but what would it look like upon return? People leaving, messes to clean, more debt, unhappy clients? Maybe
But I was beyond confident that we would be ok. Truthfully, we operate the way we coach. No business should hinge on one or even a few individuals. It just moves along when everyone does their part.
So our assessment was that I would likely not even be missed. Ha
Our ego's have to be ok with that. Mine certainly is.
So it was decided.
I then needed to have a few goals and milestones. Meaning WHAT do i want to change to not stay in the rut or return to it.
I decided to be present with my family. More cooking together, hanging out, game nights. Individual events with my wife and the kids to have good conversations.
My health and weight. I wanted to relax, focus on better habits, walk daily and drink tons of water.
Read or listen to audibles.
Think. Think hard on what I want from life and what I can give into life.
At 52 (later this year), I am not the same as my 31 year old self. Focuses change, goals change, mistakes and failures teach you things. I just haven't taken quiet time to reconcile all that an adjust.
So I took off.
Set email autoresponder,
Set phone voicemail
Set silent focus mode on iPhone
Made a list of goals
Selected books
Loaded up on favorite coffee
I was available if needed to Toby and Jocelyn. I knew they would not contact me unless it was unavoidable.
The habit to check in was strong at first. Habits to check email lasted the first week.
I partly felt guilty. Dumb, I know. But it is what it is.
I will note that during my break, the team launched a giant new program that I think will transform how we coach and engage. RBA-Restoration Business Academy is up and going.
A new salesperson has started.
I don't sell well. I am the worst at selling. I like to solve problems and help people.
We do that well. I am proud of what we do and super proud of the results we create over and over.
When we match up our sales process with our service delivery......the dreams start to come real. And that excites me.
Everyone on my team is required to share their deepest dreams and desires with me and one another.
That makes the focus simpler.
Month is over, back to work on Monday.
Had a team meeting and did some catchup.
Know how that went? Boring.
They are doing what they do. I am delusional to think things slowed for me.
So my question was: "What do you all need from me?"
They told me and We developed a plan.
Make a better home office and fulfill me role from here.
Why, when I am in the office I am probably more of a distraction.
So I'm here at home more now.
See my roommate- Hodgins.
Where he lacks in conversations, he makes up for in long staring sessions.
So where have I landed post reset.
1. We have a strong and clear mission/ vision. So it's hard for us to stray off course.
2. Great team. All strong enough and take ownership to survive and thrive.
3. I will spend an abundance of my time creating new eduction courses, write another book, do traveling classes and be a contributor of feedback. I will be a continued external face of the company. Events, industry associations and keep an ear and voice on the pulse.
4. Hybrid leaving social media.
I will occasionally be here posting (like this) but I don't see continued value in groups and forums. I think those and online posting have started to saturate. All you see are posts now about what you can do. Noise and self promotion.
RBA (our online platform) will be our new conduit.
I will write articles and contribute to content, but our focus will be on those that take action. We aren't seeking followers. We want partners.
5. Support our growth.
We are incredible and our clients have incredible success. So we need to find ways to not feel we have to be seen on all the groups and at all the events like a dancing bear. This is a challenge, because marketing has become a "Who is louder" game.
We are aiming for the "do good work and get talked about" plan.
6. Focus on experience to clients more than the open world.
Improving every touchpoint, listen to all feedback and improve where we need to.
7. Start my new (next) service company. CATx.
More on that later. But this will be our coaching and mentorship to help restorers with getting, running and collecting on commercial projects. Far better quality or work than residential. I think the insurance industry continues to disrupt the small market losses and commercial is a thrive opportunity to combat that.
8. Continue to be aware of my mental and physical state. I let it get too close to the edge and I won't let that happen again.
Have more fun, smile more. Travel and camp. Meet more restorers and new people.
I do plan to take more longer breaks and use what I learned last month as an improvement point.
I have also committed to continue to urge our clients and you to take care of these things. Our R[OS]
program is a journey to independence.
Thats a long way to quickly outline some of the experience.
There are a few other components that I might share but are a little personal and still hurt. Working on those.
My place in this industry is to be of service. I never refuse a call. I can do quick chats for free but I am getting better at remembering that longer coaching sessions should be rewarding my company for their efforts.
I will leave you with this. Marker #2 of our 41 Markers. I urge you to pick up a copy for yourself.
#2 Life in your years, not years to your life.
Working hard to get to 65 to do more things is not a good plan.
You are not promised 65 and when you get there, you might not be in the physical shape to do the things you really want to do.
Do them now. Position your company to give you the life you want TODAY. No need to feel guilty.
If you would like our help, it's truly what we live for and fulfills us.
For me, I am trying to get to be better and live more.
And doubling down on the dreams. We are not coming close to our potential.
If I can partner with any of you, please let me know. If you know anyone that wants to do better, please connect them to us.
Business Development Manager - Canada at Sennco Solutions, Inc. with expertise in retail security
6 个月Glad to see you figured it out before you reached that edge. Unfortunately, I think a lot of people push over that edge and are afraid to ask for help. Best of luck moving forward!