The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
Abu Raihan
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The One Minute Manager by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson is a book that teaches readers about effective management techniques. The book's three main principles are:?
The book became a New York Times bestseller shortly after its publication and has sold 15 million copies. In 2015
The story follows a young man on a quest to find an effective manager. He has traveled the world, observed various management styles, and found them lacking. He has encountered "tough" autocratic managers focused on results and "nice" democratic managers focused on people, but neither approach seems fully effective. Discouraged, he hears about a special manager nearby who is both effective and willing to share his secrets. Intrigued, the young man sets up an appointment with this mysterious manager.
The young man, eager to learn from an effective manager, meets with the One Minute Manager. The manager emphasizes the importance of both people and results, and values efficiency and productivity. He believes in empowering his team and giving them the tools to succeed. The manager also stresses the importance of quality, not just quantity, in work
“However, remember
productivity is more than just the quantity of work done.
It is also the quality.”.
Productivity is both quantity and quality.”
The manager said “I'm a One Minute Manager. I call myself that because it takes very little time for me to get very big results from people. ”Although the young man had spoken with many managers, he had never heard one talk like this. It was hard to believe. A One Minute Manager— someone who gets good results without taking much time.
“If you have any questions after talking to some of my people,” he said warmly, “come back and see me. In appreciate your interest and desire to learn how to manage. I would, in fact, like to give you the concept of the One Minute Manager as a gift. Someone gave it to me once and it?s made all the difference to me. I want you to understand it fully. If you like it, you may want to become a One Minute Manager yourself someday.”
The First Secret: One Minute Goals
The old man believes in the 80-20 goal-setting rule. That is, 80% of your really important results will come from 20% of your goals. So we only do One Minute Goal Setting on that 20%, that is, our key areas of responsibility—maybe three to six goals in all.
so make list your all Goal in one page and apply 80/20 rule
Young Man said, Sir, I have a problem. Before I could get another word out, he said, Good! That’s what you’ve been hired to solve
“I didn't know what to do. The silence was deafening. I eventually stuttered out, But, but, Sir, I don’t know how to solve this problem.
“If you can’t tell me what you’d like to be happening, he
said, you don’t have a problem yet. You’re just
complaining. A problem only exists if there is a difference
between what is actually happening and what you desire
to be happening.
“Being a quick learner, I suddenly realized I knew what I wanted to be happening. After I told him, he asked me to talk about what may have caused the discrepancy between the actual and the desired. “After that the One Minute Manager said, Well, what are you going to do about it?”
“Well, I could do A, I said.
“If you did A, would what you want to happen actually
happen? he asked.
“No, I said.
“Then you have a lousy solution. What else could you do?
He asked.
“I could do B, I said.
“But if you do B, will what you want to happen really
happen? He countered again
“No, I realized.
“Then, that’s also a bad solution, he said. What else can
you do?
“I thought about it for a couple of minutes and said, I
could do C. But if I do C, what I want to happen won’t
happen, so that is a bad solution, isn’t it? “Right. You’re
starting to come around, the manager then said, with a
smile on his face. Is there anything else you could do? he
“Maybe I could combine some of these solutions, I said.
“That sounds worth trying, he reacted.
“In fact, if I do A this week, B next week and C in two
weeks, I’ll have it solved. That’s fantastic. Thanks so
much. You solved my problem for me.
“He got very annoyed. I did not, he interrupted, you
solved it yourself. I just asked you questions—questions
you are able to ask yourself. Now get out of here and start
solving your own problems on your time, not mine.
“I knew what he had done, of course. He?d shown me
how to solve problems so that I could do it on my own in
the future.
One Minute Goal Setting is simply:
1. Agree on your goals.
2. See what good behavior looks like. shown your employees which one is good work
3. Write out each of your goals on a single sheet of
paper using less than 250 words. with Deadline
4. Read and re-read each goal, which requires only a
minute or so each time you do it.
5. Take a minute every once in a while out of your
day to look at your performance, and
6. See whether or not your behavior matches your
This principle emphasizes catching employees doing something right and immediately praising them for it. Levy explains that the manager provides specific feedback, expressing what the employee did well and why it matters.
Help People Reach Their Full Potential Catch Them Doing Something Right
“Here we put the accent on the positive. We catch people doing something right.” when he has seen that you have done something right, he comes over and makes contact with you. That often includes putting his hand on your shoulder or briefly touching you in a friendly way.”
It certainly does,” Levy confirmed, “for several reasons. First of all, I get a praising as soon as I?ve done something right.” He smiled and leaned towards his visitor. Then he laughed and said, “I don't have to wait for an annual performance review, if you know what I mean.” Both men smiled.
So One Minute Praising is a secret to becoming a One Minute Manager.”
The One Minute Praising works well when you:
1. Tell people up front that you are going to let them
know how they are doing. Praising quickly and let them know reason of praising
2. Praise people immediately.
3. Tell people what they did right—be specific.
4. Tell people how good you feel about what they
did right, and how it helps the organization and
the other people who work there.
5. Stop for a moment of silence to let them “feel”
how good you feel.
6. Encourage them to do more of the same.
7. Shake hands or touch people in a way that makes
it clear that you support their success in the organization.
it is the
One Minute Manager's. He's quite a guy, isn?t he? His operation is the most efficient and effective of all of our plants.” That's unbelievable,” said the young man. “Does he have the best equipment??.? “No,” said Ms. Gomez. “In fact, he s got some of the oldest.” “Well, there's got to be something wrong out there,” said the young man, still puzzled by the old man's management style. “Tell me, does he lose a lot of his people? Does he have a lot of turnover?” “Come to think of it,” Ms. Gomez said, “he does have a lot of turnover.” “Aha,” the young man said, thinking he was on to something. “What happens to those folks when they leave the One Minute Manager?” the young man wanted to know. “We give them their own operation,” Ms. Gomez quickly responded. “After two years with him, they say, ?Who needs a manager?? He?s our best trainer of people. Whenever we have an opening and need a good manager, we call him. He always has somebody who is ready.
“A One Minute Reprimand is the third secret to becoming a One Minute Manager.”
increase confident of your People and increase to do something more
The One Minute Reprimand works well when you:
1. Tell people beforehand that you are going to let them
know how they are doing and in no uncertain terms. the
first half of the reprimand:
2. Reprimand people immediately.
3. Tell people what they did wrong—be specific.
4. Tell people how you feel about what they did wrong—
and in no uncertain terms.
5. Stop for a few seconds of uncomfortable silence to let
them feel how you feel.
the second half of the reprimand:
6. Shake hands, or touch them in a way that lets them
know you are honestly on their side.
7. Remind them how much you value them.
8. Reaffirm that you think well of them but not of their
performance in this situation.
9. Realize that when the reprimand is over, it?s over.
Deputy Manager(Planning & Development) | Licensed Engineer | Expert in Project Management, Programming, Risk Analysis & Supply Chain | Proficient in Power BI, Data Analysis & MS Office |
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