One Minute Commiseration
Jeff Kinsey, Jonah
Entrepreneur, Founder & Creative Director @ RhinoIsland Media | BizDev | Keynote Speaker | Educator | Author | TOC (4th Gen) | Agile (2.0) | USMC Veteran
Remember the book series, "The One Minute [fill in the blank]" as in The One Minute Salesman? Or The One Minute Manager? They would have advice like giving someone doing a great job, a One Minute Praising. Or when not doing so good, a One Minute Reprimand.
The One Minute Commiseration
Yep. We all face setbacks. Deal with various forms of disappointments. The entrepreneur is no less human, although I am very good at hiding my feeling when a plan doesn't "come together" as Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith, a fictional character and one of the four protagonists of the 1980s action-adventure television series The A-Team, played by George Peppard loved to say.
After more than one hundred hours of planning, marketing, pitching, lining up speakers, the venue, and so much more for a conference next month, we canceled for lack of interest. We sold one whole ticket. To a good friend. Out of state. Very far out of the way. I couldn't even get a local motel to call me back to make a reservation for him. So, I did it...
Felt sorry for one whole minute
Then, it was time to get on with the show. No, not the conference, at least not in the short term. Back to startup AffordableQuarters? right here in New Philal O. Home of the RhinoCrashPod? and soon the RhinoChargePod? and RhinoCurbPod? all made from the most amazing cornerstones: ISO Shipping Containers.
So, what do I tell myself in these challenging times?
The same thing Guy Kawasaki taught us:
Plus, remember what Albert Einstein taught us:
"Make no small plans, for they have no ability to motivate man!"
P.S. Ask me about my other workshop, ThroughputPress Presents: #getHIRED
Nothing but respect for the "Man in the Arena." Looking forward to catching up with you soon!