One Minute Blog - Create Every Day
Jesse Cole
Owner of Savannah Bananas, Creator of Banana Ball, Author of Fans First & Find Your Yellow Tux, Keynote Speaker
When I was a kid I fell in love with iMovie. I was fascinated by it. I couldn't believe that I could make "professional" looking movies on my personal computer. I would spend hours trying new effects, transitions and title screens.
I would even convince my teachers to let me make movies instead of book reports. The movies were not that good. In fact, some were tough to watch. But that's not important.
It was here where I would lose track of time.
It was here where I fell in love with creating.
Most importantly, I fell in love with the creative process.
Adam Grant, the author of Originals, said to be original you have to generate more ideas. James Altucher, the author of Reinvent Yourself, goes one step further. He advises to write down 10 ideas a day. I’ve started implementing this for over a year now and it’s been a game changer. Every morning I start my day by writing down 10 unique ideas. It’s become a ritual for me like brushing my teeth. Ideas have become like a muscle to me and I believe you need to be constantly working on it and keeping it fresh.
It doesn't have to be a formula.
It doesn’t have to be writing.
It doesn't have to be making movies.
It just has to be something created by you. And you have to spend time doing it. This makes it unique. And makes you stand out.
To this day, I feel most alive when I'm creating something new. A new promotion during a game. A new food item to serve. A new event at the stadium. Anything that feels like it's never been done before.
Whatever your platform is. Writing. Podcasting. Videos. Speaking. Coaching. It doesn't matter.
But If you want to stand out and find your "yellow tux," you need to create every day.
Remember, most ideas aren't that great. Most will never be used. But it's the few ideas that do make it, that can change the world.