The One and the Many
The One and the Many or: The World is Flat in deed.
What is it about?
One day we wake up and realise that we are someone.
And that there are others. Apart from us.
Some of these others keep us warm.
And they are of a different quality than some some wood crackling, unresponsive ovens in our space.
We feel calm.
And when this calm is disturbed, we cry.
We are just aware of the “when†of our disturbance-accompanying crying and have no notion of the “if†yet, because having a conceptual idea of “if…then†would account for reasoning, which we are not capable of.?
We just perceive “our†uneasiness and “our†crying. Simultaneously.
And we could even argue today, that after some time, we would expect uneasiness followed by our crying and being taken care of as the general course of our life.
But what or who are these sensations and how do “we†relate to them? Is it all us? All them? Are there many of them, all the same or not? Are there many of me, all the same or not?
Am I you, are we them and vice versa?
We don’t know.
Something other than us usually shows up, talks to us, holds us, keeps us warm, imbibes us tasty food and removes all these disturbing, unnecessary, uneasy sensations that we were put into just moments before without our doing and or responsibility.
Because responsibility comes with knowing only.
Somehow we “know†that when we are crying, when we feel uneasy, someone will appear and will remove our sensation of uneasiness soon afterwards. (afterwards not to be read in German)
But that’s what they are, the others: Our behind’s wardens.
And these may as well be some of our first notions of “if…thenâ€.
Could we have acted otherwise and not cried, when we felt uneasy?
Not “when†we noticed it, but “if†we noted it.
Because after some time we will realise that “when†and “if†is just the same for us.
Because we will perceive every “when†of something happening to have antecedents we declare as constituent, as a necessary, sufficient condition to the next event as the “reason†it happened in the first place.
Even though we can’t wrap our heads and minds around this infinite regress.
Let alone around an infinite mechanical future caused by an infinite, mechanical past.
As our family myths have it (they were colporteused by my mother usually), my father had a string attached to a little bell hung in the house drawn to the toilet cabin outside the house so he could pull at a string and henceforth his beloved mother Nina (who died well too soon when he was 21, corporal in the Military Service and being called upon to take a leave) appeared there by him just seconds later and cleaned his behind carefully.
With newspapers? Paper napkins were scarce at the time, in the 1940’s.
He learned to pull the strings.
Our mother used to tell us stories like these during intimate, conspiratory sessions at the kitchen table after lunch after our father went to work as a public servant responsible for the maintenance of our neighbouring town’s roads.?
She liked to ridicule him because she held him for a spoiled brat who hasn’t overcome the disappearance of his mother.
Telling us at the same time probably, that she will not be pulled into his mother’s total devotion (he was the first boy after two girls) to her baby boy.
At the same time, our mother might have told us, that our father is not as independent as she wished him to be.
Our father was well respected in town. He took care of his workers, brought the drinker’s salary to their wives at home.?
And I noticed how benevolently everyone was greeting him, when I went for drives or hikes with him in town for instance or for example when he wanted to show us a constructing site that was important to him (eg. an innovative new concrete for bus stops) or when he wanted us to witness the arrival of the DC9 airplane water hauled in the middle of the night on military pontonnier boats to the Museum of Swiss Transport.
I also heard him on the phone at when he was on night duty and how commanded his workers loudly and very determinately.
Our mother grew up on a farm as the youngest of seven.
Her siblings took care of her chiefly and she didn’t have to pull strings.
She couldn’t have because she learned to take care of her self, of herself.
All here siblings became independent.
She as well.
And me too.?
After a job akin to a public servant at a telecommunication incumbent.
So here’s the thing:
We are currently heading towards a self referential total public and private serfdom for the “Publicâ€.
With Great State Owned “news†outlets only and “Privately Owned†ones determined to “Help the States in every country we are active†(as confessed on tape by the Swiss Tabloid CEO Marc Walder).
Where the ideal human being is Xi Jinping and everyone under his tutelage.
More than just like my father belling at his workers over the phone for the greater good of public transport.?
It includes the idea of private transport for public purposes only.
The Greater Good defined by even Greater Leaders justifies all the necessary means again.?
Every sacrifice, even the ultimate one.
Who can in his clear heart and mind want this again?
Babies, toddlers, adolescents, fathers, mothers, farmers, workers, sportsmen and sportswomen, artists, teachers, actors, God and Gods, LGBTQ, Persons with “Disabilities†by birth or other accidents?
Or self serving politicians and blindly obeying soldiers be it in the “public and private†sector only?
As it used to be the case even in the “Great Greek Democracies†more than 2000 years ago that were for the “Noble†by birth and “Rich†only.
The Third Reich and Xi Jinpin twisted the perception of “their public†into believing that no one is noble and no one is supposed to be rich and thus becoming the “Noblest†and the “Richest†themselves.
And this might be the ultimate sacrifice, worse than an individual human being dying:?
the so hard fought for Human Rights that stand above even the Greatest of the Greatest States for generations over generations of Politicians and States killing in the name of the Greater Good or Greater God.
Here they are, and they are definitely worth dying for because life is not worth living if it is at the cost of “weaker†and poorer human beings:
Does it ring a bell?
If not, you might be a bell end.
If you win, there will be neither a “Private Sector†nor a “Private Life†anymore. No differences.
Only a Uniform Public Life.
No Differences allowed.
Because the State knows better and is always right. Like the church. The church fought against the State at least.
Now, no one is.
What do freely assembling and freely thinking people know after all?
Only what they are being told:?
The World is Flat.?