No One Listening? Try Something Else...
Nancy Radford
Workplace Mediator,Reflective Practitioner/Facilitator, Conflict Management Coach & Trainer. Specialist in SME, third sector and charity disputes. Online mediation, training and coaching SEND Mediator
"There is no one listening! I keep telling them they have got it wrong. But they just don't take it on board!"
My client was getting more and more frustrated and angry with his customers who seemed oblivious to a critical problem.
I asked what made him think there was no one listening.
"They won't change. So they must not realise there is a problem!"
Before looking for solutions, I always let the client talk and really listen closely. Sometimes rephrasing their situation in a story can help them step back and see more clearly.
It is better to light a candle...
When children are frightened of the dark, they screw their eyes tight shut. As long as they sense the darkness through their eyelids, no matter what you tell them and how often you do so, they will keep their eyes closed. By closing their eyes they are shutting out the fearful thing. Telling them that keeping their eyes shut is silly will have little effect. If you listen, reassure, hold them or light a light, those little eyes will open.
As adults we often behave in a similar way though perhaps not as obvious. Next time no one listens, think about how you could change the way you deliver your message. Ask why people might not want to hear what you are saying.