One Life *****

One Life *****

Starring : Sir Anthony Hopkins, Johnny Flynn, Romola Garai, Lena Olin, Marthe Keller, Alex Sharp, Ziggy Heath, Samantha Spiro, Sir Jonathan Pryce, Adrian Rawlins, Tom Glenister, Julia Westcott-Hutton, Ffion Jolly, Alara Star-Khan, Stuart Whelan, Samuel Finzi, Matilda Thorpe, Henrietta Garden, Joe Weintraub, Bitu Thomas, Angus Kennedy, Antoine Formanova, Kiana Klysch, Anna Eliseeva, Juliana Moska, Ales Bilik, Anna Darvas, Nik Blakley, Darren Clarke, Daniel Charles Doherty, Liam Smith, Marie-Claire Wood, Stuart Ramsay, Daniel Brown, Joel Edwards, Martin Bednar, Sean Brodeur, Rut Schmidtova, Emily Laing, Michael Gould, Agnes V. Moricz And Helena Bonham-Carter

Director : James Hawes

Certification Rating Certificate : 12A

Duration Running Time :(approx) 1 Hour 50 Minutes (110 Mins)

Distribution : Warner Bros Pictures (UK), (A Discovery Production), BBC Film, MBK Productions, Cross City Films, Filmnation Entertainment, Lipsync, See-Saw Productions

Ladies and Gentlemen, it has come to my immediate attention that with the arrival of a brand new year of 2024, comes the same barrage of extremely sad news that blighted the old year of 2023, consisting of a fatal teenage stabbing on home soil to the many wars and conflicts that are constantly continuing overseas.

But according to Merriam-Webster, this is classed as an American company that publishes mainly 'reference books' and is mostly known for its dictionaries and is also known as 'the oldest dictionary publisher' in the U.S.alone - 'then classed as a meaning of 'A TRUE STORY' - is actually - 'an account of something that happened'.

However back in 1831, just for the record, George and Charles Merriam, both American publishers, had originally founded the company as G & C Merriam Co. situated in Springfield, Massachusetts, then in 1843, 'twelve years later', after Noah Webster Jnr, an American lexicographer, textbook pioneer, English-language spelling reformer, political writer, editor, author, and also has been known as 'THE FATHER OF AMERICAN SCHOLARSHIP AND EDUCATION' simply 'passed away' - the company 'bought the rights' to 'AN AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE' from Webster's estate, as all Merriam-Webster dictionaries trace their lineage to this source.

But by 1964, 'sixty years later' 'ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, INC', then acquired 'MERRIAM-WEBSTER' as a subsidiary, and by 1982, the company in question had adopted 'MERRIAN-WEBSTER, INCORPORATED'.

This is also classed as a 'narrative' that is also classed as 'factual' or even classed as 'based on real events', but the term in question is often used to distinguish a 'story' that is 'based on real events' and also from 'one that is fictional'.

But in the context of movies that are shown in movie theaters around the world, the meaning of 'A TRUE STORY' - is a movie that is also based on 'real-life events' and even 'people' who are not featured as 'the main attraction' - but also such movies that are created by many aspiring writers - such as simply writing a draft story that transfers into a 'best-selling novel' and also turns into a blockbusting movie that flourishes into winning many awards such as 'GOLDEN GLOBES', 'BAFTA'S' and even the 'ACADEMY AWARDS' can also boost 'box -office takings' in movie theaters everywhere is that when many audiences go along to the movies and see a 'TRUE-LIFE STORY' that involve many real-life heroes in all 'walks of life' and who also go 'the extra mile' because they like to tell their stories to the world and that audiences can experience for themselves on the big screen alone and also by praising their amazing achievements from what they have seen, and more importantly, what was their reaction to the film in question.

However, as we are now into January known to many as 'the first month' of 2024, we are led to believe that we 'as a nation' the news of today will continue to digest many reports throughout our lives and also throughout 'the very worst' of humanity, which by the way at least brings us not just a story, of what I'm about to tell you, - so be prepared - for this is quite a difficult subject of a film review that which will even shock many of you who may or may not even read this because of its content and also that I would personally point out that I would never offend 'or even upset' anyone about the subject but also that this is 'a true story' which needs to be told to the world about the best achievements in which that 'WE CAN ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE' that in many troubled times such as 'the cost of living' amongst others and also as we recover from 'the dying embers' of the festive season that we can return to 'a normal life' after the festive break in our lives.

However, in 'ONE LIFE' the film dramatizes in recent years and also in what has become a well-known tale of 'a true story' and it involves many children who in their hundreds are also Jewish and are escaping from the Holocaust from Czechoslovakia.

Now the Holocaust in question was in fact classed as 'a state-sponsored persecution' and also 'mass murder' involving not only millions of European Jews but also Romani people, the intellectually disabled, political dissidents and many others that originally took place between 1933-1945 lasting 'twelve years' during WWII.

The word 'HOLOCAUST' originally comes from the Greek word - 'HOLOKAUSTON', which simply means 'SACRIFICE BY FIRE' - however, the Holocaust was also classed as a 'genocide' and that it is widely considered as 'ONE OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT TRAGEDIES IN HUMAN HISTORY'.

Also as for 'THE FINAL SOLUTION', well this was a plan that was devised by the Nazi regime during 'WWII' to systematically 'murder all the Jews' within reach, and also which was not restricted to the European continent, also the policy of deliberate and systematic genocide starting across German-occupied Europe was formulated in procedural and also geopolitical terms by Nazi leadership in January 1942 at the Wannsee Conference held in Berlin, the 'program' evolved during the first 'twenty-five' months ('two years and one month' January 1942-March 1944) of the war leading to the attempt at ''MURDERING EVERY LAST JEW IN THE GERMAN GRASP''.

The term of 'THE FINAL SOLUTION' was a 'euphemism' that was used by the Nazis basically to 'refer to their original plan' for the 'annihilation' of the Jewish people, but also that the nature and most of all the important timing of the decisions that originally led to the 'FINAL SOLUTION' in question - is classed as - 'an intensely researched and also a debated aspect of the Holocaust, and that most historians 'agree' that 'THE FINAL SOLUTION' cannot be attributed to a single decision that was made at one particular point in time', however, it is generally accepted that the 'decision-making process' was prolonged and also instrumental.

The movie tells the true story of Sir Nicholas 'Nicky' Winton,(Flynn), a young London stockbroker, and is set during the 1930's/40's that in the months leading to WWII, who rescued at least 'six hundred and sixty nine' predominantly Jewish children from the Nazis, however in December 1938, just before Christmas, Winton had originally planned to go to Switzerland, for a skiing holiday, but following a call for help from Doreen Warriner (Garai) Nicky had visited Prague, Czechoslovakia from Whitehall and help Martin Blake (Pryce as the older Blake - and Heath as the young Blake) who was also in Prague as an associate of the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia, which was then in the process of being occupied by Germany and had originally called Winton to assist in Jewish welfare work.

However alongside the Czechoslovak Refugee Committee, the British and also Canadian volunteers such as Winton, and also Trevor Chadwick, (Sharp), had worked to organising aid to children from Jewish families who were at risk from the Nazis in question but they also found many families situated in the Sudetenland, situated in Czechoslovakia (now known today as the Czech Republic and also Slovakia - this is also an area that had just been annexed by Germany) and who had also fled from 'the rise of the Nazis' in Germany and also Austria, these families in question had been living in 'desperate conditions' with very little or even no shelter and also food, but also that they were in threat of Nazi invasion, but Winton in question, is appalled and also shocked of what he has witnessed before his very eyes, but also that he immediately realised that it was simply a 'race against time', but he wonders to himself and also asks the important question concerning on how many children would he and the team could rescue before the 'borders' had closed down ? - courtesy of Adolf Hitler.

Winton in question was in fact 'a British humanitarian' (the British equivalent of Oskar Schindler) and had originally coordinated not only the country's Kindertransport (which this is known as 'children's transport' in German) operation but also formed the children's section of the British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia along with other volunteers.

The programme in question was originally set up in 1938 by the British government basically to allow unaccompanied Jewish children under the age of 'seventeen years' to stay in the UK with a foster family as long as they secured a £50.00 guarantee for their eventual 'return ticket', courtesy of the British government which also includes a visa and a medical certificate in the deal, but then evacuation efforts were in fact up and running in other countries such as Germany and also Austria - but not in Czechoslovakia - that is - until Winton came along for the ride - and everything changed when Winton certainly 'chipped in basically to not only cover many costs but had also dealt with the endless red tape and also had even occasionally forged travel documents and even bribed many officials along the way, but even in desperate times that Winton also writes to 'THE TIMES' newspaper, and also along with 'the odd-scrap of anti-Semetic hate mail' - then the offers of help soon start 'rolling in' - and in which this section of the film also resembles a 'key scene' in 'THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION' (1994 - which by the way celebrates its 30th Anniversary in 2024) and this is the scene where Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), is in the prison library writing out many letters to many organizations and then the legislature sends out a library donation which includes a recording of 'THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO' to which Andy in question plays out an 'excerpt' of the recording over the ' public address' system and is subsequently punished and sent to solitary confinement.

Then in 1988, fifty years later, an older Nicky, (Hopkins), who lives out in comfortable retirement in Maidenhead is haunted by the fate of the children that he wasn't able to bring to secure safe rail passage to the children arriving to England; in a safe environment and always blaming himself for not doing more than what he could have done in his life but then Winton is encouraged by Grete (Olin), his wife, which basically to 'clear out' many reams of old papers, and also re-igniting memories 'which are quite painful to watch because this is a very moving film that'll have you reaching for a box of tissues' of the eight trainloads of refugees that he, and many others managed to save from the Nazis. However, for many decades, his 'life story' remained untold - that is - until February 1998 - when the wider work found out about his extraordinary life during an episode of 'THAT'S LIFE' - this was a television show - shown on BBC TV and hosted by Dame Esther Rantzen (Spiro), Winton was invited on the show as a 'member of the studio audience' - but also which at one point when Winton's original scrapbook was shown and his achievements as a humanitarian was explained to the studio audience and in a 'follow-up' story to the original programme where Winton also happened to be in the studio audience, he was unaware what was about to happen - and that the rest that which follows next they say is history - but also in 2003, Winton was also the subject in 'THIS IS YOUR LIFE' - where he was surprised by Michael Aspel , at Winton House, an Abbeyfield society care home and situated in Windsor, Berkshire, that was originally named in his honour - also for the record, this was in fact a British biographical television documentary and based on the 1952 American series.

Just for the extreme record the film's title of 'ONE LIFE' is in fact lifted from an old Hebrew proverb and in which suggests the following : 'IF YOU SAVE ONE LIFE YOU SAVE THE WORLD' - and when 'SCHINDLER'S LIST' the epic Oscar-Winning drama from director Steven Spielberg featuring Ralph Fiennes, Sir Ben Kingsley and also Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler was released in movie theaters back in 1993, and is based on the novel by Thomas Keneally, an Australian novelist, the character of Schindler, a German industrialist, like Winton, who had saved over a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees from the Holocaust and had employed them to work in his factories - there's also a key scene in the film where Itzhak Stern (Kingsley), a Jewish official and also with many contacts among black marketeers and also the Jewish business community; Stern handles the administration and also helps Schindler arranges the financing of Schindler's enamelware company and that Stern tells Schindler of the following that 'THE LIST IS LIFE' - and in which Stern is also assisting Schindler in his rescue activities during the Holocaust.

James Hawes, the film's director, whose credits are mostly involved in television, does in fact do 'a splendid job' in packaging all this, that's helped by an understated script courtesy by Lucinda Coxon and also Nick Drake, now the film in question could be all frenzy and even also tumult, but that the story in question doesn't need any cinematic flourishes, and also doesn't get any, for the pleasures of seeing this are in fact many quiet ones, like seeing the greatest actors such as Hopkins and Pryce reuniting for the second time on the big screen since 'THE TWO POPES' directed by Fernando Ferreira Meirelles ('CIDADE de DEUS' - aka 'CITY OF GOD') back in 2019, five years earlier, which is also 'A NETFLIX FILM' and by the way it is available to watch on NETFLIX, but also none of that diminishes the impact of 'ONE LIFE' - for it is classed as 'the best good news story of the year of 2024' - so far - even though we are just finishing the end of the first week - and it has only just begun - for there's still about 51 weeks to go - but the season of Eastertime - and also the start of British Summertime is just around the corner, for 2024, is a long year ahead, and that anything can happen.

This is without doubt classed as - a unique masterpiece - and you should see this on the big screen.


David M.G. Mitchell


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