One Letter Got Him Walking Again
Imagine... what one letter could do for you.
The phone rang, “Hi Dad, how are ya?”
“Well...I fell on my face and dislocated my shoulder.”
“Oh geez!”
That’s when I put on my writing hat, sat down with a purple pen and started the letter to Dad.
Writing has always been my go to for making solutions.
After years of avoiding knee surgery, Dad read my letter. He's 80 but still active except for his knee and in good health. He said he kept reading my letter and made the trip to the dreaded surgery table.
Of course the Doctor actually fixed his knee but copywriting motivated him to get it done.
Last night, during a family birthday party, Dad leaned towards me, smiling contendely, “I’m walking again.” He's not just walking, he's striding around like he's Super Man.
When I was introduced to copyWRITING, I thought it meant copyRIGHT. Like in a book so no one can duplicate it. But then I learned it’s something totally different. Copywriting is a persuasive way to write a letter, email, blog, white paper or many other forms of the written word.
Writing with a pen, pencil, marker or keyboard. Creating a written document to grab people’s attention, shake up their world, help them to learn more and then motivate them to take action.
Grow !
Get people to open their eyes, scratch their heads and then do something :-)
Maybe attend an opening at a gallery.
Bring their niece, an aspiring artist to the capital’s Museum.
Take a glass blowing class.
Find the painting to enhance the mood in the living room.
Invest in gold and silver, confident the value always goes up.
Copywriters are the messengers with the secret envelope. The writers that research, love what they write about and then share that passion with other like minded people.
Communities are created that support each other. They can bounce ideas off each other. Sit down for coffee and brainstorm the next fun, intriguing or growth building plan.
They are the writers that find the details that might otherwise be missed. The detail that can even turn a sinking ship into a magical flying machine. Copywriters find the magical seeds like Jack and The Beanstalk.
Copywriters get the magical seeds into the nurturing soil.
When I taught kindergarten, a quiet calm fell over the classroom when the children started to draw or paint. I always gave them a free choice part of the day to create.
Any stress would leave their cute faces. Any squabbles from recess faded away. The kindergarten artists. They were always so proud to share their artwork...stretching their arms out to hold the picture close to my smiling face.
They could invent with paints, kleenex boxes, tape...whatever was available in the craft shelf.
Art is the collection of human history.
In Art we cultivate our Souls.
Working with our hands to create functional glass wear passed down through the generations, or creating a sculpture to remind us of celebrations.
Forming clay into a vase for peonies.
Art can be shared, appreciated and admired without a copywriter. And a tomato plant can grow in a four inch by four inch pot.
But wait till you see how many MORE ripe, red, sweet juicy tomatoes you get with a four FEET by four FEET raised bed instead of a little pot.
That is the same effect copywriting can have for your goals.
I have a green thumb with gardening and persuasive writing.
Here’s an example. My husband and I grow 500 pound pumpkins. Before we met, he grew 70 pound pumpkins and most ended up getting eaten by the deer.
Now that we’re a team, our giant, orange, gorgeous pumpkins make it to the hayrides for ALL to enjoy.
Granted, my husband knew a lot more about growing pumpkins when we met so he told me what they needed and I provided the TLC.
TLC is my forte.
I hand water each plant down at its base… I don’t get the rose petals wet. They don’t like that. I listen by watching... how quickly the soil soaks up the water. Then I know how much to give. I apply the same care with writing.
One difference with gardening and writing is that I can edit with writing. My college professor taught me, “The secret to great writing is rewriting.” John Rubadeau.
Most of my ideas come during dreams, or walks in the woods but when I sit down with scratches of notes, put on my thinking cap...the wind starts to blow, my mind starts to move and I’m striding down the writing path.
The order of words is the playful time in my writing process. After the adventure of the first draft is done, then the fine tuning on the page takes place.
Rewriting is never a chore for me. You will get the copy that pleases you. Right down to the details of word choice. Say you prefer the word “catching” instead of “interesting.”
I'll research your audience to make sure the appropriate readability is applied by using the Flesch-Kincaid test and provide irresistible offers with the help of lots of proof.
Tender, loving care is what I put into my writing. When I write a letter, I get the results I want. And when we work together, the letter will get the results you want. We both want the world of art and the creative endeavors of people to flourish.
In a recent personality test, I showed up as sanguine. I looked it up...optimistic, sturdy, cheerful. In the test it also said, artistic, emotional, witty and easygoing.
My husband agrees.
Writing has been a hobby, academic focus and creative outlet for me ever since I can remember. I spelled car in cursive by accident on the car ride to Great Grandma’s farm when I was five.
Harold and the Purple Crayon is one of my favorite books.
I’ve always kept a journal and keep a pen and paper handy. Even back in the days climbing mountains in Glacier National Park. I was writing a letter in a mountain meadow when a grizzly walked up and nudged my shoulder !
True story... it made the front cover of the Great Falls Tribune August 30, 1995.
More recently, I’ve been training in the art of persuasive writing with American Writers and Artists Inc. located in Delray, Florida.
American Writers and Artists Inc. is a wonderful community of support and guidance for the latest trends in copywriting. They’re a powerhouse of resources, training and friendships.
In college, I was an English major at The University of Michigan focusing on writing. For one persuasive writing class with the campus wide, renowned Professor Rubadeau, I stumbled on my first paper but he handed my final paper back with an A+ at the top of the page.
He looked down at me from his wizard like stature smiling through his great grey beard and said, “I never give an A+.”
My husband laughs, “No matter where we park the van, other cars surround it !” One of our dogs has a loud bark (really he’s a big baby) so we try to park away from the crowd... but it never works...I draw a crowd. Literally.
Maybe it’s a love of dancing. Movement, energy and change surround me. If you want more attention on your art work, museum, gallery or music, have me write your invitation so to speak.
Traveling on five continents and visiting countless museums, temples and ancient ruins has helped my ability to communicate internationally.
One lady in Nepal, where I spent the night, started swatting at me, laughing when I hiked up to her house like we were old school mates.
A mischievous Nun in Rome, hid my passport from me. When I woke in the morning she told me, “You handled that better than most girls.”
Copywriters are messengers, communicators and also inventors.
A fresh, new pair of eyes and ears. I delight in exploring and meeting new people. And I love to find treasures...
We can talk about a pain point or a goal you have and I can offer a few ideas for a solution to consider.
Maybe you’d like a bigger audience, more reviews, better growth production. I can write the copy to motivate the change.
~The old fashion letter to the mailbox. (How I still stay close with some friends)
~Emails that will catch your audience’s attention
~Speech writing
~Video scripts
We can have a discovery session about your craft, clients and prior marketing strategies.
And just like ruling planet, I can work quickly. My goal is to strengthen the community of the art world... encourage creativity for people of all ages.
It’s your call...I’m a chameleon with communications. I invite you to reach out to me today. I always enjoy meeting new people and visiting new places.