One Leader's 4-Phase Journey Through the Five Levels of Leadership

One Leader's 4-Phase Journey Through the Five Levels of Leadership

Leadership often takes a backseat to technical prowess in the bustling world of tech and engineering. However, leadership is the force multiplier that can elevate a team from good to great. Let me share a story that highlights the transformative power of leadership.

Meet Emma, a brilliant software engineer in the mobility sector. Emma was exceptional at her job, always at the cutting edge of technology. However, she often found herself frustrated with her team's performance.

Despite their technical skills, they struggled with collaboration and motivation.

Emma initially dismissed the importance of leadership skills, believing that technical excellence was all that mattered. But her frustration led her to explore leadership further, and it transformed her career.

Emma's journey started with the realization that there was more to leadership than she had imagined. One day, during a particularly challenging project, her mentor introduced her to John Maxwell's concept of the 5 Levels of Leadership.

This was a revelation for Emma. She had been focusing solely on her technical skills, unaware of the profound impact leadership could have.

Level 1: Position - People Follow Because They Have To

At this level, leadership is based on title and position. Emma realized that while her technical skills had earned her a leadership position, it wasn’t enough to inspire and motivate her team.

She began to understand that true leadership required more than just authority—it required influence.

Level 2: Permission - People Follow Because They Want To

Emma started investing in her leadership skills. She focused on building relationships with her team, understanding their strengths, and listening to their concerns.

The smell of fresh coffee filled the meeting room during their morning huddles, as Emma encouraged open dialogue and collaboration.

Her team began to trust her and follow her willingly. She was no longer just a boss; she was becoming a leader they respected.

Level 3: Production - People Follow Because of What You Have Done for the Team

As Emma's influence grew, so did her team's productivity. She led by example, demonstrating commitment and hard work.

The team meetings buzzed with energy as they brainstormed innovative solutions to complex problems. The results were tangible: increased efficiency, higher quality work, and a palpable sense of achievement.

Emma's leadership was now driving the team’s success.

Level 4: People Development - People Follow Because of What You Have Done for Them

Emma recognized the importance of developing her team members.

She invested time in mentoring and coaching, helping them to grow their skills and confidence. She organized training sessions, encouraged continuous learning, and created opportunities for her team to take on leadership roles.

The office was alive with the hum of creativity and collaboration, a testament to the thriving culture of growth Emma had fostered.

Level 5: Pinnacle - People Follow Because of Who You Are and What You Represent

Reaching this level is rare and requires a lifetime of dedication to personal and professional growth.

Emma’s journey was far from over, but she aspired to reach this pinnacle, where her leadership would not only inspire her immediate team but also influence the broader organization and industry.

The Multiplier Effect of Leadership

Emma’s story illustrates how leadership multiplies effectiveness. As John Maxwell says,

"Leadership develops daily, not in a day."

By growing her leadership skills, Emma was able to amplify her impact. She went from managing tasks to inspiring a team, from solving technical problems to fostering innovation and collaboration.

Leadership is influence.

It’s about being the person others will gladly and confidently follow. As Emma developed her leadership abilities, she saw firsthand how her influence transformed her team’s dynamics and performance.

The 4 Phases of Leadership Growth

Emma’s leadership journey wasn’t just about external changes; it involved a significant internal transformation.

She went through four distinct phases of leadership growth:

Source REAL Success by John C. Maxwell

Phase 1: Ineffective & Unaware

"I Don't Know What I Don't Know"

Initially, Emma was unaware of the importance of leadership skills. She believed technical expertise was all she needed. This phase is characterized by ignorance, where leaders don't realize what they are missing.

Phase 2: Ineffective & Aware

"I Know What I Don't Know"

Through mentorship and personal experiences, Emma began to see the gaps in her leadership. She realized that technical skills alone were not enough. This phase involves the painful but necessary recognition of one’s shortcomings.

Phase 3: Effective & Aware

"I Grow and I Know, It Starts to Show"

Emma started actively working on her leadership skills. She read books, attended workshops, and sought feedback. Her efforts began to bear fruit, and the changes were visible in her team's performance and morale. This phase is marked by proactive learning and growth.

Phase 4: Effective & Unaware

"I Simply Go Because of What I Know"

Leadership became second nature to Emma. Her confidence grew, and she led with ease and effectiveness. Her team thrived under her guidance, and she became a role model for others in the organization. This phase is the culmination of consistent growth and development.

Your Leadership Journey

I encourage you to reflect on your own leadership journey.

Where do you stand in the 5 Levels of Leadership?

What steps can you take to elevate your influence and effectiveness?

Leadership is not a destination but a continuous journey of growth and development.



P.S. Join my upcoming Live session on LinkedIn, YouTube or Facebook to delve deeper into the 5 Levels of Leadership and learn practical strategies for developing your leadership skills. We'll explore how to navigate each level and enhance your influence.

Save your seat and start transforming your leadership journey. See you there!

By understanding and developing your leadership skills, you can multiply your effectiveness and inspire your team to achieve great things.

I hope you join our live session to explore this further and learn how to implement these strategies in your leadership journey. See you on LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook!

Woodley B. Preucil, CFA

Senior Managing Director

3 个月

Florin Lungu Fascinating read. Thank you for sharing
