One Last Word, Needed To Be Spoken.
Hello my friends and family. I only speak when I feel compiled to speak. A few have asked me, why don't I reach out any more.
My response? Because I don't want to add to what is already a tense situation in our nation. But having said this, I am now compiled to speak out one more time, because my heart is heavy, and seeing all my good brothers and sisters black and white, Indian and Asian on the street going through these protest and being killed, not to forget all the families sickened by this virus. I sincerely want them to know, we see them and hear them. But, I'm not a public figure, just one man who wants to help in some little way. Not to much, but enough to say I tried to help in a few words. This is all I can do to feel I'm not just sitting back watching all this unfold, without helping in some way. Thank you Lamont for the wake up call. More and more, I see it clear as day. The only relief to this madness, is to help get Joe Biden and Karmala Harris closer to there goal. Not because they are democrats, but because I feel there heart and see there actions in every move they make. If they were Republicans with the same actions and heart, then I would be there to....
We are in a time of real consideration and reflection. A time of evil, spread abroad. We ask all of our brothers and Sister's to stand up! Make your voice heard and make it heard loudly. Not with violence, not with looting, but with the Vote! We must fight at the polling both or the mail in vote. But vote some how, some way. These are times in our life were laziness has no place. Our freedom is at stake, our families are at stake!... Never before have I felt in some way to write my brothers and sisters with such a heavy heart, with such a dim out look of our future. It is the closed mind, and the willful blindness that will seal our fate if nothing is done. Look around our streets, look at our nation in ruins! See our people of all colors sacrificing there life and limb to protect our way of life! To them I give my heart and my love. Because this is a time that can't be over looked. We have the power to overwelm what we are all seeing in this nation, and we must correct it. If it is the drug, or the bottle, maybe a bit of depression!... Lift your head up, and take it all to the voting both. Vote, like your life and your families life depends on it. Because it is needed more then ever. We must restore the calm, the dignity to this country! We must fight the only fight that will restore our nation and families to the norm once again. My dear brothers and sisters of all races! I plea you are all safe and well after the marches, and the protest and return with a pride and a sense of dignity for what you are doing out there. But all is wasted if it ends, and the vote is not sought out. I sincerely plea, with all my heart and love, that we vote in overwhelming numbers, to save the life we have loved. I only know one way to do this, and it is the vote! Spare yourself the harmful protest, for it has been done! Rest my brothers and sisters of all races, for we have seen your actions!... Now rest, stay safe, and carry it to the polls. Put it in the mail on November 3rd. This will be the final stage of your sacrifices. Bring back our life as it was.
The good have always out numbered the bad and evil. The prays to God is a good thing, but the father, the Lord Thy God, has been telling us to long, it is us that have to help our selves on this earth because his plans for us transcends all these heart aches of this life. My plea to you my brothers and sisters is to leave it to the vote, And the best sign of a normal life again, is to carry Joe Biden and Karmela Harris to the White House. I see no other way, and we can do this in peace and love, for the life we so wish to return to.
It is the Vote, the Vote, the Vote!
Thank you sincerely for your time in reading our plea...
This is A' Rodor 1960 Moment