No One Knows
After I was Swayzed on a Zoom call (answer one question and get muted) and things went sideways in comments I took a couple days away from this site. There was not a"FreeThomasJackson" hashtag campaign. No one knew, no one cared.
A connection used to write rather rudely "No one gives a s--- about you. They only care about themselves and what you can do for them." This is why I have no friends, will never have the fantasy of a tribe, and marriage? I came closer to selling a movie at sixteen.
As a car service and a money lender- I always fondly recall Steve B. He did not drive. Never did he ask me for a ride nor to front him money before payday. Like most of my receptive colleagues, he does not use LinkedIn.
Good News: In my absence, I still received notifications.
Bad News: They were invites to answer questions for Collaborative articles.
After I'm dead and gone they will still ask for my so called "Expertise". They might still suggest I upgrade to Premium. Will that help me land positions in the afterlife? Is there a LinkedIn in Heaven?
There are Jews in Heaven. It is preposterous to think the afterlife will only have one group. Would it truly be Heaven if it were only the people in private school? That reminds me of classmates who have gone on to ancestry.
Sometimes it is important to step away from social media. As Dave Chappelle famously said "Twitter is not a real place." That was before Elon Musk took it from bad to worse. There are people on this site who mean more to me than some of the people who take up space at work and never look up to say "Hello".
It is important to get off the computer and meet people. One advantage to hibernating the account- there are less emails. Besides the responses (I don't mind responses to comments) I do not receive invites to upgrade as if I never saw one, reminders that "LinkedIn is better on the app"- it isn't- or strange job suggestions.
That leads to progress in the eternal quest for Inbox Zero. As long as the oldest unread emails are read- make progress. It's not like when I started and in old emails travel sites asked "Where will you travel in 2020?"
That was a reasonable question in January. By March we had the answer. "Not much of anywhere." There is no reason to spend all your time on LinkedIn. It is interesting that I have no time for internet pornography because I spend too much time here. Which one is the bigger waste of time? I am not answering that.