One Insider Marketing Hack That Will Make You Rich Rewards
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One Insider Marketing Hack That Will Make You Rich Rewards

And How To Fast Track Reliable Results In Three Easy Steps

What does the ocean have in common with the economy?

Okay. I admit that’s an odd question, but I’m an island girl in love with the ocean. And I couldn’t help but notice a similarity.

America's Gross Domestic Product from 1930 to 2020

Let’s start by looking at a graph that displays the growth rate of America’s gross domestic product (GDP) from 1930 to 2020.?

Statista U.S. GDP Graph from 1930 to 2020

The GDP is a reliable measure of the health of a country’s economy. As you can see, we’ve had dips.

  • The Great Depression starting in the late 1920s caused wild fluctuations until the 1950s
  • The 1980s Recession
  • The 2009 Recession
  • And now COVID

But notice the pattern rising and falling throughout history, like ocean swells.

Ocean Wave Patterns

Ocean waves also tend to form patterns. Generated by energy (like wind), they jostle each other until a stable arrangement develops. Front-of-pack small waves come before the largest ones in the middle. Then smaller waves form at the back of the pack.

Ocean wave

If you stand on the shore long enough, you can often count and categorize the waves in the pattern. And that gives you an estimate for when to expect the giant waves.

This trick typically serves me well. But not this day.

The surf was high. Understandably concerned, I stood on the shore, counting the waves and noting the pattern until I was sure I had it down.?

There were plenty of small waves at the beginning leading up to the giant waves in the middle. And, more importantly, there were plenty at the end. With that kind of buffer zone, I figured I could easily gauge my escape.

I strode into the water as the smaller end-of-pack waves started rolling in, and dove headfirst into an oncoming wave before it broke. Once I got past the waves' breaking point, I enjoyed the large swells as they lifted me in a relaxing circular rhythm.

I counted the waves as they came in, and when I noticed them growing, I started swimming back to the shore.

Stormy ocean waves

But the waves loomed more violently, and I wasn't making good headway. I had failed to account for the undertow. I was struggling against it, getting more nervous as the wave activity intensified.

I still had over a ten-foot span of ocean to navigate my way to safety. It was too far. The massive middle-of-the-pack wave pummeled me down into the sand. I tumbled head over heels like a rag doll in a front-load washing machine on the spin cycle.

I fought my way back up to the surface in time to take one long breath before the next giant wave sent me spiraling again.

As if this weren’t bad enough, my "then husband" (now ex-husband) had made his way over to me. When I re-emerged, he grabbed me in a bear hug, apparently thinking this would help. I screamed in panic, trapped.?

COVID — The World-Wide Tsunami

Woman wearing a face mask with COVID virus germs floating around

The COVID pandemic reminds me of the devastating waves I fought that day.

I see it plunging our economy to the depths of despair. And I know many of you feel trapped, just like I did when my ex-husband grabbed me, blocking my escape.

When the COVID Tsunami crashed down upon us, it drove business to its knees. Many now lie sprawled face-first in the sand. Some might rise again. Some never will.

But if you look at the graph I shared, you’ll see that we’re destined for an upswing — small waves are going to get bigger, leading to a peak again.

The Economy Will Recover — But Your Positioning Is Crucial

The question is, how are you going to meet this rising tide of financial wellbeing? In my last article, The One Secret to Business Survival in an Economic Downturn, I reminded you to keep up with your marketing efforts.?

Businesses that continue marketing during the downturn have a better chance of survival and often thrive as the economy begins to recover.?

Digital Marketing Graphic

But many business owners are pouring money into advertising — social media ads, Google ads, banner ads, and pop-up ads, to name a few.

They think that's the way to regain traction.

Outbound vs. Inbound Marketing

We call that “outbound marketing,” forcing yourself into people’s lives. Marketers disrupt people's daily activities, in the hopes that they can persuade them to become a customer.

The truth is, outbound marketing is like my ex-husband trapping me in that punishing surf. You throw more and more into it, thinking that will fix everything. But, in reality, you're trapped in the endless cycle of expensive ads that produce meager returns.?

The Audience Is Turning Away

Why meager returns? People are sick of ads showing up everywhere they turn, that’s why. And they’ve found ways to block advertising efforts.?

They bypass the ad listings on Google. Instead, they scan for the value-added quality content that has "earned the right" to be on that search results page.

Laptop computer with ad blocking

They install pop-up blockers and ad blockers on their computers. They stop visiting websites that constantly morph into ads as they're trying to read the content.?

They seek and destroy those annoying video ads that start playing in the corner of a website. You know — the ones that blah blah blah at you as you're trying to read the content on the page.

They do everything they can to get away from those intrusive attempts to gain their interest. Rather than pulling them in, you’re pushing them away.

Trust Is Earned

The truth is, you need to “earn the right” to talk to your audience these days. Stop creating ads that might grab their attention so you can tell them something that might make them interested in buying your service or product. It doesn't persuade. It repels. You've got to earn their trust.

Avatar people with hearts floating around them indicating social media likes

So, how do you earn their trust?

Value-Added Quality Content

Give them value. Illuminate them, educate them, provide value that will enhance their lives regardless of whether they buy your product or service.

Help them improve their lives. Be someone they can trust. Become what interests them.?

And that’s what we call “inbound marketing” — value-added content marketing. Provide value-added content across all channels. Give them valuable information they can use today to enhance their lives.

  • Illuminating articles on your website
  • Educational posts on your blog
  • Helpful social media posts?
  • Instructional YouTube videos
  • And more

And that’s my insider marketing hack.

You need to turn the tables on the “accepted marketing strategy.” Rather than a 90% outbound marketing / 10% inbound marketing strategy, flip it. Stop pushing your audience away. Instead, focus your efforts on marketing activity that attracts them to you. 90% inbound.

Turbulent surf

The Saga Continues

There I was — trapped in a dangerous situation by a man I had long since stopped trusting. All of the panic. . .all of the anger welled up inside me like a volcano.?

I had made my way closer to shore — not so much through my efforts — but because of the forward momentum of the waves. Now, not only could I not budge another inch, but I envisioned the next mammoth wave crashing us both to the unforgiving sand below our feet.?

In a flash, I imagined us tangled, twisted, and mangled together in the washing machine spin cycle. I screamed again, demanding that he let me go.

Thankfully, he listened. I was able to make it another few feet before the next humongous wave crashed down on top of me, but I was far enough away from him that his bulk didn’t add to the trauma.

Wet beach sand with SUCCESS written on it

Suffice it to say, I inevitably stumbled my way up onto the shore — sand packed into my eyes, ears, and nostrils, but I was safe.

Bring Your Business Safely to Shore

You can also make it to shore safely. Your business can survive this economic downturn if you switch your marketing and focus on inbound activity. I want to share with you the easiest way to do that to begin seeing results.

Content Marketing on a desk

How To Fast Track Reliable Results In Three Easy Steps

Step 1: Stop Wasting Time and Money on Ad Creation

Value-added content marketing is less expensive and more productive than advertising. It costs 62% less and produces 3X the number of leads.?

Build trust by spending your marketing budget and time on content marketing that gives value to your audience.

Step 2: Start Producing Value-Added Content

Typewriter with "Write Something"? typed onto a piece of paper

  1. Create a content calendar and start brainstorming value-added content. Provide information that will help your audience and enhance their lives.
  2. Schedule at least 2 articles per month for your website.
  3. Schedule at least 2 videos per month for YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms.
  4. Schedule social media campaigns for each piece of content. Provide at least 5 valuable bits of that content per day. And use your call to action to point to the original article or video so they can consume the entire message.

Bulletin board with post it notes and "Make Things Happen"? written on the one in the middle

Step 3: Hire a Professional Content Marketer Copywriter

Yes, I’m going there — because I care about you — and I want the world economy to thrive.

The fact is, a professional content marketer copywriter will get you farther faster. They’re trained writers who know a thing or two about marketing. And that's an understatement.?

If you take advantage of their skills, you’ll 10X your results. You'll also free up your time to do the things you do best — like running your business.?

Aligning yourself with a copywriter marketer should be like adopting someone into your family. So make an appointment or two to get to know them before deciding if it’s a good fit. You’ll both know it if it is! It’ll be a match made in heaven!

Sunset on a calm tropical beach with a small boat pulled up on shore

Let’s Recap!

I reminded you there's a light at the end of the tunnel during an economic downturn. The economy will improve.?

You also learned that strategic marketing during an economic downturn would help your business survive and thrive.

And you learned that inbound marketing efforts (value-added content) are less expensive and more productive than outbound (ads).

And I shared three decisive steps you can take today to fast track your content marketing results.

Don't let COVID trap your business in the spin cycle. Come up for air and push your way to safety with a productive value-added content marketing strategy. Bless the lives of your prospective clients, and they'll turn to you when they need a product or service you provide.

Who Will You Adopt?

Would you like to see if I'd be a good fit in your professional family tree? Let's talk about the possibilities! Take that next step and reach out to me here on LinkedIn today. I promise I don't bite! And I'd love to meet you.

Heather Murata - Freelance health and welnness/alternative and natural health copywriter with a BA in psychology

Heather Murata is a full-time freelance health and wellness/alternative and natural health copywriter with a BA in psychology.

She lives on Hawaii Island with her tennis pro husband and enjoys an active outdoor lifestyle, gardening, exercising, hiking, and playing tennis.?

Are you looking for a copywriter with credibility and integrity to write for your next project?

Click the TWCC Logo below to Schedule Your Free Online Consultation.

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Samantha B.

Empowering Advocacy for Family Caregivers/ Learn to Navigate Medical, Legal, and Financial needs of Caregiving while growing your Future

3 年

Fantastic article Heather!

Dr. Dennis Clark

Research Scientist. Focusing on Science Writing and on Copywriting for Alternative Health and Wellness.

3 年

One more benefit from inbound marketing as I read through this again: no advertising that seems to go into a black hole, never to be heard from again. And analytics, especially on Facebook et al., is a joke. A bad one at that.

Carmala Aderman

Almost half of all Americans live with a chronic disease. Health6FIT is a virtual community dedicated to helping people manage their disease by integrating wholistic, natural therapies with classic Western medicine.

3 年

I loved this article, Heather. Thank you!

Dr. Dennis Clark

Research Scientist. Focusing on Science Writing and on Copywriting for Alternative Health and Wellness.

3 年

You went right to the core of an all too common experience - "interruption marketing." It's really annoying. When Google gives me a link to what I'm looking for, the last thing I want to see is ads and other notices getting in the way of what I want to read. More often than not, I click off that page in a heartbeat. It's good to know, from your article, that I'm not the only one in this boat (yup, an ocean reference!).

Sophie Higgins MA, MBA, MBC

Educational Specialist, PDERI, Hawaii State Department of Education, Leadership Coach, Motivational Speaker, Online Course Creation

3 年

Very intriguing lead!


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