The one-habit method
Jo?l Roosen
Helpt ondernemers preventief iets aan hun gezondheid te doen |
Ever tried a diet, just to find out you relapsed after a few months?
Ever made a new-year's revolution to live healthier, and found out your motivation was gone after a few weeks?
We’re so willing to change, but you can’t find the motivation to keep having results in the long term.
The mistake most of us make, is that we try to change everything at once.
It doesn’t work because as human beings, we can only focus effectively on doing one thing at a time.
On the plus side, if we put all our focus and all our energy into doing that one important, strategic thing… We get really good at it.
Eventually, doing that one thing becomes effortless, and we don’t even have to think about it any more.
This is the difference we make at New Health Era.
Every 2 weeks, we’ll give you a new habit to practice.
Each habit is simple and easy to understand. And we’ll explain it clearly.
Every day for those 2 weeks, we’ll ask you: Did you do your one assigned habit? You tell us yes or no.
You can track how well and how often you’re able to do a given habit. If a habit feels too easy, you can make it more challenging. If it’s too hard, you scale it back. No problem.
Over time, as you get better at practicing your habits, you’ll find them easier to do, and eventually, you’ll do them without even thinking about them, just like brushing your teeth.
By the end of 2 weeks, you’ll have practiced your habit for 14 solid days, which is probably longer than most of us have stuck to our New Year’s Resolutions.
Then you’ll be ready for a new habit.
Want to get sustainable results in terms of healthing living and taking care of yourself?
Shoot me a message and we’ll help you out.
Enjoy your weekend.