No One Is Going To Save You...It's Up To You To Get Back Up.

No One Is Going To Save You...It's Up To You To Get Back Up.

Here I was, my darkest day. I'd only recently signed the bankruptcy papers and had my entire world turned upside down.

I was sitting on the curb, head in my hands crying uncontrollably.

My daughter who was around 6 months old at the time was using a towel as a makeshift nappy, screaming because she was hungry and we'd ran out of formula. My father in law had recently been diagnosed with Cancer and wasn't expected to live too long into the future.

I was helpless, lost and hopeless.

Thirty minutes earlier we'd walked into the Mount Gravatt Centrelink office hoping they could help us. But we didn't qualify for help for at least three months so they said there was nothing they could do. When I pleaded my case, begging for help they had security escort us off the premises.

All our accounts were overdrawn...we'd turned the couch upside down looking for lose change. Right then, we literally had not a cent to our name and no food in the cupboard.

How we kept a roof over our heads I can not tell you.

The next few months I felt like a punching bag, copping hit after hit after hit. Every time I was knocked down I made the decision to get back up.

Every time I got back up, my resilience grew, my strength grew and eventually I started to see the punches coming and was able to get out of the way.

I know there's lots of you out there right now who have just had the rug pulled from under your feet. It feels like you're in complete free fall and you're desperately trying to hang on to whatever you can get your hands on.

The hard lesson's you're going to need to learn quickly are...

You Can't Rely On Anyone To Help Get You Back Up!

No one is going to help've got to do this by yourself. Yeah you'll get a lot of sympathy and find thousands of people in the exact same boat as you but they're not going to drag you out of the pit you find yourself back to where you belong...that's on you.

Don't Feel Sorry For Yourself!

Right now, you're probably in a state of shock, three weeks ago life was great and suddenly if's fallen apart. I feel for you, I truly do. But sitting in the bottom of the pit feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to help anyone. Now is the time for action, feelings can come later.

You can work on the emotional scars at the same time as picking yourself up...but if you have to chose one to do first, chose action.

Find Someone To Lean On For Support!

I haven't done this alone. Every step of my journey, my wife has been by my side. We've endured the tough times together which allows us to appreciate the good times. In my darkest hours, she has always been there and I know I've been there in her times of need.

As much as you have to take the personal responsibility to get back up, you're going to need someone to lean on when it gets really tough. Sometimes you'll need a soft "It'll be ok" conversation, others its a "GET UP AND FIGHT" scream.

Don't take this fight alone without having someone to lean won't win.

Chase What's Really Important To You!

The next few months will present one of the greatest opportunities in our lives to get out of this trap of what modern day success is. Now is the opportunity to start afresh and chase something of real significance and importance to you.

It could be that career change you've always dreamed of but never thought possible, that new business or the mission you've never thought possible.

It was in my darkest hours where the foundations for the business I have today were sewn. It took me a long time to understand how these events shaped me, but as I sit here this morning reflecting on them...I am eternally grateful for each and every hit I copped and fight I endured.

Finally...This isn't going to be a movie where everyone's life gets turned upside down and in a few hours all the battles have been won and life goes back to normal.

Don't Compare Yourself To Others...

You're going to need to keep fighting for months or even years just to get back to where you were three weeks ago. You're going to compare all the struggles you're enduring in real life to everything which is happening in the pretend world which is social media.

Everyone only presents the image they want to the outside world...but we've all got mess in our closets and stuff we're desperate to keep hidden.

The only thing which you compare yourself against today is who you were yesterday and who you want to be tomorrow....that's it, everything else is noise.

You've got this...success is simply getting up one more time than life knocks you down.


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