And One Foot Out
My morning started off a bit earlier, and only because I wanted to get a few of my Buttercup squash harvested which have turned out to be the most tasty I've had in years, and since I'd promised to give a good sampling of them to Jenn who's the owner of Roots, I wanted to make sure she didn't think I forgot all about her.
When I delivered them, I was quick to mention that in my estimation, they're the Cadillac of the winter squash family, along with insisting that back when we sold vegetables, that was the only variety we planted, and only because of their fine texture and great taste. Someone mentioned some days ago about a Buttercup soup recipe which the whole family enjoys, so I'll have to see if I can find one online that sounds good. Yes, my garden plots have done remarkably well this year with the exception of creatures having their nightly organic smorgasbord.
My morning at office was a near continual setting of appointments and running errands which included a quick stop at our local lumber yard. I was looking for three-tab shingles but according to my 'man in the know', they're very hard to find now, and only because most manufacturers have stopped making them, so curious me asked why. Well, it came as no surprise when hearing they're now making architectural shingles instead, and only because they're easier to install without having to stagger them like the three-tabs. Of course, it's all about our roofers saving time and making more money. Wow!
As of right now, we've got three appointments scheduled within the next 24 hours to show my new listing at 418 - 20th St. SW, which comes as no surprise because it's a four bedroom ranch home with a double garage, along with it being located in our popular southwest district. Hopefully that charming home'll soon be under contract.
My early afternoon appointment to show my listing at 24 - 3rd St. NE in Nora Springs went quite well, and it won't come as any surprise if those out of town buyers end up purchasing it, and only because they're seasoned investors who know how to get their hands dirtied. One of the questions they asked, was if they had a building inspector similar to what we have here in Mason City, and I flat out said, “Absolutely not.” One of them just as much as said, “Some of those city departments absolutely love getting their 'jollies' out of say “No”, and then after you walk out, they're cracking jokes and making fun of you.” Gee, I'm now wondering which ones they were talking about.
After walking thru the home, they were in agreement with my earlier statement regarding that home still in possession of some good bones. I couldn't help adding that in the past, I'd taken on projects far more overwhelming than that one.
As I was driving back to the city, I began thinking about how much those two had their 'shite' together, along with not acting like know-it-alls which was yet another indication they didn't have to prove themselves. I did get them laughing when talking about the countless hours I'd spent over the years in stripping wood work, doors and cabinetry and then adding with a smile, “In spite of my ancient age, I'll continue to insist I'm one of the best male strippers in North Iowa.” Too funny!
Around mid-afternoon a call came in from a long time client who was asking my opinion on a troubling problem, so I offered up my thoughts along with insisting that we live in a world where people don't back-track and admit their failures or apologize for the wrongs they've caused others, where in these times, it's all about 'moving on' with no regrets, but only if those they've wronged are out of sight, because seeing or hearing from them, opens doors they want closed forevermore.
I gave examples of incidents where others had purposely wronged me, and later finding they were doing everything they could to avoid me, along with making up stories about why I'm keeping my distance from them. Yes, I can't think of one out of that group who didn't turn the tables completely around and lay their blame on me. Even if one of them is reading these lines tonight, I can wholeheartedly assure that individual to this very day, I'm not bearing a grudge or praying for their comeuppance, but rather they stay as far away from me as possible, because once burned, twice careful. What makes matters for them even worse, is that I still have a relatively acute memory which can easily recall names, places and faces.
Just recently I spoke about that individual whom I'd freely and willing acted as a caregiver for nearly two months, and after announcing that my job was nearly finished, I was bombarded with the craziest ideas and completely untrue accusations. Unfortunately for that person, I didn't cave, but instead let the cards fall where they may, but going forward in time, I can bet the farm, that certain individual will avoid me like the plague for likely months and years to come. Now you see, very few want to accept reality because they've got one foot in fairytale land, and one foot out in the now, which helps to create minds filled with fiction instead of hard facts. I must admit, my dear friend was one thousand percent correct regarding the warnings she'd given me from the very beginning. I did insist she give me a good beating the next time I'm insistent on wanting to help someone in need after she'd already given me her thumbs-down. I'm ever-thankful for having her as my dear friend.
Tonight's One-liner is: Evil, when we are in its power, is not felt as evil, but as a necessity, and oft times a duty.
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