The ONE Documentation Cheat Code: Understanding "Big D" and "Little d" documentation

The ONE Documentation Cheat Code: Understanding "Big D" and "Little d" documentation

If you’re one of the many leaders or business owners who’s looking at their documentation systems and processes, before you spend any more time, money, or effort, let me share one key idea.?

Here’s a simple framing technique for your documentation that you’ll find easy to grasp. It’s the myth that documentation is all about what I call “Big D” documentation, always “capital D” — requiring teams of IT, systems, and information management experts to design and implement.

While Big D areas of documentation — like records, policies, tools, technology – are, in fact, important, I’m a huge proponent of Little d.

Those are the? everyday practices and skills you and your team use, like your notes, to-do lists, emails, how you store things, and the skills to make this all happen.

Big D concepts that you’ve heard of like change management, information management, project management, business analysis, audit can give your documentation formality, a theme, and recognition in our business world. However, Little d documentation solves a lot of your problems!

You may have heard that culture eats strategy for breakfast. Well, I say that Little d eats Big D for lunch.

You can implement the fanciest sales system, but if your sales team doesn’t have the Little d habit of recording sales calls and prospects, it won’t increase your sales by even a dime.

Little d is like the Engine That Could. It creates results. When you document–consistently:

  • You get ideas out of your head and into action.
  • You stop losing the information you hear in meetings or events.
  • You End Groundhog Day discussions where you’re talking about the same topic over and over again.
  • You make yourself and your team more productive, efficient, and effective overall.

Simple acts of documentation make all the difference. Not the fancy systems or frameworks or god forbid, consultants like me. These small acts have a ripple effect for your team, department, organization, and your life overall.

If you looking for more information on this ONE Documentation Cheat Code, check out my latest video on YouTube here!


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