One Day You Will Forget : Quotes of Pravin Agrawal

One Day You Will Forget : Quotes of Pravin Agrawal

Here's - One Day You Will Forget.

And other posts/ true incidents.

Which you may wonder after knowing.

Know by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.

These are his sharing from time to time which contain the same word.

Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.

Love and light to you!

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1 December 2023

One day you will forget


One day you will forget!

You were PM President!

Of any nation!

You were billionaire!

You were having billions of followers!

You were most pretty or handsome!

*Leave these things!

One day you will forget!

Great people you meet now!

Your relatives friends!

*Leave them!

One day you will forget!

Your children!

Your spouse!

*Leave them!

One day you will forget!

Your name!

Your body, your face!

*Things you did in childhood!

You have forgotten them now!

In the same way!

Things which you are doing now!

You will forget them one day!

*One day you will forget your body, your face!

One day I will forget my body, my face!

Do you remember your face of childhood?

Do I remember my face of childhood?

*Since you remain always!

They don't remain always!

Try to know, who you are!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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1 October 2020

You should never be shocked!

*Even if you are IAS!

Even if you are from IIM!

Even if you from IIT!

Even if you are from AIIMS!

*Even if you are PM CM today!

Even if you are King today!

Even if you are billionaire today!

Even if you have million followers!

Even if you are film star today!

Even if you are very popular today!

*Tomorrow any thing can happen!

Time does not favor any one!

Time is just impartial for all!

Time is independent from all!

*You may be any thing tomorrow!

You may be on the road tomorrow!

You may be in the jail tomorrow!

You may be unemployed tomorrow!

*That is the reason!

Kings left their kingdom!

And became sages!

Leaving all things behind!

*Only virtues give you company!

Don't boast your present position!

Follow rules of Almighty!

Even if you are PM CM!

*Never trouble any innocent!

Treat every one equally!

Remain always impartial!

No one is your friend or enemy!

*No one will come for your rescue!

They may be your friends or family!

You will have to repay your Karma!

During or after this life!

*Never forget!

One day you will forget everything which you enjoy today!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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13 March 2024

People will not give you value

*If you don't give value to God!

You will weep, you will say!

People don't give you any value!

*Even if you are Prime Minister!

People will give you value!

Till you are on this chair!

*You may be billionaire!

You may be most popular!

You may be celebrity!

You will have to leave it!

*It's rule of the nature!

Whatever you get!

You will have to leave it!

*Then you will say!

People don't give you any value!

*Remember! Never forget!

If you give value to anything!

Except Krishna! Except Almighty!

You will have to weep one day!

*Give value only to Krishna!

Give value only to Almighty!

Then you will never weep again!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

8 March 2024

Then one becomes Shiva

*If one forgets!

His body!

His mind!

His intellect!

Even for some moments!

One becomes Shiva!

*If one forgets!

His body and world!

His wife, husband!

His children, parents!

His brothers, sisters!

His relatives, friends!

Even for some moments!

One becomes Shiva!

*Then it doesn't matter!

One lives in forest, home!

One lives in Himalaya etc!

*You had-

Thousands of bodies!

Thousands of worlds!

Thousands of kingdoms!

Thousands of homes!

Thousands of parents!

Thousands of children!

Thousands of wives!

Thousands of husbands!

Thousands of brothers!

Thousands of sisters!

Thousands of relatives!

Thousands of friends!

In your thousands of births!


Whatever you have now!

You will forget one day!

*You will forget-

Your this face!

Your this body!

Your this world!

Your this home!

Your this wife!

Your this husband!

Your children!

Your parents!

Your siblings!

Your relatives!

Your friends!

Your popularity!

Your richness!

Your poverty!

One day!

*It is very certain!

It is very true!

*You are born!

To know this truth!

To remember the same!

Which is ultimate reality!

*Shivaratri comes every year!

Only to know this truth!

Only to give this message!

*Shivaratri gives this message-

You are not a visible body!

You are invisible self soul Atma!

You are Shiva, Atma, Paramatma!

Don't be lost in all visible things!

Don't be trapped in attraction of world!

All visible things just to cheat you!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

*Happy Shivaratri!

2 March 2024

Then you can know yourself

*If you forget your body!

If you forget your mind!

If you forget your intellect!

Then you can know yourself!

*If you forget your wife!

If you forget your husband!

If you forget your children!

If you forget your parents!

If you forget your relatives!

If you forget your friends!

Then you can know yourself!

*There were-

Thousands of wives!

Thousands of husbands!

Thousands of children!

Thousands of parents!

Thousands of relatives!

Thousands of friends!

In your thousands of births!

*Same will be the case now!

One day you will forget-

Your this body!

Your wife husband!

Children, parents!

Relatives, friends!

It's without any doubt!

*If you can do this!

Then it doesn't matter!

You live in your home!

You live in a forest!

You live in Himalaya!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


1 December 2023

One day you will forget


One day you will forget!

You were PM President!

Of any nation!

You were billionaire!

You were having billions of followers!

You were most pretty or handsome!

*Leave these things!

One day you will forget!

Great people you meet now!

Your relatives friends!

*Leave them!

One day you will forget!

Your children!

Your spouse!

*Leave them!

One day you will forget!

Your name!

Your body, your face!

*Things you did in childhood!

You have forgotten them now!

In the same way!

Things which you are doing now!

You will forget them one day!

*One day you will forget your body, your face!

One day I will forget my body, my face!

Do you remember your face of childhood?

Do I remember my face of childhood?

*Since you remain always!

They don't remain always!

Try to know, who you are!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


2 September 2023

How God Realized Lives?

*For God Realized person this world doesn't exist. His body doesn't exist. His family doesn't

exist. Nothing exists except one Self, Atma or Almighty.

*He is not worried if his body dies today or on any other day.

But he never dies.

He is Unattached to his body.

Hence he is unattached to his family members, relatives, friends and this world.

*He knows that he had millions of bodies, family members, friends, relatives and friends in all

the past births. But he doesn't know them now.

Similarly he will forget everybody of today after this birth.

*He is just passing his remaining time in this mortal world.

For him, now there is no duty in this world after realizing the truth.

Since he already knows this world as a dream.

He acts as in dream.

*His presence in the world is beneficial even if he does not do anything.

He does everything even after doing nothing.

*Even if someone remembers him, one gets benefit.

Even if he remembers someone, one gets benefit.

*Hence he tries to remain away from the society.

If he remains near to you, then you will not remember him.

If he does not remain near to you, then you will miss him. Then you will remember him.

*If you remember him, then you remember God, Krishna, Atma, Self or Almighty.

Remembering him is easy.

But remembering Almighty is difficult.

*That is the reason God expresses Himself as God Realized person in different societies to

wake up the people from time to time.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


5 July 2023

Rat Race

*Don't be trapped!

By your mind!

Don't be trapped!

By rat race!

*If you are trapped in rat race!

You will feel one day!

Entire sand slipped from hands!

Then you will feel empty-handed!

*Then you will repent!

You will feel one day!

Every thing passed like a dream!

You are left with nothing!

*All this is show business!

Of this world!

Don't be trapped by its glamor!

Don't be trapped in rat race!

*Rat race is not good!

In any field!

It may be popularity!

Wealth, worldly power!

Your any worldly achievement!

*Since at last!

You will know the truth!

Nothing is left with you!

Nothing goes with you!

*Always Remember!

Never forget!

If you depend!

On any outside joy!

Except yourself!

You will have to weep one day!

As you will miss every outside thing!

Except yourself!

*Have self-contentment!

Depend only on self!

For your every pleasure!

Self can never run away from you!

*Self is God!

Self is soul, Atma!

Self is Almighty!

Self is Brahman!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


13 June 2023

Two Types of Faith In God

*There are two types of people who have faith on God.

First type of people, who perform their daily routine, Puja, worship etc for about one hour or so.

They think that their job is over.

This is not bad. They are better than the people who do not perform any Puja, worship etc.

But it is not enough. It is just a formality. You were not born for this purpose.

*Out of 24 hours, you have to give at least 8 hours in a day to God or Godly tasks. Ideally we

must spend our all 24 hours for God daily.

Since these hours have been blessed by God. We were created only for this purpose to know

God. But we have forgotten this purpose of our birth since we are entangled in other issues.

*Reply one question!

You are man or woman. Can you forget this truth even for one hour in a day?

No, you can not forget.

Even during your sleep you remember that you are man or woman.

In the same way, you have to know you are Atma, Soul, Self since it is your actual reality. Hence

you should not forget even for one hour in a day that you are Atma, son of Paramatma

irrespective of your gender.

Then you will not forget Paramatma or God even for one hour in a day.

For this purpose only you are born to know this truth.

*You think that others also perform one hour Puja, worship in a day and they are happy.

You think that others do not perform any Puja or worship and they are happy.

You must know that you are specially selected for this purpose to move on divine path of God.

Hence you are fortunate.

Hence you have to put extra effort. You have to come out of your comfort zone. God wants to

wake up you from your sleep of ignorance. He wants to show you light of divine knowledge.

*Others are not so fortunate. Let them remain in their comfort zone. Let them remain sleeping.

You should not compare yourself with such people.

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


2 April 2023

This World In Memory

*Your body and this world!

In your memory!

*When memory is lost!

Due to some accident!

*You forget!

Your parents, children!

Siblings, old friends etc!

Then you make new relatives!

*You forget!

Your old world!

Then you make!

Your new world!

*Your body also in memory!

Do you remember?

How was your body?

When you were 5 years old!

When you were 10 years old!

When you were 15 years old!


One day you will forget!

Your this body also!

Which gives you!

So much pain and pleasure!


You are different than body!

You are not the body!

You are Soul, Atma!

Son of Paramatma!

Irrespective of your gender!

*Aim of your birth!

On this earth!

Only to know this truth!

But you forgot this purpose!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


26 March 2023

No Difference in Intensity of Sun

*We see the sun during waking!

We see the sun during dream!

*There is no difference!

In the intensity of sun!

During waking and dream!

*We get joy and sorrow!

During waking and dream!

There is no difference in feeling!

At that time!

*But in the other state!

We forget that intensity of sun!

We forget that joy and sorrow!

*We observe this fact!

Almost daily!

*In the same way!

Your joy and sorrows!

Your every thing of today!

They will become dream one day!

*In this life!

In other state!

In other life!

*You forgot joy and sorrows!

And every other things and people!

Of your past lives!

*Similarly one day!

You will forget!

All things and people!

Of this life one day!

*Do you remember?

All things and people!

Of your childhood!

*Hence don't give importance!

To other things and people!

Except one Almighty God!

And yourself, Atma, Soul!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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6 February 2023

Correct Wrong Abhyas By Right

*There is no other way!

To know the Self!

To know Atma!


Correct wrong Abhyas!

By right!

*Atma is not bonded!

But due to wrong Abhyas!

Wrong remembering!

It has forgotten itself!

*What is Abhyas?

Abhyas means Practice!

*Since millions of births!

Atma has forgotten itself!

It is doing wrong Abhyas!

By assuming itself body!

*Only remedy!

Correct wrong Abhyas!

By right Abhyas!


Wrong remembering!

By right remembering!

Right practice!

For a long duration!

*Consider yourself!

Purush, Self or Atma!

*Try to forget body!

Try to remember!

You are Purush, Self or Atma!

As much as possible!

*Then one day!

You will realize!

You are Purush, Atma, Self only!

Not a body!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


1 December 2022

True Incident : Aakash Vaani

You must have heard about the birth of Lord Sri Krishna. Father of Lord Sri Krishna was

Vasudev and mother was Devaki.

She was sister of Kansa.

Vasudev and Kansa were close friends. Hence Kansa decided to do marriage of his sister

Devaki with Vasudev.

After the marriage Devaki was going to her in laws along with her husband Vasudev and brother


On the way there was Aakash Vaani from the skyO Kansa, you are taking your sister to her in laws with too much love and affection. But you

must know that you will be killed by her eighth son.

Listening this Aakash Vaani, attitude of Kansa was changed. He wanted to kill his sister Devaki

to finish the very root of the problem so that he should not be killed by her eighth son. But

Vasudev persuaded him. Hence Kansa put Devaki and Vasudev in the prison where Lord Sri

Krishna took birth and killed Kansa after some time.

By knowing this incident I used to think this incident of Aakash Vaani as false.

You must also have heard about this incident of Akash Vani.

It is not false!

During my divine journey I have experienced many divine incidents!

But this is my first divine experience!

When my divine journey started during the year 1990, it was the first incident, first divine

experience with me!

That was Divine voice from sky ie Aakash Vaani.

During those days I was too much upset due to sad demise of my beloved father.

One day I woke up in the morning. I gazed on the wall in front of my bed.

I listened the clear voice as if Almighty God hidden in the wall speaking to me.

I clearly heard very pleasant voice-

Sadaa Satya Bolo!

Kisi Ka Dil Na Dukhao!

I again listened it two or three times!

Its meanings in English-

Always speak truth!

Do not hurt anyone!

I couldn't forget these sacred words even after so many years!

This was my first divine experience!

I didn't share it with anyone!

Now I am sharing it for the good of one and all.


5 August 2022

When you were baby

*You could not do anything!

When you were one month baby!

Even you could not turn your sides!

You needed help of others!

*Now you think!

That you are doing everything!

This is your false ego!

You can't do anything!

*When you will be too old!

Again you will know!

That you are very helpless!

You will not be able!

To turn your sides!

You will need help of others!

*Then you will think!

You can't do anything!

It was your false ego!

You considered yourself as doer!

*Only in between!

You are so much proud of yourself!

That you do everything!

*But it is your false ego!

One day you will know reality!

That you can't do anything!

*Then, who is the doer in fact?

Only Almighty is doer!

Even if He is non-doer!

*Almighty creates thoughts!

As per your Karma!

Good or bad!

*Since only your thoughts act!

Not yourself!

You do as per your thoughts!

Good or bad!

*How to have good thoughts?

To do good Karma!

*Love and remember Sri Krishna!

Don't forget Him!

Love everyone!

Irrespective of any religion, difference!

He will create good thoughts!

*Have faith on Almighty!

Engage yourself in Krishna!

Or any other God!

Have good company!

*Then certainly!

You will have good thoughts!

You will have good Karma!

*Then you can know Almighty!

Then you can know Sri Krishna!

Achieving very purpose of your birth!

*If you share it to anyone!

It can spread good thoughts!

It can spread good Karma!

In the entire universe!


22 July 22

@Those girls will meet same treatment

@Those girls!

Who can't take care!

Of their aged mother in laws!

@They will meet the same treatment!

In their old age!

Without fail!

@It is as true!

As third law of Newton!

Reaction against action!

@Even if you are employed girl!

And you can't take care!

Of your aged mother in law!

@You will meet same treatment!

In your old age!

One day you will also be old!

@Remember! Do not forget!

Nature sets right everything!

@If you send money!

To your mother in law!

But you do not serve her!

It is not enough!

You will also meet same treatment!

@If you employ maid!

For your mother in law!

But you do not serve her!

It is not enough!

You will also meet same treatment!

@Nature sets right everything!

You are always under cctv surveillance!

Under true justice of Almighty God!

@Serve your aged mother in law!

Serve your aged father in law!

Serve your aged parents!

Serve even unknown aged if you can!

@This is applicable for you!

Equally for every man or woman!

@You will repent with tears!

In your old age!

If you do not serve!

Your aged mother in law!

Aged father in law!

Aged parents!

Aged unknown people!

@They may not require your help!

But they require!

Certainly your loving attitude!


Be very cautious!

While doing any Karma!

It may be I, you or other!

No one can escape Karma!

@If you share this to anyone!

This will be worship of God!

Sitting inside every aged person!


9 June22

@How to deal with Jealousy?

@Why you are jealous?

Assume this world as dream!


No one is superior!

No one is inferior!


All are acting in drama!

@Don't forget!

Sampatti Vipatti Ki Jad Hai!

More you have!

More you will be in trouble!

@Everything will be missed!

Then you will be very sad!

Hence it is better not to have!

@If you are happy!

By any thing, person!

Or circumstance!

You will be unhappy!

By same thing, person!

Or circumstance!

@If you are more happy!

Then you will be more unhappy!

With all these things!

@Since you have to miss them one day!

Since they have to miss you one day!

@On receiving you will be happy!

On missing you will be unhappy!

@Try to find out that thing!

Which can never be missed!

And that is Almighty!


Almighty is taking your test!

He wants to make you stronger!

Hence you have to win the jealousy!

@Don't be weak!

Be strong!


All these are toys!

To trap you in mortal world!

@Hence don't be attracted!

By all these things!

Thus win the jealousy!

@Krishna has told in Gita!

Initially you have to drink the poison!

Only after that!

You can taste the nectar of immortality!

@Thus have faith!

On these words of Krishna!

@If you win yourself!

You win the world!


25 May 2022

Remain busy in making the shoes

*Learn from Saint Ravi Das!

Remain busy in making the shoes!

*And one day!

You will bring Ganga in your home!

*Do you know?

About Saint Ravi Das!

Check his story in the web!

*He used to follow!

Teaching of Lord Sri Krishna!

As told by Him in Bhagavad Gita!

Thus he brought Ganga in his home!

*What is that teaching?

Do whatever you are doing!

Whatever job or business you do!

Consider it your Dharma, Worship!

*Thus worship Sri Krishna!

Worship God of any religion!

With your natural duty!

Which is assigned to you by God!

*Do not forget Sri Krishna!

Don't forget Almighty!

While performing every duty!

*If you make the shoes!

Like Saint Ravi Das used to make!

Treat every customer as God!

*If you do any other job, Business!

Treat every customer like God!

*Thus perform your duty!

And one day you will see the miracle!

You can bring the Ganga at your home!

*Don't ignore this fact!

Have firm faith on this truth!

*Forward this to all concerned!

This will itself be your worship!


2 May 2022

For Whom You are Doing?

*What for you are doing?

For whom you are doing?

*What for all this?

You are collecting wealth!

You are collecting popularity!

You are collecting property!

You are increasing business!

You are increasing designations!

You are increasing prizes!

You are increasing praise!

For whom you are doing all this!

*For your body?

For your Atma?

*Body will be missed one day!

Atma doesn't require anything!

*You are not the body!

You are Atma!

*You are not doing all this for you!

You are doing all this for your body!

*If you are doing all this!

For your children!

Remember! Do not forget!

Most of the generation of today!

They do not require!

Your wealth and property!

*Do what remains with you!

Don't do what remains with body!


9 December 2021

Death and Afterwards

*As per Scriptures a person feels too much pain during the birth and death. And this is the

reason liberation is required to avoid birth and death.

*The person gets flashback of major events of entire life within a short span of time just after the

death like film of movie. To whom he has cheated, troubled or helped.

*During life also every one feels sorrows, pains, insults mixed with some occasions of

happiness. And most of the people take it as real happiness or aim of the life. But it is just

illusion. There is no happiness even during the life.

*Just after the death soul is separated from the body and journey of soul starts after the death.

And then soul is called Jeevatma if it is not liberated.

*Jeevatma remains near the body and its home or work place for about 13 days. It sees every

thing done with its body, home, work-place by its friends, enemies or relatives.

*After 13 days it starts its journey as per its Karma. Then it flies above in the sky and forgets

every thing and every person. Memories of this birth is lost.

*If it has done good Karma, then process of its purification starts for liberation. It is mainly

checked that Jeevatma was sent on the planet earth to love each other. How much love it has

given to all. And how much divine knowledge it has gained during the life.

*After that your next birth is decided. If you are already in the path of Knowledge. Then it is

certain that you will take next birth in such family where you may continue your further journey

for enhanced divine knowledge and liberation.

*If you require to neutralize your good or bad Karma, then your next birth is arranged


*Remember Almighty God does nothing in all these things. Every thing is automatic as per the


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14 Nov 2021

Everything To Be Story

*One day your everything!

It will become a story!

*Your body, name, fame!

Your post of PM CM!

Your high designation!

All things will become story!

*What will be left behind?

Your work done here!

On this planet earth!

That will be left here!

*And that will remind here!

That will make the story!

*That will be left for discussion!

You will be matter of discussion!

*Hence beware!

Before initiating any action!

*Always remember this fact!

Never forget this truth of life!


8 October 2021

Your Meeting

*If you meet any person!

He must become happy!

Not yourself!

*If he is happy!

Then it is real meeting!

*If you are happy!

There may be reasons!

He may be Minister!

He may be Prime Minister!

Hence you may be happy!

Now you can boast!

That you have met so and so!

Hence you may be happy!

But he may not be happy!

*And this meeting will become dream one day!

Then you will forget this meeting!

This meeting may increase your ego!

Hence it may be harmful in true sense!

*Always meet smaller people!

Then they will be happy!

Never meet bigger people!

Then you will be happy!

But they may not be happy!

*The good meeting is one!

The meeting when you meet the person!

Who loves you!

And you love him!

Then both will be happy!

*But the true meeting is one!

When you meet the person!

Who changes you for ever!

From inside, not outside!

You are colored in his color!

*And you may never forget!

This meeting!

Since you may wake up for ever!

By this meeting!

27 September 2021

Words of Wisdom

*Your post, designation, status, wealth, popularity, etc may enhance your ego. They may make

you proud.

But they never give peace. They are just to test you. They are just to trouble you.

Even your friends and relatives may become jealous by all these since then they may expect

something from you and you may not fulfill the expectations of all .

*They may not give you naturality, ease and comfort mentally.

*That is the reason Buddha left his kingdom to get the peace.

*Peace, love and bliss are mental subjects not the physical.

*It is the rule in this physical world that whichever thing gives you maximum happiness, it will

certainly give sorrows on missing it after some time since you become attached with it.

*One day you will forget everything which you enjoy now!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!


11 FEB 2021

Tell me about your job

Tell me about your job!

Job is for food?

Food is for job?

Which is correct?

Generation of today!

They are entirety wrong!

You are doing job for what purpose!

For your food! Living!

But you don't have time!

For taking your meals!

What will you do of such job?

When you don't find time!

To take your meals!

True! Work is Worship!

But life requires balancing!

If you don't take timely meals!

You will spoil your health!

If you are always on laptop!

If you don't take time!

For physical exercise!

You will spoil your health!

You will repent one day!

Never forget!

If wealth is lost, nothing is lost!

If health is lost, something is lost!

If character is lost, everything is lost!


6 Jan 2021

Those who are in Govt Jobs

Those who are in Govt Jobs!

They must do their duties!

Very sincerely! Efficiently!

As if they are in Private jobs!

Their services need to be competitive!

With the services of private sector!

Their efficiency needs to be equal!

To private sector or more than that!

Else, that day is not too much far!

That their services will be privatized!

They may be officers or subordinates!

Since Almighty can't see injustice!

They are lucky to have government jobs!

But their children will forget govt jobs!

They may be in health, engineering!

Or any government departments!

They should never forget these facts!

And one day, they will know this truth!

Their government jobs only to serve people!

Service to man is service to Almighty!

If they forget this fact!

They will have to repent one day!

Since they exist due to the people!

Since people don't exist due to them!

They must always remember!

They must never forget!

If Services not done!

Then Services not required!

If services delayed!

Then services not required!

Today it is my turn!

Tomorrow it may be yours!

Forward it in required language!

If you don't want to be disappointed!

By any government services in future!

If you love your nation in true sense!


5 December 2020

My Most Viewed Posts Part 1

Don't worry about people


What is Vivek?

Who says Krishna doesn't come?

One day you will forget

Words of Wisdom : Karma

If you hate Hindu or Muslims

How is Almighty?

What is religious?

Respect your elders

What is the reason of sorrows?... Bird

You are seeing movie

Why so many Gods in Hinduism?

No appointment is required for Almighty

What is Spirituality?

Change starts from home

What is actual knowing?

If you were selected in competition

You can give it any name

You should never be shocked


If you are not selected in IAS or IIT


29 Nov 2020

Miracle of Sri Krishna For Me

Though there have been many miracles of my beloved Lord Sri Krishna in my life.

But today I remembered one miracle.

It was the year 1990. I was very sad during those days. Before that I purchased new Bajaj

Super Scooter. I did not know to drive bicycle. But on the insistence of my wife I purchased the

Scooter. I was learning to drive the new Scooter. One day I had fallen from the Scooter during

learning and injured too much. Then I expressed my anger on the Scooter and the wife. I kicked

the Scooter as if I was beating it.

I told to my wife, now forget this Scooter. I will never learn to drive it. My wife said, what we will

do of this new Scooter. I told - Throw it away!

After some days I was recovered. Then my wife again insisted myself to learn the Scooter.

Somehow, she won and I again started to learn driving the Scooter.

After some days I learned it up to a certain extent.

One day I was too much sad. I decided to test Lord Krishna. I started the Scooter and closed my

eyes. I decided let it happen, whatever happens.

I was driving on the road but with light traffic.

After some time I had fallen from the Scooter. Scooter fell down on other side.

To my surprise I saw one boy of about 7 years age with complexion of Krishna. He held my

hand and picked me up from the ground. He told me - God has given you eyes and intellect.

Use it. Don't close your eyes.

The moment I could stand up. He disappeared.

I was not injured. Krishna saved me.

I couldn't forget His words!

But you should not try this!

You must honor His words - Use your eyes and intellect!

Krishna can come in any form!


22 Nov 2020

Every one and Every thing

Everyone is for leaving!

Every thing is for leaving!

Even if dearest one!

Nothing you can hold!

Every one and every thing!

It is given to you!

For leaving one day!

You want or not!

Every one may be good or bad!

Every thing may be good or bad!

One day you will have to leave it!

Never forget this fact of life!

It may be your body!

It may be body of other!

It may be your thing!

It may be thing of other!

You will know this fact one day!

Nothing belongs to you!

You belong to no one!

Except yourself and Almighty!


How to pass very difficult time


When you have very difficult time. When you are likely to have depression.

Then following ways may help you to make you stronger:

1/ Know that Spiritual world or divine world is opposite to this world.

If you are having difficulty in this world, you will be having comfort in divine world. And you can

enter in this divine world only when you are alive, not after the death.

2/ Nothing is free. You get something by spending some thing. If you are having comfort, then

your bank account of virtues is reduced. If you are having difficulty, then you must be happy

since your sins are reduced.

3/ Know, this world is an Examination Hall. You have to pass the exam. Almighty is taking your

exam. And you have to pass this test. You must be happy that He has chosen you for this exam.

Since He takes the exam of only those whom He loves most. He considers you fit for the exam.

4/ You must come out of your comfort zone if you want to be stronger.

5/ Remember that you had difficulty many times in the past and you had overcome it.

Today you don't even remember them. Hence this difficult time will also pass like old one.

6/ You forgot your difficult time, worries, beloved persons and things to whom you loved most

ten years back. Hence this difficult time also you will forget after ten years.

7/ Gold glitters only after heating. Rose gives fragrance only after living with the thorns. Hence

this difficult time is also for shining you so that you can give fragrance.

8/ You are brave. You are not coward. Hence you can not run away from difficulties.

Remember, you can run away from the body but not from your mind.

9/ Think this universe as movie. Hence whatever is going on here, think it is in a movie. Are you

effected by movie? See the movie and enjoy good and bad both.

10/ Think this universe as a dream. Hence whatever is going on here, think it is in a dream. Are

you effected by dream? See the dream and enjoy good and bad.

11/ In fact, there is no difficult time or easy time. There is nothing good or bad. Only your

mindset and attitude makes it such. Hence try to make your attitude accordingly.

12/ Thank God you are breathing. Thank Almighty you are alive. About one and half lakh people

who were alive yesterday, they could not see the dawn of today morning. And this happens


13/ Go to any hospital. See, how people are sad, how much sorrows they are having!

They are more unhappy than you! Their difficulties are much more than you!

14/ Even Gods had difficult times. Lord Rama had to go exile for 14 years along with his wife.

Life of Sri Krishna was full of difficulties right from His birth. He took birth in Jail. Lord Shiva had

to drink poison. No one can be greater without drinking the poison.

15/ If autumn comes, spring will also come certainly. If night brings the darkness, then day will

also bring brightness very certainly in your life. Day and night are cycle of nature. Joy and

sorrow are cycle of nature. Why do you worry?

16/ If you want to make use of your education, please share this with others to enhance peace

and happiness. You must consider yourself fortunate if you can remove the pain or sorrows of

even one person.


Why you have depression?

Why you have depression?

Why you have tension?

Why you die before actual death?

Did you born with your own wish?

Remember your childhood!

You did not have any fear!

You did not have any depression!

You did not have any tension!

When you were baby!

Did you fear from fire!

Did you fear from snake!

Who protected you?

When you were baby!

You used to run to touch the fire!

You used to run to touch the snake!

Who protected you?

Go back to your childhood!

You have forgotten many things!

Which were very dear to you!

Same will happen for now!

Today you are worried for some things!

You will forget them after some years!

Leave the things!

Many people were very dear to you!

When you were child!

But now you forgot them!

Many people are very dear to you today!

You will forget them after some years!

One day you will forget!

Your parents, your children!

Your siblings, your friends!

Your spouse, your relatives!

Your car, your bungalow!

Your wealth, your property!

And above all!

One day you will forget!

Your name!

Your face!

Do you remember?

Your face of childhood!

Do you remember?

Your face of last birth!

Circumstances change!

Problems change!

Your face changes!

But you remain as it is!

8 September 2019

Words of Wisdom: Nothing is Permanent

*Any post, designation, wealth, person, friend, political-leader, celebrity, popularity, stardom or

status, etc which gives you maximum happiness today. It will be certainly the cause of maximum

pain for you tomorrow on missing it. Since nothing is permanent in this universe except one


*Except beloved Krishna, Almighty, self, supreme soul, Atma nothing is permanent which you

can never miss even if you want.

*One day you will forget everything which you enjoy now!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends by email, facebook, twitter etc for creating spirituality on this beautiful planet earth.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search for them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

He is regularly sharing his blogs, posts in Speaking tree website, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook etc.

You can Google Search his all the profiles by the following key-words-

Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger

Most of his posts / blogs / books can be searched by Google.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost all of my posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost all of my posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

? ? ?

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal

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Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-

You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-

What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-

Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-

Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-

My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-

Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-

Whomsoever I see that is myself-

Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-

Scenes do not exist even now-

Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal-

? ? ?


Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-

Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-

More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

List 2 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-

? ? ?

Gyan Prakash

Director at FICCI

9 个月




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