We are terrified of death, we should not be, that is just one moment. We should be terrified of not living our lives properly. We are temporary, and that is why we need to live every moment of our lives.
- We All Gonna Pass- This life is temporary.
- Live Every Moment Wisely- Don’t waste time on trivialities, take the best of every moment.
- Love- Life is too short to hate anyone, understand that and love them.
- Dreams- If you don’t follow your dreams, you will live in nightmares.
- Be Courageous- The shortness of life makes you brave, you don’t have time to be a coward.
- Be The Master Of Your Life- Your life is only your responsibility. Be a king of your life.
- Create Healthy Relationships- The most important in this life are your relationships with others.
- Conquer Fears- Nothing can limit and destroy your life as fears.
- Create From Your Life A Masterpiece- Don’t live an average life, make from it a masterpiece.
Life is short, but it is long enough to make it a masterpiece.
Contact me for coaching and mentoring if want to overcome a fear of the transience of life and live your best life.