Yashraj Singh
Digital Marketing | Content Writer | Meme Writer | Customer Service Agent |
One day, I was just randomly scrolling Instagram and saw you had tagged someone else in the kind of memes that you used to tag me in.
Later on, I stopped getting your stories and thought that maybe I am not in your close friends list anymore. I felt some jealousy when someone else grabbed your hand, and you didn’t even speak a word. That day when you left like that, I felt left out for a moment. And guess what, I am getting used to this. Thanks to you.
Have you seen our conversations lately? Wait, am I even there on your recent chats list or am I down somewhere you can’t even find me? “You mean the world to me.” I still remember you saying this.
“Where do I stand in your world now?” I want to ask you this now. I know what friendship means, but I don’t know what friendships mean to. From being the best buddies to being literally nothing.
I do think about it sometimes. Whose fault is this? Who is the one to be blamed? “Will I ever be able to replace you just like you did? This is the question that keeps popping inside my head.
Maybe, all you ever told me were just mere words. Maybe, I was the only one to take them seriously. Maybe we weren’t meant to be. Maybe our frequencies matched once, but they don’t now. I tagged you as my 2 am friend, but see I am writing this letter instead of having a conversation with you.
That’s where we are now.