One Day Never Comes
Tina Sibley
Coaching and training to help leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals to achieve BIG goals.
I've been desperately saddened the last few days to hear of too many lovely people passing before their time.?
It makes me more determined than ever to make the most of whatever time I have left - and encourage and inspire others to do likewise.?
We can ALL be guilty of allowing the day to day stuff get in the way of our dreams.
I think back to some of the unfulfilled dreams I had around 10 years ago.
I dreamed of moving to live in the sunshine. I had 'bucket-list' dreams to visit Canada, hike the Inca Trail, go on Safari, go on cruises and have dream beach holidays like you see in the brochures.
Fortunately, during the last 10 years, I've done all that and more! (Kilimanjaro was never a bucket-list to climb, although I did want to see it)
But to do these things took making some brave decisions.
To leave the comfort zone of where I lived in the UK to settle somewhere new in Spain.
To take off to Canada, not knowing where I would stay for the whole trip, but allowing it to unfold.
To book my place to hike the Inca Trail even though, at the time of booking, I was no hiker!
To spend, rather than save the money.
I had these dreams for many years. "One Day" I will do that. What made them finally happen was the realisation that 'one day' was always in the future and unless I took action TODAY, that day would never come.
To a degree, we're motivated (or not) by fear. The fear of coming out of that comfort zone keeps us staying safe - but doesn't inspire or satisfy us. It was the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) that got me going on making my dreams happen. I couldn't bear the idea of sitting on my porch in my old age, or lying in my bed as my time approaches thinking "I wish I'd done THAT".
There will always be more dreams and inevitably, there will be some dreams that go unfulfilled. But having a bunch of amazing memories from dreams that you did get to make true are the sweetest of all.
This is one of the features I love about Facebook - the memories that come up for each day. They used to bore me. Now I've had some amazing adventures, I look forward to seeing what I got up to on the same day in previous years.
How about you?
Do you have dreams to fulfill?
Allow me to help you keep your dreams alive and plan to making them become a reality.?
You can start with a 20 minute chat with me to get that fire started. You can arrange that here.?
We all need help to stay motivated - I know that when I talk to my coaches, I'm always more alive and more determined.
Let's do this - together. TODAY.
After all - One Day never comes.