One Day I Will...
Melina Panetta
Take your LinkedIn from being flooded with recruiters to overflowing with clients ready to work with you. | Ex-Sales Director | PCC | FREE Masterclass 12/5
“Go to Australia.”
“Stop answering to a boss.”
“Get the body I’ve always wanted.”
“Start a family.”
“Live in a house at the beach.”
“Try pilates.”
“Create a meet-up group for people with X.”
“Write a book.”
“Learn to cook great tasting gluten-free meals.”
“Move to Sardinia!”
“Start my dream business!”
“Start meditating.”
"Read more."
Sound familiar?
One day, someday. Well, the truth of the matter is that “one day” or “someday” never comes, does it? Ever.
It’s never the right time to take a vacation, start a family, launch a Side Hustle, make time for a new hobby or passion.
How do you know if you’re letting your big dreams slip away?
You feel that you are not living the life that you know deep down you want to live.?You feel anxious, bored, unmotivated, or that everything is just “dull.”
Like you’re going through the motions on autopilot.
What’s the antidote to letting regret slowly creep in?
Mark Twain said, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
It’s true.?
The secret to getting started is creating baby steps…breaking your big, overwhelming tasks into small manageable ones, and then taking your first step.
Start at the first one. And then the next.?And the one after that.
Here are five simple tips to get ahead in your life:
1. Make Time
You will never find the time to do anything. You must make and protect it.
Clear a block of at least one to two hours a week to get your dream started. Like a doctor’s appointment or important meeting, this time is neither changeable nor negotiable. Ever.
2. Take Complete Ownership?
Every time you have a negative thought that tells you achieving your goal isn’t possible, or tries to prevent you from starting, acknowledge what is really going on and shift your thinking.?Remember — results matter, excuses don’t!
There are plenty of people out there who are already successfully doing what you want to do, you are next!?Take 100% ownership of your life.
3. Focus
During your action time, remove all distractions by putting your phone away and shutting down your social media alerts on your laptop. Make yourself unavailable for anything or anyone.
4. Commit To A Clear, Realistic Deadline
This is crucial. What does success look like for you???
Break up your goal into small milestones with due dates, so you can see your progress and hold yourself accountable along the way.
Be sure to have goals that are within reach (no more than 6 months out) so it feels attainable.
5. Have FUN and Celebrate
When you are in the process of creating a life you enjoy living, you will feel engaged and alive.
Give yourself the gift of being fully present and celebrate your progress.
A night out at your favorite restaurant, a spa day, or reading a good book will inspire you to keep going.
What have you been thinking about for some time that you would love to start doing??
Remember-- life is temporary, there are no guarantees, so what are you waiting for exactly? Because procrastinating results in just one thing: failure.
Because All You Ever Have Is Now.
What are you going to start?
Take your LinkedIn from being flooded with recruiters to overflowing with clients ready to work with you. | Ex-Sales Director | PCC | FREE Masterclass 12/5
2 年Glad you liked it Sally P.!
Too right Melina Panetta, ACC ( if there's a word like that ) Working towards our "one day"s need to be focused and active. I relate to the breaking it down into baby steps Love it .
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2 年Make time and have fun - those two really resonanted with me Melina! One, I'm still learning and the other I've always believed in. ??