A One-Day Course: Preparation For Job Interview For School Leavers And Jobseekers
We Will Prepare You To Be Able To Answer 40 Common Interview Questions To Make You 90% Prepared For A Job Interview.
Focusing on personal attributes that ensure that you stand out when applying for a job, we will conduct a one-day workshop in:
§ Interview preparation
§ First impressions
§ Dressing for interviews and the workplace
The course includes lunch and refreshments
§ An understanding of the interview process and how to approach it fully prepared and with plenty of confidence;
§ An awareness of how you communicate through your body language and silent signals;
§ Tools to present and pitch (persuade) yourself effectively;
§ An understanding of business dress codes and your personal style; and
§ Tips on how to network and form prospective contacts.
DATE AND TIME: Saturday, 28 October 2017, time to be confirmed.
PLACE: Debrett’s, Central London
PRICE: N$650.00 per person. A discount of 8% can be applied to bookings for two or more participants. To book your place, please email [email protected] or telephone us on 081 667 4608.
Hurry places are limited.