One One Day Congotay.
Democratic Citizenship One Way Forward. Sunday 19th September 2021.
Dear Trinidad and Tobago, after witnessing 46 plus days of abuse to a loving son and father by the child’s mother and 2 State Agencies, and making several attempts to settle the matter in a Peaceful Manner, I have no other choice now, but to place the matter fully in the hands of persons who can manage it better (Report handed over as per attached Letter to the persons so named) and share the Facts and Law as I have learnt it, in the Activity Titled Democratic Citizenship, by the Lord Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law and Professor Michael Olatokun.
All the details will be placed on our Cloud Archive at
The Commonwealth Lawyers Association CLA, just completed its 22nd Conference in Nassau, the Bahamas, titled “Sustainable Justice the future role of the law”. Our very own Hazel Thompson-Ahye presented on Tuesday the 7th of September 2021, before Lunch, the Topic “Child Protection In the Commonwealth: are we doing enough?”
My recent experience with this case, places a serious doubt about that question, when State Agencies can ignore Common Law, Statute Law and Constitutional law and do their own thing, creating tremendous pain and suffering to a 10 year old male child and a 56-year-old hard working poor father, but trying his best to bring up a patriotic citizen and have to suffer loss of custody, care and daily loving to and from his child by persons trying to hide behind State Agencies to commit atrocious acts of abuse, for 46 plus days.
Can you imagine a mother, using the Child Protection Unit in Maraval and the Children’s Authority, having a Team Lead, employed, without a basic understanding of the Statute Law, which guides the operation of this powerful Authority. Sadly, I now can.
All Parents, Grandparents, Brothers, Sisters and other family members must ask themselves “are we doing enough?”
To deny not only the father to speak to his child up to now, but also his 3 sisters and the law clearly state that the Authority must promote communication between children and parents.
I thank God daily for a mother, an angel who left when it was convenient and gave my father 8 children, 4 boys and 4 girls, sharing an indescribable love, until she went back after 72 years. There was no Family Court then and no Statute law like now, but she managed to bring all of us to adulthood, even though my father left us alone as young ones.
So much more has to be done and our Silver Generation is still not valued for the contribution they can make to family life. As they say, “one day, one day, congotay.”(their time to pay will come.)
Love Always Mom. Donald.