The One Choice That Changes Everything
Lucy Maeve
Golden handcuffs starting to feel more like a ball and chain? Wanting life to feel genuinely good again? Come.. I'll show you how | Trained with Gabor Mate | Ex JP Morgan | Featured in the Telegraph & BBC
‘I just want to step into my power’ she said.
Power being defined as confidence, courage - the capacity to do the damn thing..
That. Is. Not. Power.
Well, not completely.
We’ve been conditioned incorrectly to see powerful people as the people who do the big things, the shiny things, the visible things and YET…
Let me tell you what power really is.
Power is the capacity to CHOOSE.
It is the capacity to choose how we respond to a situation before automatically reverting to the patterning we’ve been circling around in since childhood.
It’s the power to choose to say no when we’d usually say yes.
To say hi when we’d usually hide
To stay open in intimate relationships when we’d usually withdraw and silent treatment
Power is our capacity to CHOOSE.
Most people live on autopilot. Something happens in life that subconsciously reminds them of their childhood and they flip out.
Most people spend their whole lives like this.
But not my people. My people choose to build their power.
They choose to build their capacity to CHOOSE how they respond.
And in choosing… they become the creator of their own reality.
L x
I am launching a GROUP coaching programme in January for women who are ready to step into their TRUEST essence of power so they can live lives that they are grateful for on their deathbeds. To join the waitlist, click the link below