The One Chart That Explains Everything About Pipeline Opposition

The One Chart That Explains Everything About Pipeline Opposition

One chart demonstrates why the Delaware Povertykeeper, Clean Air Council and the rest of the pipeline opposition spends so much gentry class cash on it.

Jim Willis uncovers more invaluable news about the natural gas industry in the Appalachian shale basin than anyone else I know. He and his Marcellus Drilling News have their ears close to the ground and a subscription is a must if you don’t already have one. Yesterday, he posted one of his most important posts ever titled “Price of NatGas Doubles… Thanks to Atlantic Sunrise Pipe.” That should be enough to get your attention but the chart he included made the point ever more poignantly.

The chart is from BloombergMarkets:

The data BloombergMarkets has collected and Jim analyzes in detail shows the price has essentially doubled since the Atlantic Sunrise went online. Therein lies the reason for the rabid pipeline opposition from the Delaware Povertykeeper, Clean Air Council, Catskill Mountainkeeper, NRDC, et al. These are the entities funded by the Haas and Rockefeller families for the purpose of frustrating natural gas development that raises land prices and makes it harder for them to make a wilderness playground in their backyard.

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