No One Can Stop You
Rob Pierson
Global Proposal Manager - Allied Universal, Owner/Director - Shine Basketball, CEO - RPC LLC
Andy Mineo, a popular Christian Hip-Hop Artist has a song called, "You Can't Stop Me" and in that song is a great line...
My greatest enemy is me, and even I can't stop me.
My word for you today is simply this - Your ONLY competition is YOU!
In life, we can only control what we can control.
Realize that there is nothing stopping you from making progress toward your goals today. No matter how much time you have or don't have. No matter how much money you have in the bank. No matter what your state of health. No matter how many friends or haters are around you. No matter the weather. No matter your education.
None of that matters. There is always a way. What matters is your decision to see your process through until you win.
I'll show you how great I am! - Muhammad Ali
Your job may demand a lot of your time - but they can't stop you from reading for 10 minutes before you go to bed tonight.
You may not have a lot of money in the bank - but that does not stop you from getting in a 30 minute workout today and making healthy eating choices.
You may have a physical handicap - but there's nothing stopping you from using your voice. Use it to inspire or uplift or encourage someone else today.
Your friends may be laughing at you - but what does it matter? Are any of them going to pay your bills or take care of your family or support you in your retirement years? If not, then screw 'em (I mean that in the nicest way, of course). But seriously, let them laugh - you still have your motivation and your dreams and they can't take that away from you. Ever.
You are, in fact, unstoppable!
A freight train going full speed would not think twice about barreling through a paper sign stretched across the tracks that read, "I will stop you!"
Yeah, right.
Be that train today and bust through obstacles in your path with creativity, energy, enthusiasm and determination! Today's going to be a great day, and nothing can stop you!
I'll see you out there! - Rob
Rob Pierson is a Sales Manager, Motivational Speaker, Professional Basketball Trainer and Life Coach. He has inspired and motivated youth and adults for over 15 years, is the founder of iAthletePromotions (a marketing and promotions company for college-bound student athletes) and Owner and Lead Trainer for the Colorado Shine Basketball Academy ( Contact him at [email protected] for personal appearances and at to request a personal coaching session.