No one can love like Radha Krishna

No one can love like Radha Krishna

Let me first tell you the tattva "rādhā-k???a eka ātmā, dui deha dhari’anyonye vilase rasa āsvādana kari’ ‘’Rādhā and K???a are one and the same, but They have assumed two bodies. Thus, They enjoy each other, tasting the mellows of love.’’- Chaitanya Charitamrta Adi Lila 4.56. "devī k???amayī proktā rādhikā para-devatā sarva-lak?mīmayī sarva-kānti? sammohinī parā ‘’The transcendental goddess ?rīmatī Rādhārā?ī is the direct counterpart of Shri Krishna. She is the central figure for all the goddesses of fortune (Lakshmi Devi). She possesses all the attraction to attract the all-attractive Personality of Godhead. She is the primeval internal potency of the Lord.’’- B?had-gautamīya-tantra

Now, let me answer your question. In the words of Srila Vishwanatha Chakravarti Thakura,"yathaiva sarvair gu?a-rūpa-kelī mādhurya-pūrair ati pūr?a eva ?rī-k???a-candra? sa tathaiva rasyā sā rādhikā rājati rādhikā sā" ‘’Shri Krishna is flooded with all handsomeness, virtues, pastimes, and sweetness. Still, Srimati Radharani is more sweeter than Shri Krishna and shines with great splendor. ‘’- Sri-Vraja-riti-cintamani, Text 64

All glories to Guru and Gauranga. I am no one to discuss these topics but by doing so I will only get purified. Before reading the answer I need to tell that there is no difference between them. They are one not too. This answer is based on gaudiya vaishnav philosophy. Radharani is more beautiful than Krishna. Krishna is madan mohan. One who enchants the cupid(kamdev). Radharani is madan mohan mohini.

One who enchants Krishna who enchants cupid. So of course the names itself describes Radharani. Radharani is the female form of Krishna. Krishna is devotee of radharani he even kept her lotus feet on his head. After seeing radharani Krishna faints but not like normal people he bravely keeps his eyes open and still keeps glancing at Radharani although he's already defeated by her glance. It is said even if you don't worship Krishna worship Radharani always.

There are few people who question her existence for such person Krishna is never attainable. There are people who say God is formless. For them it's like saying that led bulbs comes from light which is of course not possible . Same aplies for this world form comes from form not from formless. It's not the end in God realistaion. Krishna in Shrimad Bhagwad Gita says that the brahman has it's root from Krishna. In our vaishnava scriptures it's written that brahman is effulgence of Krishna just like sunrays emanate from sun.

Each leelas of Sri Radha Krishna are very precious and beautiful. Which always gives a beautiful lessons. Once Radha was expressing her love for Krishna and was talking with Krishna about her difficult life. She told him that her life is very difficult and hard. She was telling him it would be nice if she was Krishna and he was Radha. She told him being Radha is not easy. Krishna will never understand how it feels like when you are Radha.Then after hearing all these things from Radha, he said he want to become Radha then he'll understand how it feels like when someone is Radha.

But I think for me, when Radha became Krishna and Krishna became Radha, that was the most beautiful leela. Because this leela proves that Radha's love is beyond from everyone's. Then Krishna was wearing Saari of Radha and Radha was wearing Krishna's Peacock feather. Krishna thought just by wearing a dress like Radha, he'll become Radha. Then he said that he became Radha. After hearing this Radha smiled at him

Then Radha said "You just took external form of Radha. It doesn't make you Radha. When you'll have a heart like Radha which have eternal love for Krishna then you'll become Radha. Whenever Radha is separated from Krishna, she becomes restless and starts yearning for him. And whenever she meet Krishna, she have a fear of separation from Krishna. She's afraid if she would have to separate from him after meeting. Without Krishna, Radha feels like she's a dead body.

And after Separation, she has ocean of sadness. Society insults Radha because she loves Krishna and whenever Krishna play his flute, Radha becomes restless and she is attracted towards Krishna. Then she come to meet him. But other people insults her and and criticized Radha alot. After hearing all these things from Radha, he realised how hard life Radha has. He realised that nobody can love him in this universe like Radha does. And nobody can become like Radha. Nobody can love Krishna like Radha. Krishna loves everyone very much. But Radha is Krishna's love herself. Jay Radhe Krishna

Excellent share


Radha asks Krishna as to why he adores the flute more than helself. To this Krishna starts playing the flute. Radha witnesses the unhindered flow of air through the flute regulated only by the play of His fingers, thereby producing a profound music. Being hollow within, so as to allow the Divine Will to pass through without hurdle will bring oneself closer to the Lord. This realization enables Radha to take the place of the flute to be adored by the Lord.

Katyayini Urs

Facilitator / Teaching Faculty / Head Mistress / Influencer / Mentor

2 年


Vikkas Gupta

Manager Flawless General FZ-LLC

2 年



Jai Shri Krishna ??????????



