The One
Self-reflection…we should all do it more often. This week, a person I consider a mentor retired. I am honored to have been able to worked for him. He is a champion and still at the top of his field but moving on to new challenges. I have been thinking about all the good times and life lessons I experienced during those years in his organization. I was young and eager. I got to work with and meet some amazing coaches and many young people, many of whom, I’m honored to still have as friends. There are so many good examples about setting goals, organizing, sacrificing, persevering, and achieving. But, there is one experience that stands out on a personal level. It something that I remember vividly and I think about weekly, if not daily. It is always with me when I reach a point of doubt and/or frustration. I’m reminded of a younger man that wanted to win and drive change. I have a lot of ideas and I love to win. I never quit scheming of ways to help the organization and win championships. I still think about our business in these terms and always will. To me, there isn’t much difference between sports and business. It’s all about goals, risk, sacrifice, determination, teamwork, and love. Like many young professionals with grand ideas, my aha’s weren’t always applicable to the big picture of the organization. They sounded great from staff office cubicles or from behind the steering wheel driving into the field house, but from the boss’s vantage point, they simply wouldn’t work. One eager day, I shared another idea that was wadded for the trash can, just short of the drawing board. Discouraged, I had decided that this would be my last time to spit ball something in the direction of the head man’s desk. However, noticing my discouragement, I received some great words of wisdom. “Don’t ever quit bringing me ideas. I’ll probably still say no to most of them. But there may be 1 that helps us win it all.” That’s all I needed to hear. I needed to hear that there was a chance and that he was interested in that ONE idea I might have. I realized that it only takes ONE ingredient to change the outcome of an entire organization and I just might be able to provide it. But to really tell the story, this mentor knew me. He knew I needed to hear that. He understood what motivated me and made me get up in the morning. I will never forget it.
Truthfully, being in business for yourself is hard. There is more rejection and ignored voicemails and emails than I can count. But, just like then, I’m still looking for that ONE. That ONE boss who truly cares about his people, what motivates them, and what will keep them striving to make the organization a champion. That ONE business owner who is struggling with people challenges. That ONE leader who “gets” the concept of inspired people, intrinsic motivation, and organizational effectiveness. And just like then, I care deeply about providing that answer. I know we have the ONE ingredient that I can prove works and can change organizations. I know what we are doing is changing organizations and human capital strategy, ONE business at a time. I want to win but I want your organization to win too. Because someone cared about me, my ideas, and how they effected their organization, I will never quit looking for the ONES.
Thank you Coach and good luck. #Grateful #ThatOne #KinseyMgmt #ThePredictiveIndex #PeoplePerformanceResults
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