"One-Billion Quarters?" Mail-In Sheet!
Jeffrey Carmenā PhD
Director Of Marketing/Finance, Senior Financial & Business Information Analyst
You can printout (or make copies) and send the following to make your Quarter donation(s):
State______ Zip___________
(Optional) E-Mail__________________
Amount: 25 cents (Quarter): Total .25
Paste/Tape Quarter Below & Fold Sheet:
( Tape "Quarter" Here )
Other Amount(s):
( ) 4 Quarters $1 ( ) 20 Quarters $5
( ) 40 Quarters $10 ( ) 100 Quarters $25
( )200 Quarters $50 ( )400 Quarters $100
Other Amt./Total#Quarters __ __ __ __ __
Total $ __ __ __ __ __.__ __
Money Order( ) Check( ) Credit Card( ):
Credit Card #:
__ _ _ __ / __ _ _ __ / __ _ _ __ / __ _ _ __
Expiration ___ ___ /___ ___ CV ___ ___ ___
Phone #(_____) __ __ __ - __ __ __ __
Billing Zip Code ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Or, Zelle Quarter(s) to: [email protected]
Send Quarter(s) to:
Jeffrey Carmena PhD (BMP)
c/o One-Billion Quarters? Project
P.O. Box 473, Rialto CA 92377-0473 USA
"Help To Reach The Goal Of One Billion People Giving Only A Quarter, And/Or One-Billion Quarters!"
Contact Us, Or Make Copies To Give To Others (for your company, organization, church, or school) To Mail-In Quarter(s).
BMP?Copyright2024 AllRightsReserved