One-Billion Quarters?!
Presented by Bonus Money Product Int'L

One-Billion Quarters?!

Sometimes in life we get off track, and have to ask what is the purpose of the idea or project the Lord has given to us?

So I went and prayed and fasted for 2-days to seek the LORD and what He desired of me with this One Billion Quarters? Project.

He wanted me to present it like no other project, charitable organization, church or bank.

For a Ministry of Truth, dedicated to Him and His Word only, as well as a "New Bank" like no other bank in the world. A bank using His principles of how we should give, His way.

A Good, and Holy Project that truly gives to those who are poor, in need, the homeless, widows, and anyone, or everyone, who need help and assistance in these last days.

This is above race, color, gender, profession, credit, politics, education or greed. It's the economics of God, who wants everyone to prosper, not just a few.

This is also something that's seriously needed during these times, and it seems no one else is addressing.

The One Billion Quarters? Project will raise funds as participants or donors (depositors) to give only a Quarter(s) to support it.

The funds will be used to give to those who are in need of help and assistance.

  1. They will not have to give the funds back like other banks, or pay interest.
  2. They will not have to qualify. They only have to show they're in need.
  3. They will not have to have a particular credit score to qualify for funds.
  4. They will not have to give collateral or put up any property or assets, because most of them will not have any to give.
  5. There's are no particular preferences of where a person lives. They can be anywhere in the world.
  6. Their only requirement will be to do the same for others when they have reached their goals, and support the One Billion Quarters? Project with their Quarter(s) contribution, on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis when they get on their feet, or on track.
  7. They will pass on the torch of giving, to help others, like the Lord says for us to do, because they themselves were helped. Plus, they will be storing treasures in heaven by also doing good in helping others.

Everyone wins in such a God-given project:

  • The Lord, first and foremost wins. We're giving they way He wants for us to. Cheerfully and Completely, without interest or seeking a payback.
  • The Donor/Depositor, win because they will be blessed by the Lord for giving His way, store treasures in heaven, and supporting a project that will even help them out, if they are ever in need of help or assistance.
  • The Recipients, win when they receive the help and assistance they need. They will also be able to get back on track so they can give to others when they support the One Billion Quarters? Project and be able to store treasures in heaven as well.

What humanitarian organization, church or bank can equate such a Ministry and/or cause?

If we get One Billion Quarters? every month from Donors, that's $3 Billion Dollars a year we can use, to help people. We don't even need a billion people to do this, 20 Quarters is only $5.

You can do this weekly, monthly or yearly. Your donation to help and assist others will be greater than your church, bank or any charitable organization can do.

That's why the Lord said that this will be like no other project in existence, and I certainly hope everyone see this now.

When you take the greed out, everyone can be helped!

Bonus Money Products? Int'L (BMP) was started as a Marketing Company to allow customers to buy products and services from us and get back 5%- 25% or more in "Bonus Money" when they made purchases, or receive Bonus Cash Credit. I was the first to do this. I offered this because of my purchasing background and seeing discounts on products and services.

BMP? lnt'L also offered Investors a way to earn high interest rates on their investments, or more than they were getting from their banks savings and checking accounts. I offered this because if my finance and banking background and seeing projects that offered high rate returns that others were not privy to.

Working with mentally and physically disabled patients and the healthcare industry gave me the need to help and assist others, and I wanted to use my experience to do that.

I was called at an early age, but when I finally became ordained, I started the church, or Ministry, Biblical Motivation and Prophecy? BMP, to teach the Word of God (Jesus Christ) to business people, professionals and investors who were too busy in their businesses to get the opportunity to pray, fellowship or read the Word of God.

I felt that my professional experience in finance/banking, manufacturing, marketing and healthcare could help others, and, by incorporating the principles of love, sharing and giving to each other in the Bible, it could be a blessing to people, also, it could create ways for people to store treasures in heaven, (By helping and assisting each other), which is our final destination.

We invest in the world to help ourselves and family, but a true farsighted investor looks into the future. A True Believers future is the Kingdom of God.

So we want to be blessed now, but we neglect what God/Jesus has told us about eternity, and we should prepare for it. That's why I incorporate ways to help and assist people in my projects.

We can't take anything in this world with us, so we have to create treasures to store in heaven. We create treasures by doing good for each other according to God's purpose and will.

People do not want to do what God says. Why? Because evil, worldliness and greed has corrupted the minds and hearts of people. We want to be like the greedy people, who are really selfish, worldly and evil.

The LORD, created the riches and wealth, and if you put all the millionaires and billionaires together, their accumulated worth is like one grain of sand on the many beaches of the world, compared to Gods Wealth.

So we should be listening and admiring Him above all people and things and applying His Word and principles in our lives, by giving.

So what is "One Billion Quarters?", and what does it mean?

When I ask people to help my new Ministry, to help and assist the poor, or the poor in spirit, poor in body, or in help, support, assistance, aid, etc., the reaction was they were to busy to help, or they did not have a couple of dollars to spare. These were people who are supposed to be well off, and successful.

So, I even went a step further, and offered them a way to receive their money back if they would help me to assist those in need.

They still tell me that they are unable to help, even though many of them are millionaires and billionaires.

Even if the project was for a good cause and would help and assist many people, I could not understand what the problem was.

Most people want to receive a tax break break on their tithes, donations, gifts and offerings. I don't believe in stealing from God.

Why would you give a tithe and want part of it back? It's like planting a seed, and digging it back up. How do you get a return, or blessing, when you keep your seed from growing and producing fruit? Malachi 3:8-12.

We taint our gifts, give a portion of our tithes and offerings and give God the leftovers, or junk, and/or to a false worldly church, and expect for Him to bless us?

(Even evil, greedy people raise millions of dollars for nonsensical, selfish things, that store no fruits, gifts or treasures in heaven.)

But not just the millionaires and billionaires are guilty of this. Even when I asked the thousand-aires, hundred-aires, ten-dollaraires, even dollar-aires to tithe, invest, donate, give, support, or give a gift to help fund a good cause, or project, to help others, they say it is too much.

Too much to help their fellow sisters and brothers in need? For men or women, teens or children, boy or girls, babies or patients, or elderly to receive the help and assistance they need?

Even as a humanitarian effort and action of love, before God their Creator and Jesus Christ who says for us to help and love one another?

So I'm going a step further to get a response from those who say they love God, and offer them another chance to show Him they really love Him, as well as an opportunity to store treasures in heaven, and put their money, (Quarter), where their mouth is.

I'm only asking for "A Quarter". That's right, Only .25 Cents. WHY? I feel a Quarter is affordable to the billionaires, millionaires, thousand-aires, hundred-aires, ten-dollar-aires, dollar-aires or even a poor person who finds a quarter in the street or for a few empty cans or bottles.

This is a real test of faith for you, and of your love for God and others, as well as a test of your human heart of hearts, mind and spirit.

There are no more excuses you can give about you helping others is too much. I'll even create, or invent a way, for you to get your quarter back, if you wish.

The Lord asks for us to be cheerful givers, and to love giving because He has given so much to us. Even His life.

He's generous with oxygen, water, food, sunlight and a functioning body. He, the Creator, says to give and be like Him, not stingy or selfish. He allows the sun to rise and the rain to fall on the good people and evil people. Matthew 5:45.

We are to lay up treasures in heaven. Matthew 6:19-21.

He even tells us to give to those who asks and be perfect and holy like He is. Matthew 5:42-48.

When you "give" the Lord blesses you openly. The secret, is giving in secret. God is our rewarder. So here's your opportunity, another chance to help and give to people, as well as an opportunity store your treasures in heaven.

Giving to people in need, is storing treasures in heaven, because it's like you are giving to God, when you give to someone who needs help and assistance. You are doing His will when you give, and show love to others.

Give a Quarter for yourself today!

Even give a Quarter for everyone in your household. Give a Quarter for those in your family who are poor who can't afford it. They will benefit from this project.

One-Billion Quarters? will help raise needed resources which will help many people in this ministry.

Do you still feel a Quarter is too much?

What about a dime, nickel or penny? Give what you can.

Have I searched your heart concerning your love for God and others? Do you still have an excuse for not giving to help others, doing Gods will, and pleasing the Lord?

You're not even giving a tithe/tenth of your income. You don't even have to pull out your checkbook or credit card.

You can find a quarter in your car, sofa, floor, drawer, almost anywhere, and it should not be very hard for you to find.

Anyone would be happy to reach in their pocket or pocketbook to give you a Quarter if you asked them. You do not need to be rich to give a Quarter.

Plus, you should not be worried about getting a tax-deduction on a Quarter, or stealing from God.

How To Send Your Quarter?

Any online format will eat up your (25 Cent) tithe, donation, gift, offering, funding or investment to help and assist with this humanitarian cause and project.

To send your Quarter (25 Cent) to our address, use the Mail-In Sheet (copy and send):

Those of you who would like to use an online service, such as "GoFundMe" or "PayPal", you can go here:

Or, Send your Quarter Here:

Jeffrey Carmena PhD (BMP), P.O. Box 473, Rialto, CA 92377-0473 USA. Or, you can Zelle it to, [email protected].

Tell others about this "One-Billion Quarters?" Project, and get them to assist and help.

Pay a "Quarter" gift for a loved one, or, on behalf of someone, as well as to help a family member, friends, co-workers or others who can not pay "25 Cents" so we can reach our goal of a Billion Quarters. Remember, they will also benefit from this project.

Be A Cheerful Giver!

Don't let a Quarter stand in your way to help and assist with our Ministry's "One Billion Quarters?" Humanitarian Project.

Help yourself, and others, "store treasures in heaven" by doing something "good" and showing love toward others, and GOD, by giving only a "Quarter" to this project today!

You have no more excuses of it being too much money, too much time or too difficult to participate in a project of giving, and showing love to the Lord, and others, and storing treasures in heaven by doing a good unselfish deed that will help many people, and yourself.

If you would like to start a drive for your school, business, club, church or organization to help us with raising "One-Billion Quarters", contact us and let us know how you desire to help and assist.

"Use The One-Billion Quarters? Project To Market Or Advertise Your Business, Idea, Book, Website, Project, etc., To A Billion People!"

If you help us with a donation to reach organizations, schools and universities, businesses, churches, clubs, charitable organizations, etc., around the world to participate and help in the "One-Billion Quarters?" project to help us get a billion Quarters, we will give you an option to get "Free Advertising or Marketing for your product, service, business, website, etc., to reach a "Billion People". A Billion People will see your advertisement(s).

For more details and information on how you can help us reach organizations that will assist us with getting Quarters for this project, and "Get A Billion People To See Your Ad(s), Go Here:

If a Quarter is too much, give what you can from the heart!

"Lets Raise A Billion Quarters!"

Thank You to those who give and participate in this needed project. I just want to send my love, appreciation and thanks to you all, for your help. You will certainly be blessed!

"I pray that the Lord moves you, blesses you, and accepts your treasures and gifts of love into His Kingdom. He knows your heart, and will reward you for your efforts. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, Amen."

Your Help Will Be Rewarded!

Jeffrey Carmena PhD


Jeffrey Carmenā PhD

Director Of Marketing/Finance, Senior Financial & Business Information Analyst

1 年

Continue Your Support, We've Already Raised 400 Quarters! Let's Get To A Billion This Year!

Jeffrey Carmenā PhD

Director Of Marketing/Finance, Senior Financial & Business Information Analyst

1 年

Get a "Billion People To See Your Ads". Go here: To Help us to reach organizations that will help us get Quarters for the One-Billion Quarters? project. Thank you!


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