One of The Best Stories on HOPE

One of The Best Stories on HOPE

A king sentenced a guy to death by hanging.

The guy suddenly starts laughing in the middle of court room. The king furiously asks him “How dare you? Do you want to be hanged now!” The guy says, “Dear King, I am the only one who knows the study of making a horse fly. If you hang me, you will never see a flying horse in your life time”. Then the king asks the guy to show him a flying horse. The guy replies, “I need costly food, oil, medicines, and a white horse. It will take 6 months’ time”. Curious to see a flying horse, the king accepts. Every morning the guy goes with the guards and rubs oil on the horse and eats the tastiest food and spends the rest of the day talking to the horse and relaxing. Soon one month passes by. The next door prisoner sees this and asks, “do you really know how to make a horse fly?” The guy laughs and says he don’t. “What is the point of lying then?”, inquired the neighbor.

The guy replies: So many things can happen in 6 months.

Maybe king might pardon me?

Maybe an earth quake might occur and the prison doors might collapse.

Maybe the king may die and his son might not remember my punishment.

Maybe we may get a war and a new king might take over.

May be people might revolt against our king.

Who knows, maybe, just maybe, the horse may fly after 6 months.

Moral: Never lose hope because who knows the horse may fly after all.

Source: From an Indian (Telugu) movie “Rambantu (1996)” written by Mullapoodi and Venkata Ramana.


