One Being: Why faith leaders preach in spirituality and sexuality in Malawi
Global Partnership Forum on CSE
Equal. Healthy. Inclusive - We are part of the solution. Transforming Education includes CSE.
Tell us a bit about yourself.?
My name is Reverend Chikondi Banda, from the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) Blantyre Synod which covers the Southern region of Malawi. I am the Youth coordinator for Malawi Council of Churches, working across 18 communities. ?
I have been working with young people for the past six years and started by leading the program on comprehensive sexuality education for our community, with a focus on gender equality.?
How did you find yourself working in this area for the Synod??
I became a minister at 25, and being young myself, was asked to be the coordinator for the youth ministry. I attended a transformational training in South Africa, at the Petra Institute of Children's Ministry on accepting this role. This was important in my development as it opened my eyes to the realities of young people, combining theology and culture, exploring the role of mentorship, and supported me to think deeper. ?
Why is this area of work in CSE important to the Synod??
This work is important because, as a church, we need to see a person from all angles - their spiritual being, their emotional being and their being in society.??
We are called upon, and mandated in the bible, to be both part of and create community, not to work in a vacuum. We live in the same country and share the same social aspects, concerns and experiences - so it is our duty to serve the people without compromising our faith and our doctrines.?
Previously, there was thinking that certain topics could not to be spoken about as Christians, like sexuality, for example. But members of our church were and are learning about these topics and making choices - we cannot provide counsel without having knowledge, the facts and evidence. We now think it is vital that we know about sexuality and support our congregation, especially young people, so that we can advise them with the right information and guide them from a faith perspective.?
Gender equality is also an important topic covered within with young people as part of the CSE programme. It is critical for our society’s health and success to teach this as there are many harmful traditional practices that take place, including high levels of child marriage and gender-based violence. ?
What actions have you taken to support this change of behaviour in your community??
We focused our efforts on advocacy, sensitization and raising awareness. Without these, the sexuality education programme would not have materialized, been accepted nor been a success in our church.?
Our first step was to hold space for invited church leaders and members of the youth ministry to openly discuss the challenges they were facing. This conversation was facilitated and approached from both spiritual and social perspectives. Through dialogue, our leaders could better understand life from a young person’s perspective and the various influencing factors. ?
Social media and technology are high on influence and impact to our young people, as it provides our young people with information and news of varying credibility. As well as influence, there are many new pressures felt by young people from relationships developed and content seen online.?
We also brought in community leaders, tribal Chiefs and health leaders and government officials from the Ministry of Health to talk and share their expertise alongside the church and youth leaders. This created an environment of honesty, acceptance, and respect. We continuously reiterated why we were creating these spaces, clear that we wanted to involve and better cater for young people from a spiritual lens.?
And what is the impact of these efforts within your community??
We cannot deny that we are meeting challenges, but these are a fraction of what we have achieved in collaboration with young people and spiritual leaders! Their eyes have been opened and the time is now to be involved and take leadership in issues of comprehensive sexuality education. We now have youth counselors, relationship counselors and marriage counselors who are informed and provide guidance in alignment with our beliefs and doctrine. Our church has changed tremendously because of this programme.??
Are there specific actions or outcomes that came out of this process that could be helpful for others??
Yes, from this process we developed an?Adolescent and Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights Policy?document for our church.?
Alongside this, we acknowledged that there was a gap between the elders and young people – we now consciously try and bridge this gap as a strong, healthy and faithful community requires us to work together.?
We have also seen a reduction in early unintended pregnancies and in the unmet need for family planning among married youth. Whilst there is a teaching from God to go and multiply, it does not mean or instruct that we have children we cannot or will not take care of! It is a responsibility and blessing to carry the gift of creation.
What activities have you developed as Blantyre Synod relating to sexuality education??
We have used different methods including sports activities (football competitions), radio programmes and WhatsApp activity to share information and hold discussions about subjects relating to sexuality education.??
We are also supporting parents to build their knowledge of anatomy, biology and phases of adolescence (including relationships), as parents have vital roles to play and a responsibility to have these conversations.??
We have also reflected on our rich traditional history of community aunties and uncles, and worked with elders to ensure that they had the correct and factual information that they could pass on to young people.?
What have you learned from young people??
They are ready, able, and eager to learn, we must support them on this journey rather than leave them to navigate the world as a separate thing to their church life.??
This has been heard loud and clear, and stated as the reason that many are leaving the church community.?
People have been saying youth are leaders for tomorrow, but we are saying now that tomorrow is today. Young people are leaders of today. Now we co-create programmes where young people should learn through participating not by spectating. We need to bring them in and involve them from inception.??
I also want to stress the importance of community and listening. We cannot continue to excommunicate members and abandon people because of misled actions. With these actions, we will not succeed in everything, in delivering God’s work and vision, because it means we are raising a generation that will be chaos. Chaos in whatever they will be doing, and whatever they need, because we have left them out of whatever we are doing as parents and elders. This cannot continue.?
What key thing would you want readers to remember???
What do you hope for in the year ahead???
I hope that the CSE programme has been an immense success for CCAP Blantyre Synod. In my new role, I hope that we can secure investment, commitment and trust to scale this programme to run across the whole of Malawi. I pray each day that God may open other avenues to give me some finances that I can help to bring sexuality education to our whole country, including other denominations.?
I hope that from a culture that was distrusting of youth, we can support the development of a young Christian generation that feels good, and where we can all place our trust in God.?
Pastor. Husband. Father. Entrepreneur. Farmer
9 个月All the best Rev Achinangolo Banda