Once You Know MS Excel Well You Can Simulate Many Pragmatic Scenarios With It: Port Moresby's Power Grid HV Line Capacity Modelling
Here is an example of a one-pager dashboard modelling of an electrical power grid's (Port Moresby's) HV conductors. See link below for more on that modelling outcome.
To improve efficiency in decision making, this calculator is conjured up as a handy tool for our 'intended recipients'. As our capital city (Port Moresby) grows, energy (Electrical Power) to enable this development must be taken into consideration.?This modelling is done to determine Current State of electrical power Capacity and Demand to chart a way forward for Port Moresby's Power Strategy. In this assessment the present state power demand of Port Moresby and the respective feeder capacities need to be established. Known increases in power demand and potential future increases for both commercial and domestic usage need to be considered as well.
The intention of this workbook is to provide transparency into the gap analysis of the current power capacity and the present and future demands. The intention also is to provide a quick 'what if' scenarios guide. The model allows for assumptions and logic on the current respective feeders design parameters and futures loads. The design parameters used are those of the conductor (power line) between transformers at the supply and load ends. This power line is considered as the bottleneck. Data used is 'typical daily cycle' present load collated from ADB reports.
There is an 'Input & Assumptions' tab where you plug in the Power Line's Inherent Design Parameters, Known Loads and Future Loads. You then select the 'Conductor Code', the 'Conductor Operating Location', the 'Seasonal Temperature Extremes Expected', Wind Speed and 'Conductor Safety Factor'. Once you select these features, the model goes and look up the Conductors 'Current Rating', 'DC Resistance', 'AC Resistance' and 'Inductive Reactance' in the 'Electrical Conductor Data Table' and return these to the 'Input & Assumptions' tab.
The 'Electrical Conductor Data Table' lookup is done using the following MS Excel's functions: INDEX, MATCH and OFFSET.
The values returned from the 'Electrical Conductor Data Table' to the 'Input & Assumptions' tab are then drawn to be used in the 'Workings' tab where a summary graph is generated in the 'Summary' tab. You have one source of input and every time you change an input value, the simulations automatically happen on the 'Summary' graph to give you visibility on that change.
For RCM Practitioners and engineers, once you know MS Excel well, you can leverage these functions to model any design scenarios especially where data tables are involved.