Once you accept your mistakes many problems are resolved
Kishore Ramkrishna Shintre
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There is a difference between a mistake and an intentional mistake. If you have committed just an unintentional mistake, only then proceed. Mistakes are something that everyone does in Life. It starts from when you were born to the day till you die. The mistakes can be disastrous sometimes, sometimes shameful, small sometimes, or sometimes big. So making any of the mistakes is OK. You don’t need to burden yourself after committing a mistake. Mistakes happen unknowingly.
When you make a mistake, the best way to overcome is to face it. Tell the truth that why was this mistake committed. If the person/organisation against which the mistake has been committed understands that is was completely unintentional and wasn't done to harm or hurt anyone of them, will try and help you correct it. However, if they don’t understand, then you don’t deserve a place over there. Those people aren’t worth your time and life. You need to move. Go to a place where a human understands human. I bet there are many people out there in the world who still forgive the biggest of the mistakes. They are the people you deserve.
If the mistake is shameful, don’t be ashamed of facing it. Its a mistake after all, everyone does it. People will judge you, nut at the end of the day what they will carry in their mind is “That guy was so kind and generous who tried to correct his own mess”. People will appreciate you unless you run away after committing the mistake. e.g: If you hit a person by car by mistake, it is your duty to take him to hospital. This will show your kind and innocent behavior and some people will know that it was a mistake.
You will have to face consequences, but there is a 95% chance that you will be proved innocent. But if you hit and run, then even if you were innocent, all people will think that you were a criminal and you will be arrested soon and this time chances of proving yourself innocent is 10–15%. So its always the best if you face your mistakes rather than running away from it.
A story of a friend by his own version. During freshman and sophomore in school I kind of went with the flow. Did what others around me had been doing. My grades went down. My attitude and behavior changed. When I compare the attitude, personality and behavior of my (present) self and my (former) self, I feel ashamed. I feel as if I didn’t have any self respect or self esteem. I was too naive. Had been living in my own bubble. The fact that people around me were doing the same thing didn’t help my situation at all. When I recall such incidents by looking at some old chats or photos, I feel bad. Even now, when I’ve passed out from school.
How did I pull myself up? I had to face the repercussions. Admit that what I did was wrong. Self introspection is the first step. My friend advised me that I should first imagine how I want myself to be. Do that first. Note down each and every detail. The qualities, attitude and behavior that you want from yourself. People perceive you from the way you project yourself. After gathering these details, try to keep those in mind and always try behaving that way.
It might be difficult at the beginning but once you start noticing that people are looking at you from a different angle, you’ll feel motivated and this might help you from repeating what had happened in the past. What happened can’t be changed but you can learn from those mistakes and try not to repeat them. Three steps for dealing with mistakes: Step 1. Admit the mistake. Step 2: Analyze the root causes. Step 3: Make changes. Cheers!