Once upon a time, there was the Metaverse
How the Phygital Dimension Takes The Metaverse Into Mass Adoption, And What That Means For Businesses
Web 2.0 and its main pillars such as social media and online ads have reached their limits in terms of engagement and attracting new users. The numbers are in decline. The question is, what replaces social media or at least improves it massively? Is it the metaverse?
When the word metaverse is mentioned today, most people associate it with blockchain games, some using VR: a pixelated environment or cartoonish backdrop where users need to sign in to get rewarded based on the time they spend there. This is approaching the Web3 behavioral shift with a Web 2.0 mindset. It’s like thinking of the internet as a dial-up connection: Yes, that’s where we started two decades ago, but look where we are today.
The same is the case for the metaverse: It started on a gaming platform, so gaming will be the first industry to be completely restructured by the metaverse. But ultimately, the metaverse will be adopted on a much larger scale, across industries. And a key driver to get there will be a seamless integration into our lives, enabled by the convergence of the physical world with the digital, Web3 realm: the phygital metaverse.
What is the phygital metaverse and why does it matter?
I define the phygital metaverse as phase three—the most mature phase of the metaverse. No longer will we need to type “www” or wear a bulky headset: Where we stand is where the metaverse will be. We just need a way to access it.
In short, the phygital metaverse merges products, people, and purpose with an immersive, blockchain-based digital world. By doing so, people and businesses can extract value from a new, extended dimension anytime, anywhere.
It is based on three primary pillars:
1. Augmentation And Immersiveness
The core idea of the metaverse is to experience data we own throughout an extended dimension. It doesn’t limit itself to a virtual world but rather augments the physical world. Immersive experiences touch upon all our senses to capture our attention. It is easy to swipe through your social media feed, but users can’t swipe through immersive experiences.
The phygital metaverse will be something like painting over the analog physical world with an augmented data layer. It’s all about connecting physical reality to the benefits of the Web3 metaverse. Soon we’ll associate the metaverse with physical activities like shopping, socializing, working out, learning, listening to music, traveling, attending a conference or even sleeping.
2. Co-creation And Community
Since the inception of social media, we’ve been introduced to new terms like “influencers” and “followers.” Social media is basically a popularity pyramid where those at the top (“influencers”) are reinforced by those at the bottom (“followers”). This is an inefficient system as followers get nothing tangible in return.
But in the metaverse, everything is community-centric. It will be a place for everyone to spend time, create content (in all formats) and be compensated for hits. For example, metaverse platforms today provide software development kits, no-coding tools and other ways for users to easily create products and content that the whole community can use. And in return, all creators can be compensated, either by the community itself or through NFT sales.
This sustainable model keeps the community thriving based on individual contributions and financial motivation—I call it Joint Value Creation.
3. Tokenized Reward Mechanism
Building on the premise of augmentation and co-creation, the next step is a complete behavioral shift on the consumers’ end.
The idea of a universal reward mechanism works on the assumption that human attention is valuable: When you give someone your attention, you should be compensated for it. For example, you watch a YouTube video today by paying attention (and perhaps money). The outcome is entertainment, which is intangible.
But what if you got rewarded to watch that same video? That creates an economy where consumers are compensated for their contribution. When consumers get compensated for their contribution, they start to value their time.
Phygital stretches this further by adding the reward layer to practically everything consumers do:
? Contributing to an online community.
? Building something on a Web3 platform.
? Sharing feedback.
? Interacting with the brand.
? Dedicating attention.
How can companies leverage this behavior?
I believe one of the easiest ways for companies to capitalize on the phygital phase of the metaverse is to create a gamified reward mechanism. Here are some suggestions for how to accomplish this:
? Incentivize your followers: The key to having an active follower base is stimulating them with incentives. Organize AMAs, giveaways, contests, etc. to keep them engaged and excited.
? Create a community: While we don’t have a functioning metaverse right now, we do have the means to create a community. Even if you’re not a Web3 business, take some lessons from how Web3 protocols run their communities because having a community decreases your reliance on a third-party platform and arbitrary algorithms. Also, community members become far more invested in the organization’s success than followers.
? Create a distributed content production system: Your community can create more content about your brand than you can. Find a way to incentivize people to create content about your brand, product and/or platform. This increases your digital footprint exponentially and expands your brand’s reach. Let their creativity run free.
Final Thoughts
Metaverse is a massive invention with far-reaching benefits, just like the internet. And the phygital market is going to be the most used experience in the metaverse. That’s why I like to say that you do not play in the metaverse—you live in the metaverse.