Once upon a time (client story)
There was a person who was 80 pounds heavier than they are now.
They did not want to be this weight. But here they were, sitting there, angry all the time, out of breathe all the time, unhappy with what had come to be. Setting a poor example for their kids and not knowing where this would go in 5, 10, 20 years...
This person decided, enough was enough. She decided, to start walking the dog, exercising, walking, seeking out ways to be active and on and on. She decided to change what she consumed with nutrition to support reducing inflammation, digestion issues and more.
She had never been a runner, but decided to do a couch to 5km program that would lead to a half marathon... She hired a Coach (me) to help with mapping out adding in strength and performance support for her race and gave herself a 6 month window to see what she could accomplish.
At some point along the way she got sick, hurt her back, doubted herself, "didn't wanna", used self deprecating vocabulary to describe her efforts and more. (Spoiler - her back is strong as hell now).
But she kept showing up for herself. She kept getting her miles in, her walks in, being present for her kids (she has two kids under 12), she kept crushing her job (which requires travel, hosting events and high pressure deal), she kept traveling (with family and herself)..
She added tennis! Weight Lifting. Stretching via yoga and simply kept going. Some for herself, every day. Steps. Walks. Fitness. Peleton! You name it. Something. Relentlessly pursuing Wellness.
She decided that a well rounded week of fitness that included things she liked would be the best thing for her to be able to lead by example in her house hold, live an authentic life full of joy & purpose, have more energy, have a better mood and see what else she could accomplish in this life.
She decided.
No one else decided for her.
She stayed with it.
It paid off.
In real time and in real life.
Stop living some story that has you buried in the bottom of the credits..
Give yourself credit.
Be your own hero and be the star of YOUR show or movie.
Decide to do it.
Then show up daily for yourself in your own way and just never quit.