Once Upon A Letter On "Never Enough"
Princess Amarachi
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Have you ever heard that talent is not enough?
Even John Maxwell had to write a book about it, and I think it's worth reading.
Skill is not enough. knowledge or intelligence is not enough?
Yes, because nothing on its own is ever enough.
Even the earth on its own is not enough. It needs the rivers; it needs the land; it needs the air; it needs the plants; and it needs human beings. All these things regulate the climate and the ecosystem.
If one is missing, then we'll begin to cry about our ecosystem and climate change.
The same thing applies to you as an individual, fresh graduate, or undergraduate, trying to find your purpose, build your skill, or live out your full potential.
One thing is not enough, and until you know that, you will always feel overwhelmed when you think you've laid hold of something and then you hear that there is something more to it.
This helps you know that, okay, I can always move from one step to another. So let me explain.
It's not enough that you know people.
Can you sustain the opportunities that they bring your way?
People can give you opportunities and connect you to the high and mighty, but it is your character, your willingness, your passion, and your readiness to provide the value that the relationship or job needs that can sustain you.
Your talent can open doors for you, but it is also your character and your willingness and readiness to grow and groom that character that will sustain you.
Yes, you can have amazing aunts and uncles who have job opportunities for you, but are you ready to really go for it?
I've had younger people who are like, "Oh, I really need this job. I really need this opportunity. I want to find my purpose and fulfil my potential."
But I don't see the readiness in them.
?I most times have to chase them, and I just stop at a point and ask myself, "Do those people really know what they want?"
Do they know the value and price attached to what they want? And are they ready to go for it?
Sometimes you need to add willingness and extra effort to get to that point.
Don't rest on your laurels.
Don't think that your beauty is enough, that your dad is enough, that your certificate is enough, or that your skill is enough.
These things need to grow, be groomed, and be transformed every day into values that serve the world's needs.
The world is evolving, and so will you.
Although you need basic life values that govern your choices, like your spirituality, I mean that your knowledge needs to expand even as a spiritual person.
What you know as a new convert is not all you should know as a believer; you keep learning and growing in your knowledge of God. The same applies to you, whatever you are doing. Don't be satisfied where you are.
Don't be satisfied as a new graduate. Don't be satisfied as an undergraduate. Don't be satisfied with the connections that you think you have. Don't be satisfied with the talent and skills you think you have.
There is more, and today you may need to start working on your willingness to pay the price for growth. Am I desperate enough to grow, and what actions am I taking to maximise my opportunities?
That's a great place to begin.
P.S.- Wrote this to me a few months after graduation and I think it's a great reminder.
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