'Once More into the Fray!' Advice For New Teachers - Part One.
Michelle Edmondson
???????? I help companies build cybersecurity teams through tailored permanent & contract search services ||??? Host of 'Talent First - The Podcast' ??
Do you feel that build up of nerves? Have you had the dream yet where you cannot control your class, you know the one where little Harry is climbing out the window and little Harriet has just used one of the most foul words you've ever heard? Or the one about not being able to find your classroom and it's halfway through the lesson? That must mean that it is nearly time to go back to school and for some of you, it will be the first time you are entering a classroom that is yours, all yours.
So, I have some advice, as a teacher of 20 years myself, a lighthearted and (one hopes) humorous look at what they year might hold. And I am sure that all you seasoned professionals out there will agree...
Part One - What you will learn about yourself
The first thing to know, is that you will constantly surprise yourself. Here are a few ways in which this will happen...
'No running in the corridors!'
'Are you chewing gum?' (followed by) 'Do you have enough for all of us?'
'What do you mean you don't have a pen?'
'You need the bathroom? But you've just had recess!'
'No eating in the classroom!' (usually to a student who is trying to secretly
consume a whole baguette).
'It's your own time you're wasting'! Or 'I can stay here all night!' Or 'The bell
doesn't dismiss you, I do!'
And if you're thinking, 'I will never be that teacher!', sorry to disappoint but it happens to the coolest of us.
There are other times when you will utter things that are simply so unfathomable that your non-teacher friends simply won't believe you, like:
'Harry, stop licking the window!'
'Why is my hand in something sticky?'
'Harriet, why are you tattooing your legs with a Sharpie?'
'Yes, Jake, I know it's interesting that Tommo can fit in a locker but could you
let him out? He's gone purple.'
'Tommo, please do not use the mini whiteboard to inform Jake he's a (insert
No Kylie, Shakespeare and I were not 'besties'.'
But mainly, you will surprise yourself at how resilient you are, how reliable and strong, how knowledgeable and capable. Every day holds its own mini challenges and rewards, so don't be surprised if the whole thing is just a bit, well, surprising.