Once Majestic Nation: American Way of Life
My dear friend
A blanket of angst continues to cloud a once majestic nation. Situations arise on the right. Situations arise on the left. Brother against brother. Propaganda unravels the foundation. Diplomacy no longer integrated with the American-way-of-life.
We have a legacy to convey, compassion in our tone of life. The music that prevails from the shouts heard around the world no longer rings harmoniously.
Situations will arise on the right. Situations will arise on the left. Brother need not be against brother. Complain or change. Which is your direction?
Change not the thinking of others with brash tones, thrown stones, or memorized statements. Change the approach you take on this planet. This is not the time to neglect the personal role taken!
Stand on your own if necessary. Recycle your garbage. Clean up the water. Clean litter strewn highways. Support local farmers. Donate to causes that lift the spirits and nation. Think for yourself. Avoid propaganda. Do the best. Be the best. Honor God and the planet. This is your opportunity to rise and shine and make this nation once again majestic in all directions.
Brother with brother. Nations with nations. Linked together through a common cause to end suffering and starvation. End pollution. Clean up your yard first before shaking a fist at another.
It can be done! My sisters and brothers, do not allow for division. Turn your attention away from the emotional rampage. Lift the blanket of angst that clouds our nation. Remember that we are united through breath. Through God—regardless of color or religion.
Do not wait for someone else to take the reins. The time is now to take responsibility for a healthier planet. The time is now to look to your brother with compassion. It is the American way of life! United we can stand in this glorious nation.
End the drama with action.
Your friend
Sharon CassanoLochman February 3, 2017