Onboard batteries, Project matchmaking, the China Compulsory Certification, investment promotion, and world’s second-largest import market

Onboard batteries, Project matchmaking, the China Compulsory Certification, investment promotion, and world’s second-largest import market

Terms to note from recent PRC Ministry of Commerce press events:

产品合格证? [chǎn pǐn hé gé zhèng]? product qualification certificate:?

... 1月20日,商务部等5部门印发《关于做好2025年度电动自行车以旧换新工作的通知》,明确2025年延续执行电动自行车以旧换新政策,补贴标准由商务部指导各地结合实际合理制定,与上年补贴标准相衔接,保持工作平稳过渡。需要提醒消费者:一是交售含车载电池的旧车整车是申领补贴的前提条件;二是购新补贴不包含旧车售卖金额,“交售”的旧车按报废车的市场价回收;三是应注意查验新车是否有产品合格证、强制性产品认证(CCC),是否开具正规发票。

Here are some reminders for consumers. First, submitting an entire used electric bicycle with its onboard battery is a prerequisite for claiming the subsidy. Second, the subsidy for purchasing new ones does not include the resale value of the used electric bicycle. The used one will be recycled at the local market price of scrapped electric bicycles. Third, consumers should verify that the new electric bicycle comes with a product qualification certificate and China Compulsory Certification (CCC), and ensure that an official invoice is issued.? On January 20 [2025], MOFCOM and four other departments issued a notice on implementing the electric bicycle trade-in program for 2025. The policies for electric bicycle trade-ins will continue to be carried out in 2025, and local authorities will set subsidy standards guided by MOFCOM in line with local conditions, aligning with the standards in the previous year to ensure a smooth transition.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 23, 2025)

  • 电动自行? [diàn dòng zì xíng]? electric bicycle:?

... 1月20日,商务部等5部门印发《关于做好2025年度电动自行车以旧换新工作的通知》,明确2025年延续执行电动自行车以旧换新政策,补贴标准由商务部指导各地结合实际合理制定,与上年补贴标准相衔接,保持工作平稳过渡。?

On January 20 [2025], MOFCOM and four other departments issued a notice on implementing the electric bicycle trade-in program for 2025. The policies for electric bicycle trade-ins will continue to be carried out in 2025, and local authorities will set subsidy standards guided by MOFCOM in line with local conditions, aligning with the standards in the previous year to ensure a smooth transition.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 23, 2025)

  • 含车载电池? [hán chē zǎi diàn chí]? onboard battery:?

... 1月20日,商务部等5部门印发《关于做好2025年度电动自行车以旧换新工作的通知》,明确2025年延续执行电动自行车以旧换新政策,补贴标准由商务部指导各地结合实际合理制定,与上年补贴标准相衔接,保持工作平稳过渡。需要提醒消费者:一是交售含车载电池的旧车整车是申领补贴的前提条件;二是购新补贴不包含旧车售卖金额,“交售”的旧车按报废车的市场价回收;三是应注意查验新车是否有产品合格证、强制性产品认证(CCC),是否开具正规发票。

Here are some reminders for consumers. First, submitting an entire used electric bicycle with its onboard battery is a prerequisite for claiming the subsidy. Second, the subsidy for purchasing new ones does not include the resale value of the used electric bicycle. The used one will be recycled at the local market price of scrapped electric bicycles. Third, consumers should verify that the new electric bicycle comes with a product qualification certificate and China Compulsory Certification (CCC), and ensure that an official invoice is issued.? On January 20 [2025], MOFCOM and four other departments issued a notice on implementing the electric bicycle trade-in program for 2025. The policies for electric bicycle trade-ins will continue to be carried out in 2025, and local authorities will set subsidy standards guided by MOFCOM in line with local conditions, aligning with the standards in the previous year to ensure a smooth transition.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 23, 2025)

  • 强制性产品认证? [qiáng zhì xìng chǎn pǐn rèn zhèng]? China Compulsory Certification, CCC:?

... 1月20日,商务部等5部门印发《关于做好2025年度电动自行车以旧换新工作的通知》,明确2025年延续执行电动自行车以旧换新政策,补贴标准由商务部指导各地结合实际合理制定,与上年补贴标准相衔接,保持工作平稳过渡。需要提醒消费者:一是交售含车载电池的旧车整车是申领补贴的前提条件;二是购新补贴不包含旧车售卖金额,“交售”的旧车按报废车的市场价回收;三是应注意查验新车是否有产品合格证、强制性产品认证(CCC),是否开具正规发票。

Here are some reminders for consumers. First, submitting an entire used electric bicycle with its onboard battery is a prerequisite for claiming the subsidy. Second, the subsidy for purchasing new ones does not include the resale value of the used electric bicycle. The used one will be recycled at the local market price of scrapped electric bicycles. Third, consumers should verify that the new electric bicycle comes with a product qualification certificate and China Compulsory Certification (CCC), and ensure that an official invoice is issued.? On January 20 [2025], MOFCOM and four other departments issued a notice on implementing the electric bicycle trade-in program for 2025. The policies for electric bicycle trade-ins will continue to be carried out in 2025, and local authorities will set subsidy standards guided by MOFCOM in line with local conditions, aligning with the standards in the previous year to ensure a smooth transition.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 23, 2025)

  • 全球第二大进口市场? [quán qiú dì èr dà jìn kǒu shì chǎng]? world’s second-largest import market:?

Event quote:


Actively expanding imports shows China taking initiative to shoulder its responsibility as a big country, and also makes important contributions to the growth of the global economy. In 2024, China’s total imports reached 18 trillion yuan, up by 2.3% year on year, hitting a new record high. China is expected to be the world’s second-largest import market for 16 consecutive years, fully demonstrating opportunities presented by China’s super big market and China’s resolution to expand opening up.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 23, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 中国货物进出口总额占GDP的比重已经超过三分之一,现在进口对工业的综合影响度超过70%,我们连续10年稳居全球第二大进口市场,而且连续5年成为全球货物贸易的第一大国。?

China’s imports and exports in goods now take up more than one third of the country’s GDP. The level of overall impacts of imports on the industrial sector is over 70 percent. For the past 10 years in a row, China has remained the world’s second largest import market, and for the past five consecutive years, the largest trader in goods.? (Premier Li Keqiang Meets the Press_李克强总理出席记者会并回答中外记者提问_2022_03_11)?

?? 中国外贸月度进出口总值已连续18个月同比保持增长,中国连续12年成为全球第二大进口市场。?

China’s monthly foreign trade value has maintained growth for 18 consecutive months. China has been the world’s second-largest importer for 12 consecutive years.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 9, 2021)?

?? 中国坚定不移推进高水平对外开放,积极扩大进口,已经连续12年成为全球第二大进口市场,也是许多国家和地区的主要出口目的地。?

China has unswervingly promoted high-level opening-up and actively expanded imports. It has also remained the world’s second largest import market for 12 consecutive years and a major export destination for many countries and regions.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_October 21, 2021)

  • 投资推介? [tóu zī tuī jiè]? investment promotion:?

Event quote:

2025年,商务部将坚决贯彻落实党中央、国务院部署,加大引资稳资力度,重点开展以下工作: ... 二是打造品牌,高质量办好“投资中国”活动。我们将继续在境内外开展投资推介、项目对接、政策宣介、主题研讨等活动,将投洽会打造成“投资中国”标志性展会。?

In 2025, MOFCOM will resolutely implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council by intensifying efforts to attract and secure investment. We will focus on the following aspects. ... Second, build brands and hold high-quality “Invest in China” activities. We will continue to host activities such as investment promotion, project matchmaking, policy introduction, and seminars both domestically and internationally, making the China International Fair for Investment and Trade a hallmark event of “Invest in China”.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 23, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 商务部和广西壮族自治区人民政府将于今年7月3日至5日共同举办“深化引进来服务双循环”进博会走进广西活动。本次活动将充分依托广西独特的区位优势、产业特点和民族特色,针对性地邀请进博会参展商、投促机构和跨国公司。同时,还将丰富活动内容,通过举办经贸投资推介会和重点产业专题对接会等活动,助力广西扩大对内对外开放。?

From July 3 to 5 this year [2024], MOFCOM and the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region will co-host the local CIIE roadshow in Guangxi under the theme of “further attracting investment for dual circulation”. The roadshow will take into account Guangxi’s unique advantages in location, industries and ethnic culture and invite exhibitors, investment promotion agencies and multinational companies in a targeted manner. In the meantime, various events will be held such as investment promotions and matchmaking meetings for key industries with a view to helping Guangxi opening up wider to the domestic and international market.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_June 27, 2024)?

?? 今年4月1日至3日,商务部和重庆市人民政府将共同举办“深化引进来 服务双循环”进博会走进重庆活动。这是今年进博会走进地方的首场活动,也是“投资中国”品牌活动的重要组成。本次活动将拓展参会企业范围,充分依托重庆市的区位优势、资源禀赋和产业特点,更有针对性地邀请进博会参展商、投促机构和跨国公司参加。同时,将丰富活动内容,举办外资企业圆桌会、经贸投资推介会和专题产业投资对接会等活动,进一步释放进博会溢出效应,推动更多“展品变商品、展商变投资商”,助力成渝地区双城经济圈建设。?

From April 1 to 3 [2024], MOFCOM and the People’s Government of Chongqing Municipality will co-host CIIE in Chongqing: To Boost Dual Circulation by Introducing More Foreign Investment, the first provincial CIIE promotion event this year and an important part of the Invest in China brand. This event will engage a greater variety of businesses, fully utilize Chongqing’s unique position, resource endowment and featured industries, and invite CIIE participants, investment promotion agencies and multinational companies in a more targeted manner. The event will include diverse activities, including roundtables for FIEs, investment promotion sessions and special matchmaking fairs. The event will magnify the CIIE’s spillovers, turn more exhibits into merchandise and more exhibitors into investors, and boost development of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic zone.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_March 21, 2024)

  • 项目对接? [xiàng mù duì jiē]? project matchmaking:?

Event quote:

2025年,商务部将坚决贯彻落实党中央、国务院部署,加大引资稳资力度,重点开展以下工作: ... 二是打造品牌,高质量办好“投资中国”活动。我们将继续在境内外开展投资推介、项目对接、政策宣介、主题研讨等活动,将投洽会打造成“投资中国”标志性展会。?

In 2025, MOFCOM will resolutely implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council by intensifying efforts to attract and secure investment. We will focus on the following aspects. ... Second, build brands and hold high-quality “Invest in China” activities. We will continue to host activities such as investment promotion, project matchmaking, policy introduction, and seminars both domestically and internationally, making the China International Fair for Investment and Trade a hallmark event of “Invest in China”.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 23, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 各地创新方式加强外资促进服务,加大招商引资和项目对接力度.?

Across all localities, new approaches were developed to strengthen services for promoting foreign investment, and greater efforts were made to attract foreign investment and facilitate project implementation.? 政府工作报告_2023?

?? 在专业化方面,本届投洽会围绕投资促进、产业创新、项目资本对接三大板块,布展12万平方米,设置了13个专业展区。其中,创新设置2.6万平方米项目资本对接馆和中国投资热点城市展区,搭建地方政府与外资企业、项目与资本高效对接平台,大会期间将举办30多场投资洽谈及项目对接会,近1000个项目进行路演。?

In terms of specialization, this CIFIT offers 120,000 square meters of exhibition and 13 professional exhibition areas around three sections: investment promotion, industrial innovation and project-investor matchmaking. Among them, an area of 26,000 square meters for project-investor matchmaking and an exhibition area of China's popular investment destinations are established in an innovative manner, and an efficient matchmaking platform for local governments and foreign-invested enterprises, projects and investors are built. During the event, more than 30 investment and project matchmaking events will be held, and roadshows will be hosted for around 1,000 projects.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 8, 2022)?

?? 双方商定加强政策、产业和项目对接,进一步深化能源矿产、农林开发、工业制造、信息通信等领域上下游合作,推动互设机电等类型产业园区,提升基础设施软硬件联通水平,促进产业链供应链深度融合。?

Both sides [China and Russia] agreed to enhance coordination on policies, industrial development and projects, advance cooperation on upstream and downstream industries in areas of, among others, energy and mining, agricultural and forestry development, industrial manufacturing and information communication. The two countries will set up industrial parks for mechanical and electric products, shore up connectivity of infrastructure software and hardware, and push for further integration of industrial and supply chains.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_December 2, 2021)?

?? 加强政策沟通和项目对接,支持企业在清洁能源、节能环保、传统能效提升等领域开展合作,强化双边合作绿色赋能。?

The two sides [China and Russia] agreed to strengthen cooperation in areas such as 5G, artificial intelligence, big data and smart cities, strengthen policy coordination and project matchmaking, support enterprises to cooperate in the fields of clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, and efficiency improvement for traditional energies, and strengthen bilateral cooperation and green empowerment.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_September 30 2021)

  • 政府采购? [zhèng fǔ cǎi gòu]? government procurement:?

Event quote:

2025年,商务部将坚决贯彻落实党中央、国务院部署,加大引资稳资力度,重点开展以下工作: ... 三是强化服务,营造一流营商环境。我们将增强外资企业圆桌会选题的专业性和针对性,聚焦企业关注,解决企业诉求。我们一视同仁支持内外资企业参与大规模设备更新、消费品以旧换新、政府采购、招投标等活动,为外资企业提供公平竞争环境。?

In 2025, MOFCOM will resolutely implement the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council by intensifying efforts to attract and secure investment. We will focus on the following aspects. ... Third, improve services and build a top-notch business environment. We will select more specified and targeted topics for the roundtable meetings for foreign-invested enterprises, focusing on their concerns and addressing their requests. We ensure equal participation for domestic and foreign enterprises in large-scale equipment upgrades, trade-ins of consumer goods, government procurement, and invitation and submission of bids, providing a fair competition environment for foreign-invested enterprises.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_January 23, 2025)?

Previous PRC history of the term:

?? 落实好外资企业国民待遇,保障依法平等参与政府采购、招标投标、标准制定,推动解决数据跨境流动等问题。?

We will ensure national treatment for foreign-funded enterprises and see that they can participate in government procurement, bidding, and standard-setting processes in accordance with the law and on an equal footing. Steps will be taken to resolve issues such as cross-border flows of data.? (政府工作报告_2024)?

?? 主动对照国际高标准经贸规则,深入推进跨境服务贸易和投资高水平开放,扩大数字产品等市场准入,深化国有企业、数字经济、知识产权、政府采购等领域改革。?

In light of international high-standard economic and trade rules, we will further advance high-standard opening up in cross-border service trade and investment, expand market access for digital and other products, and deepen reform in areas including the state-owned enterprises, digital economy, intellectual property and government procurement.? (Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony Of the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation [2023.10.18])?

?? 各部门积极回应外资企业来华营商便利等诉求,出台一系列政策措施,包括保障内外资平等参与政府采购、延长外籍个人所得税减免政策等,稳定了外商投资预期和信心。?

In response to the call for an easy business environment from FIEs, departments concerned have introduced a range of policies and measures, including by enabling their equal participation in government procurement and extending the individual income tax exemption for foreign nationals, providing greater predictability and confidence to FIEs.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_May 19, 2022)?

?? 去年,有关部门针对外资企业突出关切,在保障内外资平等参与政府采购、支持外资研发中心享受科技创新进口税收优惠政策、外籍个人所得税减免等方面出台了一系列专项政策措施,特别是修订发布新版外资准入负面清单,进一步放开汽车制造等领域外资股比限制,有效稳定了外资企业发展预期,有力带动了引资规模增长。?

Last year, in response to outstanding concerns of foreign-invested companies, the relevant departments introduced a series of special policies and measures on ensuring the equal participation of domestic and foreign investors in government procurement, supporting foreign R&D centers in enjoying preferential tax policies for the import of scientific and technological innovation, and reducing and exempting personal income tax for foreign individuals, particularly on revising and releasing the new negative list of foreign investment access, and further easing the restrictions on foreign ownership in automobile manufacturing and other sectors, effectively keeping the development expectations of foreign-invested enterprises stable and promoting the strong growth of foreign investment.? (MOFCOM Regular Press Conference_March 17, 2022)

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