On-time rent payments improve in September, WFH key driver of price growth during pandemic, and the top markets for large multifamily investment.
Chandan Economics
Economic Advisors and Data Scientists to the Real Estate Industry
Chandan Research Team
The September 2022 Independent Landlord Rental Performance Report showed an improvement in on-time rental payments between August and September,?remaining at healthy levels and standing a few percentage points higher than where they were at this time last year.
Arbor Realty Trust
In an otherwise uneven economic environment, multifamily real estate and other investment classes adept at absorbing inflationary pressures have outperformed the rest. Within the surging multifamily sector, certain markets shined brightly this year. The 2022 Arbor Realty Trust Large Multifamily Opportunity Matrix highlights the top 50 U.S. metros for investment.
Arbor Realty Trust
In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, investors scooped up large portfolios of distressed single-family homes, kicking off a wave of institutional investment that has continued through today. However, as the housing market recovered, investors building portfolios of single-family rental (SFR) assets faced stiffer buyer competition. As a result, new construction has enabled the single-family rental sector to grow at scale.
SVN Research
Analysis of the Fed's latest interest rate hike and economic forecast for the end of 2022, a look at how WFH is driving housing demand, and how Life Sciences is creating opportunities in the Office market.
Sources used in our research that are worth the read
US Census Bureau
According to?U.S. Census Bureau’s new construction price index?for single-family properties, costs were up 16.8% from one year ago, as of July 2022. Between 1965 and 2020, single-family construction prices never grew by more than 15% annually. Since November 2021, price growth has registered above 15% in every month.
Globe St.
Property tracking by Zumper shows that the median apartment rent has decreased for the first time in almost two years, with more than half of the markets tracked by the firm showing month-over-month declines in the average one-bedroom rent.