On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO

1. intro

A seo strategy is as much about understanding your content and the way it’s read as it is about finding the right keywords, optimizing pages for search and ranking, paying for ads, optimizing landing pages and getting people to click on them.

A good seo strategy depends on a lot of different factors. It’s not just about how you structure your site and how you build it; it’s also about how you position yourself in search results. The more relevant you are in terms of what your users want to find, the more likely they will click on a link pointing to your site.

2. on-page seo techniques

On-page seo is a term that has been around for quite a while, yet it has gained considerable traction in recent months (at least according to the search engines). As Google goes and shows us what “ranking” means, we can see that on-page seo is becoming increasingly important.

Ask yourself: if I wanted to rank for something, what would be the most effective way of doing it? And then ask yourself: if I wanted to rank something, how would I go about doing it? If this isn’t self-evident to you then you should take some time to think about it.

If you were not aware of this fact before, now you are. On-page seo is no longer just an afterthought but one of the most important things your company needs to do.

If your product is a social media platform, then you need to be in on-page as well as off-page SEO. If it’s a blog or news site then you need to be in on-page and off-page too (both for links and for content). If your business depends on word of mouth advertising, then social media marketing is going to have a large impact on your results.

If your business depends on online sales leads or conversions from leads into customers, then social media marketing will have an even larger impact (as both of these metrics are affected by engagement rates). Let’s not forget about the direct connection between social media and sales leads — which means that when you are trying to make new customers for your business, making broad outreach via social media channels can be critical.

And so on…

One thing that I think many people get wrong in thinking about social media is how much they are using it. For example: “Well really we use Facebook all day long” – No! Don’t tell me it’s just because Facebook makes money from advertising! That argument misses the mark completely! When people use Facebook they don’t use Facebook all day long; they use Facebook at different times during the day — usually when they are first getting up and when they are working or getting ready for work. As time goes by these different uses become more habitual; but remember that there will always be other occasions when people use Facebook more than others do at any given time (and therefore it would make sense if we were using Facebook more than others). So if someone tells

3. elements of a good site

There are many elements of a good site, but one of them is the seo. The seo is the process of making a website more relevant to users, as well as more useful to them.

A lot has been written about seo already, so I will only cover a very small subset of what’s out there:

? Google's core algorithm updates change how people use search and thus how we should optimize our sites to make sure they don't get penalized for those changes (I think this is on the right track).

? User-friendly user interface design (I think this is on the right track too)

? UX aspects like responsive design (I think this is on the right track too)

? Essentialy, having a clear value proposition that resonates with your audience (if you don’t have one you shouldn’t bother optimizing your site at all)

What isn’t communicated enough:

? The value proposition should be simple and clear enough to convince people to use it. If it isn't than Google won’t use it either. This can be done by using straightforward language and images or by providing a value which makes sense for them (e.g., “There's no better way to relax than by taking a trip with me, because I'll set you up with my travel buddy who knows exactly how much time you need for the trip... )" etc.)

? The performance of your site should be consistent and predictable — if not optimized then you might find yourself getting penalized for minor errors in your site design which shouldn’t get penalized at all. There are plenty of great tools out there that make it very easy to check these things out — just look in Google's documentation if you have questions about any aspect of SEO/SEM/etc.).

4. how to tell if your site has been hacked

If you’ve been here before, you’ve probably heard something like “on-page SEO is the most important part of SEO”. If you haven’t, it’s worth reading up on it.

One of the most frequent claims about “on-page SEO” is that it is “the most important part of SEO”. Even if you are a strong advocate for on-page seo and site rankings, this is false. Ranking for your search terms might be important, but ranking for your keywords (or even just the terms a consumer uses) might not be. The reason for this is twofold:

First there are many factors which influence how well a site ranks (or does not), including things like brand equity, copywriting ability and simply being in the right place at the right time. These things can all contribute to ranking well or badly; therefore, they are not necessarily on-page specific.

Second, even if there were one thing that made on-page seo more important than any other aspect of SEO (which there isn’t), it still wouldn’t necessarily translate into an increase in search engine rankings — because it would depend heavily on all of those other factors as well (copywriting, branding and so forth).

Therefore, while on-page seo matters just as much as any other aspect of online commerce (and in fact may sometimes outweigh all others), measuring its importance is a bit misleading. It doesn’t mean that every page should have keyword rich content to rank for every search term; rather, it means you should measure its importance by how well you do with what you have and give yourself flexibility to scale down your efforts if need be.

Here are some examples:

? If a particular page has very few keywords but ranks highly for many others at the same time (e.g., if the page has a lot of Google+ traffic from people who are interested in sports or fitness), then that page may still merit more effort than say a non-keyword rich page with very little traffic from Google+ users who generally use different search terms than yours.

? If Googlebot visits your site five times per day and crawls content once every few hours and then only accesses pages once each hour or every few days or whatever else happens to be happening during that period — then your site may deserve more efforts than say another

5. how to check for duplicate content

Some webmasters (and even some web designers) realize that duplicate content is a problem at many of their sites and they are trying to pages cleanse or remove it. While it can be difficult to determine exactly where duplicate content is introduced, there are some things that you can look for.

When using tools like the Moz search bar, you may have noticed that the “Find Duplicate Content” link has two different options: ‘Check for duplicates’ and ‘Clear & Tag Duplicate Content’. If you do not know what to do with this information, then you should check out our article on how to check for duplicate content on your website.

Here are a few other things you can consider:

? Does the page load slowly?

? Are pages having issues with loading speed? (For example, if your site loads very slowly in mobile browsers)

? Is there anything that stands out as uncommon in the title/description? (For example, one-off random snippets of text)

? Is there a large amount of images present? (We see this often in low-end themes/plugins)

Of course these can all be things that only a few pages have issues with (as opposed to being common across many sites), but it is still important to do a good job of identifying both problematic and non-problematic pages. If you find yourself always having to check the source code when writing an article or describing an idea, then perhaps your site ends up being too focused on uncovering problems than solving them. In which case perhaps it would be best to start looking at ways of improving the quality/density of content instead of trying to chase down every possible problem — especially when buying SEO services from third parties is becoming so popular! If your site does not load slowly or has slow loading issues likely means either something is wrong with your code or something else is affecting its performance (such as poor hosting). If this happens often enough we will start asking questions about what might be causing it and whether we should be doing anything differently — we may then have a front-line resource who can help us fix any remaining issues!

6. making the most of the open graph protocol

It’s not something that is usually associated with the startup community, but it is a very powerful technology for sharing and spreading information quickly. The open graph protocol (OGP) uses a network of “graphs” to provide a different kind of sharing mechanism than RSS, Twitter and Facebook. It makes it really simple to share information with people — from photos to links, from texts and other content to events.

The challenge with OGP is that it’s still in its early stages. The first use cases for the protocol were for scientific research, so there are probably far fewer people using it now than when it was initially created. I had the pleasure of attending a talk by Clifford Stoll at WordCamp San Francisco where he discussed the protocol’s first implementation – which was done at Stanford University — and what they learned along the way. In addition, since then they have worked on an open source implementation called GraphQL — which can be used to build web APIs or even simple applications that can be used stand-alone or via RESTful web services (we’ve already seen some examples here).

This is an area in which we could use more entrepreneurs who are willing to invest some time, because there are certainly many people interested in exploring how this new technology might be used in their particular businesses (and for all I know other entrepreneurs may want to start using this technology as well). Although I personally haven’t been involved in any startups using this technology yet (I hope I can be!), I believe that many existing businesses will eventually find ways to leverage it and perhaps even develop their own implementations of GraphQL if they haven’t already done so already.

7. using schema mark-up

We’ve all heard about the “on-page SEO” and the “off-page SEO”. We don’t live in a world where nothing is on- or off-page any more, but we do have a lot of confusion around what they really mean.

It’s easy to get caught up in the jargon and not really think through exactly what you are trying to accomplish with your content (although this is a good time to update your blog design!).

The two main things that people mean by on-page seo (aka “SEO”) are:

? Keyword insertion techniques: no, you can’t use keyword insertion techniques for search; it may not be technically legal in some jurisdictions, but it won’t hurt your site or link building efforts.

? Link building optimization: yes; this is another one of those things which is technically legal in some jurisdictions, but frankly doesn’t really matter. In our case, we are using link building as […]

8. link building strategies that actually work

I’ve seen many people write about link building in the article “First, let me say this: I am in no way qualified to teach you how to build a website.”

I don’t agree. I can teach you a lot about how to build a website, but I also know that it is not the one and only thing that matters! Other aspects of your site like user experience and content marketing, content strategy, use of social media (facebook, twitter), user experience, etc., are just as important as the website itself. The best way to bring organic traffic to your site is by helping people find it. Not through building links (which can be done by anyone).

That said, I would like to show some example on-page SEO strategies which actually work for small websites and are quite popular among web marketers. Those strategies include:

? Using Content Marketing as an On-Page SEO Strategy

? Using Keyword Research as an On-Page SEO Strategy

? Pagination Approach as an On-Page SEO Strategy

? Positioning As an On-Page SEO Strategy


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