On-Page SEO Factors: You Need To Rank On The First Page
Have you considered all important on-page SEO factors while were you optimizing your website for SEO purpose?
Did you use your main keyword in the URL? Did you use heading tags in your content?
That’s the common on-page SEO best practices they want you to follow when you ask so called SEO experts “how to rank my website top in Google?” Isn’t it?
If I were them, I would advise the same.
You should pay attention to the all important on-page SEO factors.
But before we step ahead of you must know…
What are those on-page SEO techniques and why you need them?
On-page SEO factors are the elements that Google’s spider bot looks for when optimizing a website. The more elements it got, the more value it provides to that website in the search results.
You probably already know that Google uses around 200 ranking factorsin their algorithm to rank a website.
Therefore, it is understood to get confused to pick the best on-page SEO elements from them.
Let me tell you a secret…
You don’t need to focus on all 200 on-page SEO factors.
You can rank your website in the search results with a couple of important on-page SEO elements if implemented those right.
In today’s post, you will learn about all those important on-page SEO factors that will get you more search engine traffic from every piece of content that you publish:
1. Make your URLs SEO-friendly
Google’s Matt Cutts stated in an interview that keyword in URL “does help in ranking.”
Use your target keyword in first 3-5 words for more exposure.
In other words:
Don’t create complicated URL: www.growwithweb.com/p=123?5755
Avoid long URL like this: www.growwithweb.com/25/1/2017/on-page-seo-factors-that-will-improve-search-engine-ranking/
Instead keep it short and sweet.
The reason to use a keyword in URL is, it sends a clear message to the users to what is the page about before even they click on it.
2. Use your target keyword in the Title
A title is one of the most important SEO factors that Google gives attention.
Every blog post or web page you create should contain your target keyword in it.
The reason to do this, whenever someone searches for that keyword in the Google, it appears in the search results, and they know what the page about is.
In short, the closer your keyword will be at the beginning of the title, the more attention it will get from Google.
Here is how to do it:
Wrong- How to use Twitter for business and build strategy that never fails
Right – Twitter for Business: How To Build Strategy That Never Fails
Pro Tip – Try to write your title within 65 characters. Google truncates characters that exceed more than 65.
3. Add Modifiers To Your Title
Don’t get confused with word Modifiers it’s not new for you; you have already seen it thousands of times.
In SEO, modifiers are the words like “best,” “offers,” “buy,” “cheap,” “2000-2017,” “reviews,” and more.
The reason behind using modifiers are it quickly give users a clear idea what they are expecting from the search results.
User loves to search their query in the search engines using modifiers. If your title contains those modifiers chance are you will get on their radar.
For example- the following web page may have the title:
Adjustable dumbells – Fitness Point
Improve this further by including the modifier ‘cheap‘ and ‘Delhi.’
Cheap Adjustable dumbells in Delhi – Fitness Point
You see the above title sends a clear message to the users that the page is about cheap adjustable dumbells and the location you can find them in Delhi. [Continue reading...]