On-Page Optimization Start Up Of Web Promotion
In modern business environment, just having a features loaded website is not enough. We need to promote it on popular search engines also, if we want to be in front row of trade leaders. The business results are directly proportional to visibility of website in search results; Good page rank ensures better business. To hit the planned business targets, we need to optimize the site with latest tricks.
Numbers of tricks are applied for website promotion. These can be divided in to two groups- off page and on page. On page optimization is the very first step of any SEO plan.
What Is On Page Optimization?
On page optimization (OPO) is the set of numbers of tricks, which are applied upon the web pages and different structural parameters. Thorough attention should be paid towards it even at creation stage. It is one time exercise. Once we set the structural parameters rightly, we start off page optimization activities.
On Page Optimization Tricks Loved By Search Engines
1) Content of site: It is the most essential portion of a website which makes it recognized for the search engines. Quality content draws the attention of crawling spiders of search engines. It mainly includes web page text, graphics, sounds and videos etc.
2) Meta Tags: Meta tags are the summarized data about the information available on the site. Meta tags help the search engines to sense the information quickly.
3) Title tags: These include the title for a given website related to the theme or the purpose for which the site has been made.
4) Headings: A specific heading is required for every webpage. H1 (Heading 1) is important part of web content; it should be unique for every page. Free website testing tools are available for this purpose.
5) Page URL: URL should be created with keywords. It should not be too long but must be explaining about the website. Urls with “?”, “=.” Or “&” are not liked by search engines and users both. Use of sub-domains should be avoided. Use of uppercase letters is not advisable. Dashes are better to be used than using underscores.
6) Anchor Texts: Anchor text formation helps to develop hyperlink. Search engines use the anchor text to sense the subject or information available on the linked page. Anchor texts must compliment the linked web page content.
7) Site map: A site map link on each page is really helpful for on page optimization.
Different people have different perspective regarding the various elements that are of utmost importance in optimizing of web pages. Some believe that keyword research is an important aspect and a lot of attention should be given to it. Others feel that linking architecture such as internal links, outer links, design of site, etc. are the important factors for optimization. One thing is quite clear, just one SEO category i.e. on page or off page can’t deliver expected results within set time frame. We need the right blend of both but on page SEO is the start up.