On-line Only Half The Equation As On-line Can Only Be Accessed On-Screen!

WCAG 2.1 Website Colour Contrast Validation for mitigating vision stress, eye-strain, CVS or Screen Fatigue accessing e-learning material on-line but, are they, those responsible for "Accessibility Statements in Education", in compliance with current legislation or regulations forgetting something like, you know, the only way to access the wonderful e-learning material just how accessible is the "user / operator-equipment interface", the Display Screen itself ?

ISO 30071.1 maybe little known as an International Accessibility Standard yet, it complements the WCAG Accessibility Standards for everyone's Display Screen Equipment / devices enabling not just the mitigation of visual repetitive stress injuries but, rehabilitating the very stress related visual adaptations caused by over-exposure to the standard, out of the box DSE, with bright white background or contrast to text, presenting in visual suppression or myopia, diagnosed as a common astigmatism resulting in asthenopia, deficits in 3D binocular vision exhibited in blurred or worse debilitating double vision simply disabling Access to Text.

As, so many returning to maybe a Hybrid education, increasingly proposed by many employers putting off a return to the workplace until sometime in 2022, significantly more age diverse children in education will be mirroring the prolonged periods on-screen of their parents WFH if they are not already.

So, just how many educational institutions are ready for this and how many are actually compliant with their Accessibility Statements and have the capacity to enable "Literacy for ALL"?



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