On-lending, growth belts, and soft connectivity
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from recent speeches by Xi Jinping
Recent quote:
泰国有句谚语:“撒什么种子结什么果。”我们已经共同播下布特拉加亚愿景的种子,应该精心栽培、共同呵护,培育亚太共同发展的繁荣之花!?As a Thai proverb goes, "You reap what you sow."
We have jointly sown the seed of the Putrajaya Vision. It is time for us to cultivate, nurture, and foster the blossoming flower of common development of the Asia-Pacific!?
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting_ Shouldering Responsibility and Working Together_2022_11_18)
Previous PRC history of the term:
- ??。。。 打造更高水平的开放格局。我们要深化亚太经合组织框架内合作,推进亚太自由贸易区进程,落实布特拉加亚愿景。要全面深入参与世贸组织改革,推动《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》、《全面与进步跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》、《数字经济伙伴关系协定》相互衔接,构建开放型亚太经济。
?... we should pursue higher-level opening-up. We need to deepen cooperation within the APEC framework, advance the building of a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific and implement the Putrajaya Vision. We need to engage fully and deeply in the reform of the World Trade Organization, achieve better alignment among the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, and build an open Asia-Pacific economy.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)
- 我讲过,当高楼大厦在中国大地上遍地林立时,中华民族精神的大厦也应该巍然耸立。?
I have often said that we should not only have towering buildings across China. More importantly, we should build a huge mansion, one of powerful inspiration, for the Chinese nation.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)
Recent quote:
- 我们的共同富裕,是要更好满足人民美好生活需要,逐步实现整体富裕、普遍富裕,坚持市场和政府相结合、效率和公平相统一,在做大蛋糕的同时分好蛋糕,打造橄榄型分配结构。?
The common prosperity we have in mind aims to better meet people's needs for a better life. It aims to achieve, over time, overall prosperity and prosperity for all. We will leverage the role of both the market and the government and ensure both performance and fairness. We will make the pie bigger and share it fairly, and build an olive-shaped structure of income distribution.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)
Recent quote:
- 历史反复证明,开放包容、合作共赢才是人间正道。?
History has proven time and again that only openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation is the right way forward for humanity.
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting_ Shouldering Responsibility and Working Together_2022_11_18)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 中国坚持对话协商,推动建设一个持久和平的世界;坚持共建共享,推动建设一个普-遍安全的世界;坚持合作共嬴,推动建设一个共同繁荣的世界;坚持交流互鉴,推动建设一个开放包容的世界;坚持绿色低碳,推动建设一个清洁美丽的世界。?
China is committed to building a world of lasting peace through dialogue and consultation, a world of universal security through collaboration and shared benefits, a world of common prosperity through mutually beneficial cooperation, an open and inclusive world through exchanges and mutual learning, and a clean and beautiful world through green and low-carbon development.?
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 20th National Party Congress_2022_10_16)?
- 中方一贯秉持相互尊重、平等互利、合作共赢、开放包容理念,在尊重彼此需求和利益基础上同拉美和加勒比国家开展各领域合作,不附加任何政治条件,更不会“画大饼”,而是说到做到,真心实意地为双方人民带来了实实在在的好处。?
China has always pursued cooperation in a wide range of areas with Latin American and Caribbean countries in line with the principles of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, openness and inclusiveness and on the basis of respecting each other’s needs and interests. We do not attach any political strings to such cooperation, nor do we make empty promises to these countries. We have honored our words and brought tangible benefits to the people of both sides.?
(Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 29, 2022)?
- 大会将弘扬全人类共同价值,推动建设持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁荣、开放包容、清洁美丽的世界等内容写入党章,这有利于推动构建人类命运共同体、引领人类进步潮流。?
The Congress [20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China] agrees to include in the Party Constitution statements on holding dear humanity’s shared values and advancing the building of an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity, etc. These revisions reaffirm the Party’s commitment to promoting the building of a human community with a shared future, and leading the tide of human progress.?
(Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on October 25, 2022)?
- 坚持开放包容。主张不同国家、不同民族、不同文化和谐共处、互学互鉴,倡导文明对话、求同存异,愿同更多志同道合的国家和国际组织建立伙伴关系和发展互利合作。?
Openness and inclusiveness. We stand for harmonious coexistence and mutual learning between different countries, nations and cultures, dialogue between civilizations and seeking common ground while shelving differences. We are ready to establish partnership and develop win-win cooperation with other countries and international organizations that share our vision.?
(Xi_Jinping_Ride on the Trend of the Times and Enhance Solidarity and Cooperation to Embrace a Better Future_Statement at the 22nd Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of The Shanghai Cooperation Organization_2022_09_16)
- ... 实现更高层次的互联互通。我们要以亚太经合组织互联互通蓝图为指引,有序推动硬件联接、软件对接、人员往来。中国将积极推进共建“一带一路”同各方发展战略对接,共同打造高质量亚太互联互通网络。?
Fourth, we should strive for higher-standard connectivity. We should, guided by the APEC Connectivity Blueprint, boost hard and soft connectivity and exchange of personnel in a well-ordered way. China will actively enhance the complementarity between the Belt and Road Initiative and the development strategies of other parties to jointly build a high-quality Asia-Pacific connectivity network.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)
Recent quote:
- 我们应该坚持共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,尊重各国主权、领土完整,不干涉别国内政,尊重各国人民自主选择的发展道路和社会制度,重视各国合理安全关切,通过对话协商以和平方式解决国家间的分歧和争端。?
We should always assume the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. No one should interfere in other countries' internal affairs, and everyone should respect the development path and social system chosen independently by the people of each country. We should take seriously the legitimate security concerns of every country, and promote peaceful settlement of differences and disputes among countries through dialogue and consultation.?
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting_ Shouldering Responsibility and Working Together_2022_11_18)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 中国尊重各国主权和领土完整,坚持国家不分大小、强弱、贫富一律平等,尊重各国人民自主选择的发展道路和社会制度,坚决反对一切形式的霸权主义和强权政治,反对冷战思维,反对于涉别国内政,反对摘双重标准。?
China respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. It stays true to the principle of equality of all countries big or small, strong or weak, and rich or poor, and it respects the development paths and social systems independently chosen by all the world's peoples. China stands firmly against all forms of hegemonism and power politics, the Cold War mentality, interference in other countries' internal affairs, and double standards.?
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 20th National Party Congress_2022_10_16)?
- 中国一贯主张尊重各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利,坚决反对对他国实施单边制裁,坚定支持古巴人民维护自身生存权和发展权,支持古方维护主权、反对封锁的正义斗争。?
China always stands for respecting countries’ right to independently choose their social system and development path, firmly opposes unilateral sanctions imposed on countries, firmly supports the Cuban people in upholding their right to subsistence and development, and supports Cuba’s just cause of defending sovereignty and opposing embargo.?
(Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 5, 2022)?
- 作为两个社会制度不同的国家,中美之间有分歧有矛盾在所难免,关键是要通过坦诚沟通加以有效管控,防止战略误判,避免冲突对抗。?
As two countries with different social systems, China and the United States naturally have differences and disagreements. What matters most is to manage them effectively through candid communication to prevent strategic miscalculation and avoid conflict and confrontation.?
(Wang_Yi_State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi Meets the Press_2021_03_07)?
- 世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶,也没有完全相同的历史文化和社会制度。各国历史文化和社会制度各有千秋,没有高低优劣之分,关键在于是否符合本国国情,能否获得人民拥护和支持,能否带来政治稳定、社会进步、民生改善,能否为人类进步事业作出贡献。各国历史文化和社会制度差异自古就存在,是人类文明的内在属性。?
No two leaves in the world are identical, and no histories, cultures or social systems are the same. Each country is unique with its own history, culture and social system, and none is superior to the other. The best criteria are whether a country's history, culture and social system fit its particular situation, enjoy people's support, serve to deliver political stability, social progress and better lives, and contribute to human progress. The different histories, cultures and social systems are as old as human societies, and they are the inherent features of human civilization.?
(Xi_Jinping_Address at the World Economic Forum Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda_ 习近平在世界经济论坛“达沃斯议程”对话会上的特别致辞 _2021_01_25)
Recent quote:
- ... 坚持以人民为中心的发展理念。我们要注重在经济发展中保障民生,照顾弱势群体诉求,解决收入差距问题,培育包容性发展环境。?
... we should take a people-centered development approach. We need to ensure people's well-being through economic development, meet the needs of vulnerable groups, narrow the income gap and foster an inclusive environment for development.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 中国还有应对气候变化、收入差距、债务等众多问题,这些都需要我们在中长期过程中,包括今年有力地应对。?
China is still faced with a series of challenges, such as climate change, income gap, and debt. We need to forcefully respond to them this year and in a medium-to-long run.?
(Premier Li Keqiang Meets the Press_李克强总理出席记者会并回答中外记者提问_2022_03_11)?
- 《建议》和《纲要》在公平分享发展成果上进行重点突破,主要包括增加公共服务供给、实施脱贫攻坚工程、提高教育质量、促进教育公平、促进就业创业、缩小收入差距、建立更加公平更可持续的社会保障制度、推进健康中国建设、促进人口均衡发展。?
China has made breakthroughs in equal access to the fruits of development, mainly in increasing the supply of public services, carrying out poverty eradication programs, enhancing the quality of education, granting equal access to educational resources, promoting employment and entrepreneurship, bridging the income gap, establishing a fairer and more sustainable social security system, enhancing public health and fitness, and strengthening the balanced development of the people.?
(White_Paper_Right to Development_China's Philosophy, Practice and Contribution_《发展权_中国的理念、实践与贡献》_2016年12_01)?
- 居民收入增长快于经济增长,城乡收入差距持续缩小。?
Personal income increased faster than economic growth, and the urban-rural income gap was narrowed.?政府工作报告_2016?完善收入分配制度,缩小收入差距,提高中等收入人口比重。?We need to improve the income distribution system, reduce the income gap, and increase the proportion of the middle-income group in the whole populace.?
Recent quote:
- 开放带来进步,封闭必然落后。阻滞甚至拆解亚太地区长期形成的产业链供应链,只会使亚太经济合作走入“死胡同”。?
Openness brings progress while closing the door can only leave one behind. Any attempt to disrupt or even dismantle the industrial and supply chains formed in the Asia-Pacific over many years will only lead Asia-Pacific economic cooperation to a dead end.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 一个分裂的世界无法应对人类面临的共同挑战,对抗将把人类引入死胡同。?
We cannot tackle common challenges in a divided world, and confrontation will lead us to a dead end.?
(Xi_Jinping_Address at the World Economic Forum Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda_ 习近平在世界经济论坛“达沃斯议程”对话会上的特别致辞 _2021_01_25)
- 在经济全球化深入发展的今天,弱肉强食、赢者通吃是一条越走越窄的死胡同,包容普惠、互利共赢才是越走越宽的人间正道。
?In a world of deepening economic globalization, practices of the law of the jungle and winner-takes-all only represent a dead end. Inclusive growth for all is surely the right way forward.?
(Xi_Jinping_Work Together for an Open Global Economy That is Innovative and Inclusive_ 共建创新包容的开放型世界经济_2018年11月5日)
Recent quote:
- 每个国家都想过上好日子,现代化不是哪个国家的特权。?
Every nation aspires for a better life, and modernization is not a privilege reserved for any single country.?
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Session I of the 17th G20 Summit_Working Together to Meet the Challenges of Our Times and Build a Better Future_2022_11_15)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 中国将坚定不移走和平发展道路,坚定不移深化改革、扩大开放,坚定不移以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴。?
China will stay committed to the path of peaceful development, stay committed to deepening reform and opening-up, and stay committed to promoting national rejuvenation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization.?
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Session I of the 17th G20 Summit_Working Together to Meet the Challenges of Our Times and Build a Better Future_2022_11_15)?
- 一个不断走向现代化的中国,必将为世界提供更多机遇,为国际合作注入更强动力,为全人类进步作出更大贡献!?
A China marching toward modernization will bring more opportunities to the world, inject stronger momentum for international cooperation, and make greater contribution to human progress!?
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Session I of the 17th G20 Summit_Working Together to Meet the Challenges of Our Times and Build a Better Future_2022_11_15)
Recent quote:
- ... 实现更高层次的互联互通。我们要以亚太经合组织互联互通蓝图为指引,有序推动硬件联接、软件对接、人员往来。中国将积极推进共建“一带一路”同各方发展战略对接,共同打造高质量亚太互联互通网络。?
Fourth, we should strive for higher-standard connectivity. We should, guided by the APEC Connectivity Blueprint, boost hard and soft connectivity and exchange of personnel in a well-ordered way. China will actively enhance the complementarity between the Belt and Road Initiative and the development strategies of other parties to jointly build a high-quality Asia-Pacific connectivity network.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 去年,我们在北京通过了亚太经合组织互联互通蓝图,要抓好落实,取得实实在在的效果。“道虽迩,不行不至;事虽小,不为不成。”任何蓝图都不会自动变为现实,实现上述目标,需要亚太各成员携手并肩、共同努力。我们要加强政策对话和协调,以亚太经合组织为平台,着力形成合力。要坚持以发展为中心,全力营造有利于发展的和平环境,决不让任何事情干扰亚太发展进程。?
Last year [2014], we adopted in Beijing the APEC Connectivity Blueprint, which needs to be earnestly followed through for tangible results. "Even the shortest journey can't be finished without taking the first step. Even the most trivial task can't be completed without taking actions." No blueprint will just automatically come true. When it comes to realizing the goals we set, all APEC members need to work hand in hand. We must step up policy dialogue and coordination and use APEC as a platform to create synergy. We must focus on development, spare no effort in fostering an environment of peace conducive to development and never allow anything to disrupt the Asia-Pacific development process.?
(Xi_Jinping_The Leading Role of the Asia-Pacific In Meeting Global Economic Challenges_发挥亚太引领作用应对世界经济挑战_2015_11_25)
Recent quote:
- 亚太是我们安身立命之所,也是全球经济增长动力之源。过去几十年,亚太区域经济合作蓬勃发展,创造了举世瞩目的“亚太奇迹”,亚太合作早已深入人心。?
The Asia-Pacific is our home as well as the powerhouse of global economic growth. Over the past decades, robust economic cooperation in the region has created the "Asia-Pacific miracle" admired across the world. Asia-Pacific cooperation has taken deep roots in the hearts of the people.
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting_ Shouldering Responsibility and Working Together_2022_11_18)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 正是因为摆脱了冷战阴霾,亚太地区特别是中小经济体步入奔向现代化的快车道,“亚太奇迹”才应运而生。?
It is precisely because the Asia-Pacific was freed from the shadow of the Cold War that this region, and particularly its small- and medium-sized economies, have been able to embark on a fast track toward modernization and create the Asia-Pacific miracle.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)?
- “亚太奇迹”是靠大家携手奋斗、爬坡过坎创造的。长期以来,亚太地区秉持大家庭精神,坚持同舟共济、共克时艰,化解各种风险,在世界经济大潮中破浪前行,在合作中形成共同体意识,成为实现不断发展的深厚根基。?
The Asia-Pacific miracle has been created by all of us working hand in hand and overcoming difficulties and obstacles. Over the years, we in the Asia-Pacific have stayed together as one big family. We have met challenges head-on in solidarity, defused various risks and navigated the surging tides of the global economy. Through cooperation, we have forged a sense of community, which has laid a solid foundation for steady progress.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)
亚太世纪?yà tài shì jì?The Asia-Pacific century (i.e., the 21st century)?21世纪是亚太世纪。亚太地区占世界人口三分之一,占世界经济总量逾六成、贸易总量近一半,是全球经济最具活力的增长带。?The 21st century is the Asia-Pacific century. Our region, which accounts for one-third of the world's population, over 60 percent of the global economy and close to half of global trade, is the most dynamic growth belt in the world.?Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17?中国领导人曾经指出,中印两国不发展起来就不是亚洲世纪。真正的亚太世纪或亚洲世纪是要等到中国、印度和其他一些邻国发展起来,才算到来。?As a Chinese leader put it, “Unless China and India are developed, there will be no Asian century. No genuine Asia-Pacific century or Asian century can come until China, India and other neighbouring countries are developed.”?Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 19, 2022
Recent quote:
- 以意识形态划线,搞集团政治和阵营对抗,只会割裂世界,阻碍全球发展和人类进步。?
Drawing ideological lines or promoting group politics and bloc confrontation will only divide the world, and hinder global development and human progress.?(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Session I of the 17th G20 Summit_Working Together to Meet the Challenges of Our Times and Build a Better Future_2022_11_15)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 美方这一报告充斥冷战思维和零和博弈观念,刻意渲染中国“挑战”、地缘冲突和大国竞争,以意识形态划线恶意制造阵营对抗,质疑中国正常军力发展,这是对中美关系的误判和中国发展的误读,与和平发展的时代主题和国际社会的普遍期待背道而驰。?
The report [US National Security Strategy 2022] published by the US side is full of cold war and zero-sum thinking. It deliberately exaggerates the so-called "China challenge", geopolitical conflicts and “great power competition”, maliciously creates bloc confrontation along ideological lines, and questions China's normal military development. This is a misjudgment of China-US relations and a misreading of China's development. It runs counter to the theme of our times for peaceful development and the common expectation of the international community.?
(Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on October 27, 2022)?
- 北约应该停止以意识形态划线,挑动政治对抗,停止试图发起一场新冷战。?
NATO should stop drawing ideological lines, stoking political confrontation, or seeking to start a new Cold War.?
(Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 29, 2022)?
- 同时,我们坚决反对以意识形态划线,在事关第三国主权和安全的问题上采取错误言行,干涉他国内政。
?At the same time, we are firmly opposed to drawing the ideological line and interfering in other countries’ internal affairs with erroneous words and deeds on issues concerning the sovereignty and security of a third country.?
(Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on June 1, 2022)?
- 去年,美国打着“民主”的旗号举办所谓“民主峰会”,将世界上将近一半的国家排除在外,公然以意识形态划线,在世界上制造分裂,这本身就是对民主精神的践踏,再次举办这类峰会更是不得人心。?
Last year [2021], the US held a summit in the name of promoting democracy. Yet the so-called “Summit for Democracy” excluded nearly half of all countries on the planet, blatantly drew an ideological line between countries and created division in the world. The act violated the spirit of democracy. To hold another such summit would receive even less support around the world.?
(Wang_Yi_Press Conference_2022_03_07)
- ... 实现更高层次的互联互通。我们要以亚太经合组织互联互通蓝图为指引,有序推动硬件联接、软件对接、人员往来。中国将积极推进共建“一带一路”同各方发展战略对接,共同打造高质量亚太互联互通网络。?
Fourth, we should strive for higher-standard connectivity. We should, guided by the APEC Connectivity Blueprint, boost hard and soft connectivity and exchange of personnel in a well-ordered way. China will actively enhance the complementarity between the Belt and Road Initiative and the development strategies of other parties to jointly build a high-quality Asia-Pacific connectivity network.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)
Recent quote:
- 21世纪是亚太世纪。亚太地区占世界人口三分之一,占世界经济总量逾六成、贸易总量近一半,是全球经济最具活力的增长带。?
The 21st century is the Asia-Pacific century. Our region, which accounts for one-third of the world's population, over 60 percent of the global economy and close to half of global trade, is the most dynamic growth belt in the world.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 中国贸易模式的创新也为世界贸易的增长带来了新的动力。?
China's innovation in trade models has also given new impetus to world trade growth.?
(White_Paper_China and the World Trade Organization_《中国与世界贸易组织》_2018_06_28)?
- 促进区域城乡协调发展,新的增长极增长带加快形成。?
We promoted more balanced development between regions and between rural and urban areas, and saw faster emergence of new growth poles and growth belts.?
Recemt quote:
- 中国古人说:“治国之道,富民为始。中国已经打赢脱贫攻坚战、全面建成小康社会,现在要继续推进全体人民共同富裕。我们的共同富裕,是要更好满足人民美好生活需要,逐步实现整体富裕、普遍富裕,坚持市场和政府相结合、效率和公平相统一,在做大蛋糕的同时分好蛋糕,打造橄榄型分配结构。我提出全球发展倡议,就是着眼于解决发展不平衡问题。中国正同100多个国家和国际组织推进倡议落实,推动落实今年全球发展高层对话会成果。中国愿加大对全球发展合作的资源投入,同各方一道构建全球发展共同体。?
As an ancient Chinese historian observed, "Governance is all about enriching the people." China has won the critical battle against poverty and finished building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and it is now continuing its efforts to achieve common prosperity for all. The common prosperity we have in mind aims to better meet people's needs for a better life. It aims to achieve, over time, overall prosperity and prosperity for all. We will leverage the role of both the market and the government and ensure both performance and fairness. We will make the pie bigger and share it fairly, and build an olive-shaped structure of income distribution. I have put forward the Global Development Initiative (GDI) for the very purpose of addressing imbalance in development. China is working with over 100 countries and international organizations to advance the GDI and see that the deliverables promised at this year's High-level Dialogue on Global Development will reach those in need. China stands ready to provide more resources for global development cooperation and work with all other parties to build a global community of development.?
(Xi_Jinping_Written Speech at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit _2022_11_17)
- 中国古人说:“知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。”新形势下,我们要携手构建亚太命运共同体,再创亚太合作新辉煌。?
As an ancient Chinese sage observed, "The wise are free from doubts, the benevolent from anxiety, and the brave from fear." Facing the new circumstances, we must join hands together to build an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future and take Asia-Pacific cooperation to a new height.?
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the 29th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting_ Shouldering Responsibility and Working Together_2022_11_18)
Recent quote:
- 国际货币基金组织要加快落实向低收入国家转借特别提款权进程。?
The IMF should speed up the on-lending of SDRs to low-income countries.?
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Session I of the 17th G20 Summit_Working Together to Meet the Challenges of Our Times and Build a Better Future_2022_11_15)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
- 中国愿从国际货币基金组织增发的特别提款权中拿出100亿美元,转借给非洲国家。?
China is ready to channel to African countries 10 billion US dollars from its share of the IMF's new allocation of Special Drawing Rights.?
(Xi_Jinping_Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation_在中非合作论坛第八届部长级会议开幕式上的主旨演讲_2021_11_29)