On-Demand Insurance for the Modern Day Adventurer
In this interview, Charles Merritt, CEO and Co-Founder of Buddy, shares his insights on what it's like starting from zero and creating on-demand insurance for the modern day adventurer. With a real passion and understanding of the outdoor life, Buddy provides its customers with fast and light solutions so that nothing holds them back.
Keep reading to learn how Charles and Buddy are working to provide the right coverage for the lifestyle athlete so that anyone can fearlessly enjoy an active and outdoor life.
What problem did you set out to solve when founding Buddy?
Our team is made up of people who love to pursue all kinds of outdoor activities. Our founders alone have gear closets that can outfit a small expedition, and my co-founder Jay has a story for every type of outdoor adventures you can think of.
A few years ago, our friends—who we bike, climb, and paddle with—started to send us GoFundMe campaigns after they had an injury. When we tried to figure out why this was happening, we realized that a few macro trends were finally reaching the tipping point, and enough people were now on a high-deductible health insurance plan that an unexpected trip to the ER has a 1 in 2 chance of putting someone in dire financial straits.
We decided to put our heads together and combined our professional experience in online travel, insurance, programming, and marketing to get to work. Because we spend our fair share of time living out of backpacks and trying to set personal bests, we know that the best gear is fast and light, so it was important that our product was designed with those same ethics.
Buddy offers its customers insurance in a matter of minutes and on demand. How have you been able to expedite the insurance process? And what challenges has it induced?
For us, there were two obvious places to tackle to make this kind of on-demand product happen.
First, we started from zero when it came to designing our tech. We’re not bound by legacy systems or large IT infrastructure. We get to use modern best practices for data transfer and storage, which means not only can we quickly handle all of the backend tasks of policy, premium, and customer management, but we can also tailor our architecture to modern customer interfaces in web, mobile, and messaging.
Second, we have awesome partners. Working with the group of folks that we’ve come to know at Lloyd’s of London and State National has definitely changed some of my pre-conceived notions of established players’ willingness to experiment. I think that we’re seeing this broadly across the industry, and I’m lucky that we found the right combination of people who could be a part of our journey.
The challenges have also been real. It’s definitely good to be the first at what we do, but it also means that I get to spend a little extra time explaining that, “No, you don’t need an annual plan!” Our customers are awesome and adventurous, so we tend to connect quickly, which is great.
Where do you see the primary pains and wishes from customers looking for on-demand accident insurance?
The active, outdoor customers we serve have different day-to-day needs, but they’re united in the cultural fabric of the benefits of active lives and fresh air.
Generally, we’re seeing a couple of types of early customer behavior.
One is the regular, who is often competing in seasonal sports or recurring events. We got to know our first batch of these customers out in Arizona. They race in series of bike races or trail runs, and they come back to get covered every weekend that they compete in an event.
The other customer we see is a lifestyle customer, who is constantly active, whether they’re training year-round, commuting by bike, or they have an active family. They understand that an active life is generally healthy, but they want a bit of extra coverage for the unexpected.
How do you envision your company evolving in the future? Do you plan to utilize new emerging technologies or are there other initiatives on the way?
There is so much ahead of us, and I can ramble on for a long time here. Without giving away too much of our secret sauce, we see a world of amazing distribution partners ahead, and we are total gearheads, so we’re constantly playing with the latest and greatest tech and outdoor equipment.
We just launched our Partner API, so one of our main focuses right now is hooking up with the platforms that power active outdoor lives.
What are the key changes you have seen in the industry since you started Buddy?
We are so young that it really feels hard to answer this question. As somewhat of an insurance outsider, I think that some of the newnesses I see may just be me finding new corners of the industry.
I definitely commend many of the NAIC members and state regulators who I’ve come to know for earnest enthusiasm toward innovative products and startup companies. While the process may feel glacial to those of us used to having an idea on a Monday and shipping it on Friday, by and large, the people I’ve met have been very willing to go on the adventure with us.
I have to say that I am also amazed by all of my insurtech peers. The energy among startup teams is palpable right now, and I think that together we’ll all raise the tide of a foundational industry.
You can connect with Buddy through their Linkedin page, website or twitter.