Omnipotent  Psychologist PLAYS WIFE and PATIENTS!

Omnipotent Psychologist PLAYS WIFE and PATIENTS!

Dr. Geist was omnipotent. He was also narcissistic. He was very charming and swept me off my feet. In the beginning he was all over over, liken flies to flypaper dangling in the wind. He would jump the moment I called! He would leave his wife at dinner in a restaurant and rush outside to talk to me on his cell. No different than superman stepping in a phonebooth "to change" We just flirted one Saturday night, as his wife sat at the table all alone. And if that wasn't enough he called me as soon as he got back from the restaurant just to "flirt some more" with me!!!

He did this when they went to friend's for dinner as well. I just had to call and off he flew away from everyone to get some alone time with me! It was never a crisis! It was never important. And I saw him for 5 HOURS A WEEK FOR FREE! He even called me all the time during his summer vacation. One time I knew his wife was walking by because he abruptly out of the blue said "I got to go" and hung up hastily! I couldn't believe when I saw her and she asked me (we had NEVER met before this point) how my colonoscopy went, saying "You know I know, right" I was thrown. First, this is BREAKING HIPPA that his wife Susan Schiff Geist should know ANYTHING about my therapy!!!!! SECOND, WHY WOULD SHE THROW THE FACT THAT SHE KNEW IN MY FACE???? I had never even met her before. It's as if she wanted to let me know that her husband told her EVERYTHING!!!

Eventually he got bored with me after a couple of years. And his wife was complaining about me a lot. He switched gears and completely did a one-eighty on me. He took away my sessions and refused to return phone calls even when I was in a crisis!!! I have a complaint out to the licensing board. He should be stripped of his license!!


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